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Mohd Arshad Sep 2019
I'm not doing any good for mankind is a deep concern for me, thinking over the future of my own children
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
I hear tears
Like and old leaf
              On the ground

They are snow
          And they live and die in silence
Mohd Arshad Nov 2020
Nobody comes here
The wind sometimes brings me out
The leaves struggle to console me
But they cannot
I too
Only smoke flies inside the room
This is how life
Runs after war
I'm not happy for his patritism
Who is there to love me
Like him
Nobody comes
The smoke doesn't help
Mohd Arshad Mar 2020
I get relief in the house of God
Or in your arms!
Mohd Arshad Mar 2019
You can't
Make your mind free of miseries

You have done nothing special on earth
Mohd Arshad Jun 2017
Write A
And you would understand
Loneliness has nothing to do for a long time....
Mohd Arshad Jul 2020
A heart
Is harder than getting a medal;
Actually heart isn't won
It is filled with feelings
That he feels belongs to him
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Loving everyone
Is keeping
Our minds cool and waves-free.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Believe and go ahead
Doubt and fall down
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
I'm child, young or old
Doesn't matter much to me

It's my age
is enough for me to enjoy it.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Every day
Is beautiful

Don't mistake them for red chillies
For you have to take them

And you know they are inevitable
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Christmas is not a day
It's the joys
Blowing out of every tree
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
It's not in our hands
To change the direction of the clock
But it is in our control
Not to go against its movement
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Adverse circumstances
Are the chilly wind;
It will blow
If it has to do.

Put on your coat and walk
Like a composed man
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Your sin will remain sin

      It's your regret that counts
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The moon is crescent
Not its beauty; God's gallery
Is astonishing....
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The crow knows the beauty of a dove,
Still it sings beauty of its own song....
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
A noble deed
Can bloom anywhere
Be it on the hill,
Amid rocks,
In mucky land
Or between stones.

It has its own distinct beauty
And receives love from the heaven
And mortal eyes.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The city spreads out
Smog and this fine umbrella
Keeps burning fire off.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The most precious
and stupendous thing
that is left
after the annihilation by natural disasters
is the greatest efforts by humans.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Between four soldiers
Flag stands safe; the mughals
Too, protects India.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
What a flower speaks
             Let your tongue utter that

The language of nature is love
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Fog wins over the sun
Not through force but majority
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
In December none
Is so crystal as the moon
When fog is in bed.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Litter swims freely
Men cower and dare to dive
Mute is the Ganga
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Zap away
The the heat
from your tongue.

The soul
Feels its pinch
Though it goes unheeded.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Snowy parapret
Sunset sits and moves away
I cup to hold dribs
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The way the moon makes
Its friends is matchless on earth;
Pearl inspiration.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Full moon at window;
My parrot goes out quickly
To welcome the day........
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
From silver boughs
Snow slipped on my lips

It tasted Christmas

I made it my hangout.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Lust? No issue. Go
For it but with I-would-
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
You can make my sketch,
Someone can tell my story
In a thrilling way,
I might receive thousands of
Praises and sympathies,

But my dream only I know
And only I hear the voice of my heart
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Never grow oversmart
When your voice is to be heard,
Your request is to be respected,
And you expect a burst of excitement
At the fulfilment of your wish.

Simplicity is the dress of the humble,
And the humble is highly honored.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
What should I indite
          For their valorousness?
Words can't cite
        How they fight in duskiness.

Death growls and roars;
           Out of barracks they flow
And forget their shores
           And the beautiful bride's glow.

The children's voice is heard
           When the bullets pierce them;
Like mountaineers in a herd
          They march on, untiring, lame.

They don't stop until it's fate
         Some flowers on their caskets
And profound salute they get
       And their empty names in prints
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
New Year
        the discovery of a new land
Lavish with peace and happiness

It's just a next moment
A step on the same road
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Trust the words, not the person
For he is prone to oscillation.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Are thousands of ways
To feel better
In touch difficult times

But we fail
To explore the easiest one
That is:

Keep doing finer
Correcting the blunders.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Love here
Love there

All are happy everywhere
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
This is
The beauty
of our imperfections
That bind us together,
loving each other
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
It's not the snow waiting for winter
to get an invitation to visit the world

Nor the rain walking on the back of clouds
To shower and help everyone

Love the air
Blowing, blowing, blowing.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Need to love love
For you need it
To lead a happy life
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Love is nectar
That is spooned away
By the softest lips,
Still it is there
For other butterflies.
Love is the sea,
Always bubbling.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
You hold me,
Hug me,
Carry my hands to cafes.

Is it enough
To believe you truly love me?
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
When you compare persons
You lose your value.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
While changing
the clothes
We forget
to rub the dust
Gathered on them
throughout the day.

is on the bottom
of the spring.
Mohd Arshad Jan 2019
Mistakes are unskilled techniques
To find out the best
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The wide bed of snow,
On it the moon rests soundly;
I crave for but can't....
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Behind the green-net
It slids on water like a kid
With no fear- falling.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Even dark sides have
Bright light, serving to our needs;
Negative helpful.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
New Year is to make up for our mistakes
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