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Lewis Aug 2016
I understand that it's a destructive process, I understand that you don't want to be wrong.
At every avenue I offered you a counter.
What exactly is it youd want me to do?
I'll remember every single sylable
of sentences said while sleeping soundly

only if its be able to remind you
We're on this earth with a counter
every second sand is seeping southward
Lewis Jan 2014
With so much mass connectivity
and trading of information
I can't help but feel
like everyone is slipping farther away
from REAL people
from REAL experiences
Just a thought. I really felt the need to put something up since it has been so long, unfortunately I'm not feeling too inspired this morning.
Lewis Oct 2013
Instead of being born
you were given an approximation,
a number, and a grand lock
in a world made of half truths
and the whole a great salt ocean
that you will not tread

When you finally reach the surface
choking and gasping on salt water
you may realize your fatal error
and the god of wind won't fill your sails
he won't even grace your cheek
with a loving breeze of a hand

In death you may find no peace
only the absence of a body
drifting in a bitter daylight
halved and hollow hearted
all forms of life seek the simplest existence
Lewis Sep 2013
The last of your words
float ceaselessly through my processes
hold me up, measure me against them
throw me down and forget
they find the one spot I forgot to armor plate
and tear away every other shred
submerge me in the darkest of waters
but saves me at the last second
if nothing else for ironies sake
its hard to think about meeting a stranger I already know
or holding a familiar body I'd never really felt
but that's your definition
you are what you never were
Lewis Sep 2013
Not even in the darkness
can there be shadow
Not even in the light
can you hide
from the things that seek you
keep you through the day
holding to your skin
well into the night
Lewis Sep 2013
Its always at an impasse
the important questions start asking themselves
you can float along a hundred
different directions and never face a hard decision
some people are born
dodging every bit of bad luck
but better than that
they are a light
anyone can be seen reflecting off of them
giving whats given
Lewis Sep 2013
Like a kiss from the earth,
autumn breezes came sweeping across your face
a wisp of a memory taunts you briefly.
it's in the way she held my hand
its how she looked and smiled
but she never said.
what was there to say?
I'd had an hours worth of your company
and it brought down
I had been reinforcing these past months,
you didn't know better.
and I didn't know how to say it.
Getting thoughts out
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