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nathan sabellini Sep 2012
I was walking through town
when to my surprise i came across something brown,
no it wasn't a tree and neither was it some very moldy Bree
though the smell was similar in fact it was rather peculiar
this thing that was brown was long and round probably weighed about a pound,
this thing that weighed about pound and was long and brown was being feasted on by a billion flies,
in a moment that seemed like an eternity they all looked at me with there 2billion eyes
i was shaken with fear, scared  by that ferocious buzzing that i couldn't bear.
"that sound still keeps me up at night i am haunted by that massive crap"
nathan sabellini Aug 2012
So the world has become a better place, has it?
Has the world become worse? I don't know.
Is the world exactly the same as its always been? probably.
The worlds not perfect but it never has been and it wont ever be, we have good people we have bad people we have good people who are bad and we have bad people that are good its all our own personal view of this strange thing that we call life.
This isn't the greatest poem that's ever been written this isn't even a poem "this is a tribute" to normality and hopefully normality will remain normal.
nathan sabellini Oct 2010
love growing
heart beating
life drifting

love waning
heart breaking
life wasted

dont love
dont break
dont waste
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
To the east it will be windy
the south rainy
the north sunny (makes a change)
and the west well the west has gone,
gone like the love i had for you
i missed you for a day
felt like a lifetime id have to pay
but now im ok
the sun still shines
sure you took everything i ever had my heart my soul my ****** glasses (you dont even need glasses you have perfect vision you was just being difficult :P).

im sitting here and all i have left is my sanity
which on the whole when faced with such odds of adversity id take
and nomatter what happens when i wake in the morning
i know il get through it *** i got through you.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
The tree so big
The tree so large
People use it in charades
If you lived apon a tree
You would see
That you could not see
The life force that shone apon me.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
Men of earth
I give you the power of birth
I sit on your head
Play with your ted
**** in your hedge
And before you can say redge
Il be gone like a bomb that exploded your mom.
nathan sabellini Sep 2010
Its wonderful
it glows in the sunshine
its finer than fine itself
but its true beauty cannot be seen
for its been overshadowed by a willow tree
it brings sadness to me knowing that the lid is all alone by itself
infront of a great big willow tree
but deep down you know you could never move the lid
could never be freinds with the lid
for its beauty is too great and you would fall in love with the lid
you know that your just not good enuf for a lid that good
so you leave the lid all alone not knowing what could of been.
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