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Matt Serra Jun 2015
The most centrifical beauty
Lost beauty
My mind wanders in the chaos
But this beauty it catches me
It catches my minds eye
I can't explain it
I don't know why
But this beauty of a lost cause
It stops time
The waves of emotions come and go
But this beauty stands still
Matt Serra Feb 2015
Life is like a box of chocolates, don't expect to find anything else besides chocolate in there.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you eat some and it's delicious, you eat them all and you'll get sick of chocolate.
Life is like a box of chocolates, give it to a girl and she'll be happy.
Life is like a box of chocolates, a glass of milk always makes things better.
Matt Serra Feb 2015
I hate seeing the happiness of others.
It makes me want to puke.
The twisted way people use each other and find an excuse to be with someone this time of year makes me sick.
Everything romantic, everywhere I look. It's fake, yet people eat that **** up.
They regurgitate the same old stuff, nothing new under the sun.
"I love you" and "I need you", what a joke.
The fire comes quickly and the weak will leave each other.
The hard times will come and people will find a way to excuse themselves from trying any more.
Couples will fight, disagree, and not be as romantic as they used to be.
Valentine's day will be long gone and reality will kick in.
The cold truth is that relationships aren't easy.
It requires time and energy, it requires giving without getting, it requires putting up with the *******.
But even if you do everything right, even if you are the best someone could ask for, it has to be mutual.
You can love with all your heart and still get hurt.
You can give everything you have and still be betrayed.
You can be honest and loyal and still be lied to and cheated on.
No matter what you do you can't control who you're with.
So **** Valentines, let them have their fun, because in the end, it's just a fairy tale.
A made up idea that life and romance can be perfect.
Matt Serra Feb 2015
She ripped my heart apart,
And now I don't know where to start,
Each day is just as hard as the last,
And all I see is my messed up past.
I look to the future and hope for the best,
But know my heart will be put to the test.
So I slowly pick up the pieces to my life,
And maybe one day I'll forgive my ex-wife.
But for now I walk this walk alone,
My soul is heavy like a stone.
Cheer up they say, it'll be okay,
I know it will, and today is a new day.
I think I'm strong enough but maybe not,
This hell I'm in is really hot.
But I can do this, yes I can!
Putting all doubts aside, I'm a grow *** man.
Straighten up my collar, fix my sleeve,
It's me, I'm here, I'm not gonna give up and leave.
Determined, full of confidence,
Ready to go, my whole body is tense,
But I'll make it I'm sure,
Friends and family is the cure.
Matt Serra Feb 2015
Why be with someone if you are only going to get hurt?
Why be single if it hurts to be alone in this world?
Why try to work hard to have a good relationship if there's always drama?
Why give up on someone if you're going to regret it later?
Feelings, questions, wondering why, if only this world wasn't so ******* up, there might have been a little hope.
But maybe hope is gone, maybe this world is too far gone.
Matt Serra Feb 2015
Life can bring someone close to you who takes your heart and rips it up into little pieces, it's ugly and hurts but as you pick up the pieces you see all the intricate details that make up who you are and what you truly love. As you put the pieces back together you become stronger than you were before, now you have the super glue of experience to show you what your heart truly belongs to and what you don't need. Always look at the better side of your problems and maybe you'll come out getting someone you always dreamed of instead of someone you thought was good enough.
Matt Serra Feb 2015
A lot is on my mind, I can't sleep sometimes.
The grind of life, and love so blind, I go insane from all these dimes.
I searched myself, trying to find a reason to be kind.
Like an old book on the shelf, the mystery of my design, I'm waiting for someone to comprehend my rhyme.
But I'll never see anything turn into fruition.
No one will open that old book.
It'll sit there forever never opened again.
No one will take the time to look.
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