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I have been mocked each day,
By my minds eye and the pain it displays,
I have been crippled each day a little more,
As all do on me as a person implore,

I have been beaten,
Battered and Bruised,
I have been meek-end,
Manhandled and used,

I have been conditioned to pain,
And conditioned to a mind gone insane,
I have been taught to filter out,
Those thoughts that insecurities at me shout,

I have been trained to maintain a poker face,
Trained to stay ahead at a rapid pace,
I have been disciplined in the art of holding back,
I have been told to of feelings I pretend to lack,

And so I have through years gained,
A heart that to emotion grew estranged,
And so sixteen years tried me undone,
Now almost seventeen and already numb.
Notice me,
And Ill never ignore you,

Think about me,
And Ill never forget you,

Text me,
And Ill never delete it,

Call me,
And Ill never hang up in your ear,

Pursue me,
And I’ll never let you go,

Grab my hand,
And Ill never loosen my grip,

Pull me closer
And Ill never pull away,

Touch my cheek,
And Ill never stray from your touch,

Tell me I’m beautiful,
Ill never believe you,
but I’ll still blush,

Run towards me,
And I’ll never walk away from you,

Make time for me,
And Ill never be too busy,

Miss me,
And Ill never leave you,

Keep me safe,
And Ill never hurt you,

Love me,
And Ill never desert you.
Are you happy of what you left?
All the pain and hurt I’ve kept;
You’ll never know,
The doubt upon me you did bestow,

Are you happy you fled so fast?
Fleeing the love you so eager grasped,
Are you happy of the rules you escaped,
Because you couldn’t help but try them break,

Are you happy of all the promises you never proved?
Are you so cruel you stay unmoved.
Are you happy of all you’ve denied?
All my expectations that you defied.

Are you happy that you lied?
Happy you went against for what I cried,
Having said words too premature?
Ignoring all I said to be of unsure,

Are you happy that you’re gone?
Are you happy that you’re wrong?
Guess your not,
And guess you are,
Because you’ve resorted to bullying me thus far,

Are you happy?
That we’re through?
So if you are whys it seems untrue.

Are you happy to escape my whines?
Because I didn’t fall for your practiced lines,
Are you happy you escaped the standards I preach?
A standard your sorry *** could never reach.

Are you happy for this bitter pill?
My broken heart your wicked thrill,
Are you happy you got your prize?
Until you got bored and wished rewards of a larger size,

Are you happy that you won?
Do you think me not strong?

Are you happy?
That you’re weak,
Because no man speaks the words you speak.

Are you happy to be a worm?
As for all the others you did so squirm,

Are you happy?
That I hurt,
Are you happy?
Are you dirt?

Are you content with what you’ve done?
Are you happy with this story you have spun?

Are you happy that little’s been?
Are you happy that things go unseen?

Why can’t you just let me walk away?
Why do you play these games where I must stay?

Are you happy?

I doubt it true,
Because some what I believe you do rue,
It explains of the methods you choose,
Those methods you use to my protected heart ruse.

Are you happy of it all gone wrong?
Are you happy that together we will never belong?
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Or rather a winters noon
As you left no sunshine to stay
You just wore me out with gloom and doom

I was the summer’s breeze
And you were the winter’s chills
With sun beams through clouds did you tease
And I will admit your storms gave me thrills

You wore me down like rotting wood
Fighting against the dampening rain
The winter’s blizzard was all I had withstood
But then came the splintering pain

I crumbled at your tempest
Snapped to pieces at your will
You had me at my barest
And like the season you left still

You marked me with your hurricane
You tore at me with your hailstorm
As only my dampened dust remain
As my structure lay torn

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Or rather a winters noon,
From all you destroyed you walked away
But with the rain something new may bloom.
Winters weeping wonders,
Of emotions seeping ponders,
Pain so deep,
And hearts so worn,
Fruits we reap,
And souls forlorn,

Winters cold,
And winters gain,
A thought so bold,
A mind insane,
A Woman scorned,
Man and creature alike,
Be warned,

Winters sorrows,
And winters mourning,
Bitter cold frostbitten warning,
Abandoned hollows,
Frozen wants,
A need so strong,
Winters wait prolongs,

