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mari Mar 2020
If I could love myself the way I love you,
it would all be fine
mari Mar 2020
These momentary pleasures,
they cost a fortune,
they cost all I have

If I can make you smile,
if I can stay just for a little while,
if for a moment you can be mine,
it's all worth it
You're killing me
mari Mar 2020
The memory will never fade,
and when I think about it,
it still makes my heart ache.

„What brings you here, stranger?” she asked.

Her tone was strangely indifferent, she seemed as though she went through this before.  

„I have come to slay a beast.” A wave of regret washed over me.

It was foolish to admit to someone like her, who seemed to hold the place dear.

„There are many beasts here, including you and me.“
„Will you please slay me, then?”
mari Mar 2020
Clouds before the moon again,
as if she had put his hands over her face, leave it, old friend

We are all like that
Can't take it sometimes
mari Mar 2020
She was such a splendid little thing,
to get a glimpse of heaven was to see her smile,
to hear the angels weep was to hear her sing

Her existence was painted with solitude,
yet with joy she would spin,
always dressed in a dress of silk
You're as lovely as it gets
mari Mar 2020
I thought she deserved the best,
that she shouldn't settle for less,
yet she chose me,
nothing but a mess
I wish
mari Mar 2020
My words are scattered all over,
where did all these voices in my head come from?

Why does it feel like they're trying to tear each other apart?

What's this cold and sharp sensation building up inside of me?

My lips are sealed,
and they will always be,
so why?

Why do I feel like screaming at the moon and then drowning in a river underneath its glow?

Let it consume me,
let it wash away all I ever was
I can't think straight around you
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