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turns outt i m full of **** but also i m full of some kind of maths and science
Don't want to stick out
Dumb is the word
I will be secure
as part of the herd

But the hunter is hungry
He makes no sound
His aim is steady
He sends out his hound
To gather his prey
Keeps his nose to the ground
But why butcher me
when others abound?

I don't want to go
where conflicts unfold
Wanna live in my head
Avoid doing what I'm told
alone in the dark
in the fiery cold
I've forsaken my flesh
which once shone like gold
Which once was so bold
is now shrivelled and old

There is a way forward
A spirit renewal
And in time's hands
my flesh will shine like a jewel
For I have suffered
but I learned and now see
my body will recover
using the right remedy
I will again dance
to the tune of a melody
when my soul recovers
and I'm holy and free
Everything will be restored
And I'll be called happy
And my mind will come back to me
In this there is beauty
if I'd been held
like this back then
I wonder who
I'd be today

probably not the one who waited
pushed all other men away

because I was not 'good enough'
because I was afraid to love

it took so long to find someone
because I built so many walls

and through it all
I always hoped
one day I could be understood

deep down
through all my darkest days
I always wanted to be good

if I had never run away
this dream would end

if someone like you
had been there to hold me then
I'm sure we never would have met
Becoming her life
After the hard aches
Brought back
Those inspiring eyes

God gave her a soul with life
Jesus gave her a heart with faith
Parents gave her a home with siblings
I gave her a world with commitment
**** the fens and all they hold
(Which isn't very much).
**** the lack of things to do–
The emptiness and such.

**** the loneliness I feel,
And **** the people too!
**** the lack of anything
There is to be or do.

**** the brown and muddy fields,
And **** the constant rain.
**** the price it costs escaping
Here by bus or train.

**** the way the nightlife ends
At about 1 A.M
**** anyone who disagrees
(Especially **** them!).

**** the lack of places
It would be fun to be,
And– since I'm now a part of it–
I guess also **** me!
I pay homage to fellow poets on this site
Writing keeps me occupied at night
I appreciate their dignity and corrections
Poetry is an contrasting art of perfections

Showing us new styles and types of rhyme
While keeping meter flow and time
BLT word challenges creates cohesive style
Created progressive poems we smile

You’ve been timetabled
When chosen by HP writers Spotlight
It’s truly a remarkable night.
Is a great way to get to know a poet
deeper insight of their poems they show it

Of course, there’s always room to grow  
There’s always more to know
Poet’s poems profound stirring begins
We learn more in every poem Muse wins

The GADFLIES  can scroll on by
Leaving thumb down, is a spiteful cry
Exceptional caliber of poetry, we Strive
After all, that’s what keeps us alive

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BLT word of the day challenge
One who provokes or annoys other people, especially persistent criticism
I can’t name them all so please forgive me if a miss you, know you are in my heart but I’ll name a few
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