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Megan Feb 2016
You have these eyes that are brighter than stars;
I'm certain the key to world peace shines in them if I look deep enough.
Your smile that tugs slightly to the left tugs my heart out my chest.
Your heartbeat is the only beat that I dance to darling.
And I know you don't sing emotions like I do, but even still this poem is for you.
You have these eyes that show your every thought and I love that I get to be the one to read them:) you are lovely and wonderful and such a blessing:) also, you'll probably never read this..  :)
Megan Feb 2016
You've got a storm in your eyes
A fire in your heart
And your fingertips make me
My heart races at the thought of you
  Feb 2016 Megan
Christiana Krump
Hope is a man who
calls me crazy
with laughter in
his eyes and
a shake of his head.

It’s someone who
explains his passions
with joy because
he wants to share
that part of his brain.

It’s the soul that
catches the light
and reminds me
of the sun
on a cloudy day.

It’s the person who
turns tears into
laughter with gentle
words and a smile
like summer sunshowers.

Hope is the man who
I want to plan
stories with and
parties for while
sitting hand in hand.
Megan Sep 2015
I used to think the sun only shone
When you were near.

Well, that's a load of crap.

Lately, it only rains
When you are near.

My eyes have raindrops too.

I loved myself so much more
When you were near.

You were supposed to love me.

Love never used to hurt like this because
You were near.

Why can't it be like it used to be?
Why couldn't you just trust me?
Long distance can work, but it is a two person job. One person, and an passive aggressive, chronically jealous twerp isn't how this is supposed to go. Good lord, why do you have to make me cry every time we speak anymore?
  Jul 2015 Megan
Ann M Johnson
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when my life seems to be dry
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I question why
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I lost the courage to try something new
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I need encouragement then I get it from you
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
to ease some anxiety
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
let my emotions swell
I take to take a dip in the poetry well
while holding paper and a pen
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
where inspiration never ends
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
where I can gather with my friends
This is for All My Hello Poetry Friends!!!!
Thank You so much for your friendship and encouragement!!!
Megan Jul 2015
I am a Christian.
Do not look at me differently,
Do not roll your eyes or scoff.
Do not lump me in with every other Christian
You have ever met
Or heard of.
Do not assume that I am like the Westboro Baptists,
Or that I only believe what I do because of my parents.
Do not question my sanity.
Do not assume you know my views or my reasons,
But please, ask.
Do not suppose I will be extreme,
Or that I live under a rock.
Do not think I am naïve or a saint,
Or that I expect everyone to live
By what I think is right.
Do not presume that I fit your stereotypes, whatever they might be.
Do not take for granted that I have no idea how to have fun.
Do not associate church or my faith with being boring.
Do not suppose that you understand me or the depths of what I believe.

Please just do not assume that because you know one, you know all.
I am a Christian.
Ask me why.
Ask me about my thoughts on the world,
Or on political issues.
I will gladly tell you whatever you’d like to know.
Ask me about the wonderful moments of God I see around me.
Ask me what evidence I have.
Tell me all about what you believe.
Talk to me without reservations or awkwardness.
Ask me what traditions my family has, or how we celebrate holidays.
Ask me what makes me different.
Laugh with me about the children I babysit during Bible study.
Cry with me when someone passes away.
Look with me to see the ways God is working in the world.
Give thanks with me before dinner.
Join me at church one day to see what it’s like for yourself.
Love with me all the lost people in the world.
Love yourself.
I am a Christian.
I did this for a particular writing class, and even though the poem is rough and far from what I am used to, I wanted to put it out there. Please give me your feedback, I want to hear your thoughts!
Megan Dec 2014
All those years we were together,
And I only knew you for a summer.
Poem for an old friend.
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