Winters storms,
And winter moan,
Frosted rages warmth,
Ever growing,
And so the depth,
Ever sowing,

And so the fruits once warm,
And ripe,
Now cold and bitter,
A rotten infested type,
A Woman scorned,
Be warned,
Man and creature alike…
Baby Blue Eyes,
With the pain bitten tears,
Those Baby blue eyes,
Deny that they have cried,

Baby blue eyes,
Just let go,
Baby blue eyes
Let the tears flow,

Baby blue eyes,
Here is a strong shoulder,
To cry on,

Baby blue eyes,
Here is a chest,
To lay and rely on,

Baby blue eyes,
Don’t hold back,
Don’t be afraid,

Here is a soul,
That no emotion,
You in her green eyes,
Will degrade,

Baby blue eyes,
Just give in,
And fall apart,

Cause baby blue eyes,

Here are the hands
, that when it’s all over,
Will pick up the pieces,
Of your broken heart
Wanted to call you my bestie,
But you’re stupid enough to want to best me,
I’m not into this crap of competition,
This crazyness to try and be my better composition,

Are you trying to hurt me,
Or are you just plain unasious,
You just got no true friend basis,

Your sequedry of your actions,
Will just get you unpleasant reactions,
But I’ll just greet it with my insouciance,
Because you got to face your own plans consequence,

Don’t come here and play “exegious”,
I know your true colours of deceitfulness,

Just keep note when tails are gone,
And everyone figures out all your wrong,
I’ll be good enough,
But then I’ll wish you luck,
Because you’re mad with these ends,
If you believe we’ll stay anything but bad friends.
I am the broken stereo in your car
That no matter what you try
And no matter what you do
All you ever get is static
Because the owner before you
Didn’t read the instructions
When it said “Please handle with care.”
I am useless to you,
Taking up this empty space,
You wish for me to sing sweet music
But it is in brokenness you only hear whispers
I wish  I could play to you
That favorite song you drive to
That will carry you on your path
That desperate song you cry to
But all I am is static
Broken and plastic
Because when I worked for someone else
They handled me roughly.
That has not flown with many a passing moon,
It is as though yesterday you emerged from your cacoon,

No longer is there any beauty inked wings,
How your trampled wings sting,

That once harmony and beauty spoke,
That now only brutality in appearance evokes,

Once beautiful and WOW,
Only inadequacy does in you speak now,

Who was to be the equivalent of beauty?
To posses perfection dear butterfly was your duty,
Now dull and broken with a bitter look of what once was lovely,
Butterfly by mans touch made ugly.
Her veins have deteriorated

Narrowed and not ameliorated

With every pungent pulsating pump

Her quality of life she does expunge

To a beating that is crepuscular

And will gain no life from any stabilizer

It is bleeding desultory diaphanous crimson

Demoted by her own visceral volition

Until one day it ceases

As the walls to her capillaries deceases

Until a cardiologist by a different name

Imposes on her grotesque game

To replace these decrepit pathways

That does mellifluous passion decay

Until these capillaries are replaced

Through the bypass of an ethereal nature embraced

To heal such a slaughtered souls defeats

Until a her hearts ephemeral beats

Coalesce with the tranquil thundering

Of her shamans pulse

that dominates over her demons plundering.
Was she but the fallen
Come down to raise an Arcadian hell,
Avoiding peace in graceful slalom,
Encased in her callous breathing shell,

Most would describe her as the Cacodemon,
With the eyes of baleful sin,
Defined by her nefarious inner demon,
That had beguiled her sanity to its whim,

She breathed of ethereal indignation,
Sought upon her by trenchant thoughts,
Damning her for indulging in feelings as dissipation,
By those who seek defamatory purity as frauds,

She was the unwanted succubus,
Whose earnest beauty cost too high a price,
Her darkly alluring convictions were a neuritis,
Brought too bare all adamant admirers vice,

She was thought to be the rakshasa,
Condemned for safeholding her own heart,
Not wanting persue any psychodrama,
Not wishing for a reckless counterpart,

So she clinged to her hellhounds,
To hold at bay any contemptuous intruder’s,
And so they dub her hell bound,
Ignorant of her past patronizing prosecutors.

She is the Cacodemon,
As she shuts her gates from all,
Trusting none acclaimed shaman,
As she has already been judged to fall
I don’t think,
I even know what I want anymore?
I am no longer in sync,
And I am burnt out at my core,

Any possibility that comes my way,
I throw my hands up in defence,
And warn them to rather stay away,
Nothing will the pain I’ve felt recompense,

It’s hard not to act on ones inhibitions,
The need to feel in yourself homely,
And not to act on past intuitions,
So just crown me miss lonely,

Avoiding emotional availability has become a stealth,
As I remain my own one and only,
Just coherent to myself,
So just crown me miss lonely.

I am the singular that can appease just me,
My heart of which now avoids love stonily,
In love? ha! There are many a other things I’d rather be,
So just crown me miss lonely,
Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall;
Humpty dumpty;
This stories not about him at all;

But rather a tale
Of a heart gone askew;
A tale of pain; broken heartedness
And nothing new

A heart bathed in blood,
In pain and misdeeds,
A heart bathed in insecurities;
And its doubts that it bleeds;

So this heart;
It was bandaged;
Fixed up but never again new;
This heart of bled tears;
all emotions did rue;

Till the faithful day it came across a wall;
A wall so high; so spiked and jagged;
It pinched and bruised and tore
The heart ragged;

But the heart did it climb
To get to the top;
It refused its beats of its pain;
And it refused to stop;

The wall it was heavy; large and stone cold;
But this heart knew this wall
That was its fears in a solid mould;

But this heart;
It was cracked; it was bleeding till dry;
Its beating was slow now;
More a whisper than a cry;

Till the heart stopped beating;
Let go and fell into the sky;
All this humpty dumpty watched from his seating;
As the heart fell to its silent lullaby;

Till the heart hit the ground;
Lay there stone still;
Without a sound;
Just wallowing in forgotten will;

And all the kings horses,
And all the kings men,
Could not put back together;
What was the hearts final end.
Dear Child,
I hold so frail in my arms,
I look down and wish to protect you from all that harms,

But I know as the years grow more,
It will be harder on your choices to implore,

Your first few years will be a pleasant walk,
Where I teach and you don’t talk,

But as years go by,
A mother can only wonder what’s ahead will lie,

Soon it will be that “I don’t understand you”,
Even though I was a teenager too,

It’ll be that I am uncool,
You avoid me in public, especially at your school,

You will refuse my tender love,
I’ll be told “mom seriously that’s enough.”

We’ll disagree about boys,
Because you love him,
And I have no choice,

I’ll warn of things,
And you’ll just say “Whatever.”
As with every year my heart stings,
Because you think you’re more clever,

Dear child so small so frail,
Trust your mother and the boats she has set sail,
Trust your mother, whom upon you dotes,
She’s your mother, who to you her life devotes,

As time flies by,
So short as momentary as a sigh,
I watch her learn, I watch her grow,
As all who walk by in her soul do sow,

Will I ever be able to always protect my child?
Keep her sweet, young and undefiled,
I know her passion not mild,
Her streaks like mine is so to live wild,

But a good heart in her I did implore,
This young girl a mother does so adore,

A mother only wishes she could be there every step of the way,
And help a daughter understand,
She knows the exact games life tends to play.
I am not a Mother. But I can only imagine this is how a mother feels.
Dear Child,
I hold so frail in my arms,
I look down and wish to protect you from all that harms,

But I know as the years grow more,
It will be harder on your choices to implore,

Your first few years will be a pleasant walk,
Where I teach and you don’t talk,

But as years go by,
A mother can only wonder what’s ahead will lie,

Soon it will be that “I don’t understand you”,
Even though I was a teenager too,

It’ll be that I am uncool,
You avoid me in public, especially at your school,

You will refuse my tender love,
I’ll be told “mom seriously that’s enough.”

We’ll disagree about boys,
Because you love him,
And I have no choice,

I’ll warn of things,
And you’ll just say “Whatever.”
As with every year my heart stings,
Because you think you’re more clever,

Dear child so small so frail,
Trust your mother and the boats she has set sail,
Trust your mother, whom upon you dotes,
She’s your mother, who to you her life devotes,

As time flies by,
So short as momentary as a sigh,
I watch her learn, I watch her grow,
As all who walk by in her soul do sow,

Will I ever be able to always protect my child?
Keep her sweet, young and undefiled,
I know her passion not mild,
Her streaks like mine is so to live wild,

But a good heart in her I did implore,
This young girl a mother does so adore,

A mother only wishes she could be there every step of the way,
And help a daughter understand,
She knows the exact games life tends to play.
Dear Grandpa that I never knew,
Mommy told me so much about you,
Sorry that you couldn’t watch me grow,
Or in my childhood much could sow,

But Mommy did once a tale me tell,
Of how you made her laugh
and picked her up when she fell,

you taught my mommy of what people to one can do,
while you did live,
So Grandpa thank you
for the love to mommy you did give,

Grandpa its always been strange to hear,
How mommy does in her memories hold you dear,
I can’t help but wonder how you where,
to cause mommy when she speaks of you to cry that single tear,

Mommy said she was always one of the boys,
But you taught her she was beautiful and to keep her poise,
she was too teased for not being thin,
but you taught her who she was, was what made her win,

Of all her knowledge once belonged to you,
The songs she sings and all she holds true,
Her love for nature and ones soul,
But grandpa your death on mommy did take its tole,

So Grandpa though your absents makes her blue,
Mommy say she owes who she is all to you,

So My Grandpa by no other name,
Thank you,
Because otherwise Mommy wouldn’t be the same,

But dear Grandpa I Never Knew,
but my heart through mommy's touched,
You should know that mommy loves you,
very much,

And though I don’t know you grandpa dear,
When I see mommy cry her single tear,
I know I’d have loved you lots too,
Because mommy’s love for you was and still is so true.
I prayed a little prayer that night,
The night I fell for you,
Because I knew I’d hold on too tight,
And re-break my heart to two,

But I still gave it all my time,
Because it felt good while it lasted,
Our little love story was in its prime,
Maybe even just past it,

I had a little feeling,
That you’d hurt me if I let you,
I felt it was time I’m stealing,
And that slowly I should let go,

You see they always do,
If you let them,
Break your heart in two,
It’s we ourselves we condemn,

But you see my little prayer,
Worked like a secret whisper,
I was already too aware,
Of the scars upon a blister,

You couldn’t cut my surface,
Even though I wished you to,
My mind she was too nervous,
And my heart love outgrew,

Your pauses said-beware,
Your ignorance bid me a due,
Your messages read- I don’t care,
And before I knew it we where through

You avoided my questions like a plague,
And pretended all the way,
But though your answers where vague,
I knew what you couldn’t say,

Then finally I wore you thin,
And you admitted there was her,
I felt good that my sense did win,
And at the end I didn’t shed a tear.
I wish for the older times
When a bad boy could be good
Makes us their shrines,
Instead of the inspiration for morning wood,

Where fathers would discipline,
Their boys who treat a women as an amatory,
Thinking like a simpleton,
Only with their anatomy,

What happened to the lioness?
We’re only hurt by the succubus
As pain cometh
As we try tears suppress

Why must a good women
Suffer for the horrid
With the stained linen,
For a dream so torrid,

All we want is to be respected,
Witnessed pain,
Just to be rejected,

Nothing is perfected,
Nothing pure,
Only selected,
For deceitful lure,

Why don’t we earn the respect?
We so desperately work for?
Because a man has a defect,
Easier is the *****.
What is this that of which you speak?
Any ounce of effort I put in,
Not a speck of acknowledgement do they me beseech,

What is effort?
If effort is thrown back at one,
Told that one is not good enough,
And that all the time ones put in work is of no luck,

Its not good enough,
Never will it be,
No matter how much sweat or tears,
It’ll never suffice to those who see,

I can slit my wrists and bleed into my creation,
Put every bit of essence of me in,
But there will always be those,
Who tell me my best is not enough,

So effort who the hell are you?
Effort who so does tell me I will reap,
All I get from you effort,
Is wasted time that doesn’t come cheap,

So effort you’re done and fine,
But some acknowledgement is about this time,
If it’s not enough my best,
You can just ****** off like the rest.
Sorrow find me,
Sparrow bind me,
For love once sought now leaves me Brocken,
For love once sought has left words unspoken.
Oh how my heart bleeds,
After your unforgivable relentless deeds,
don't say goodbye,
don't watch me cry,
day by day a little bit of me is gone,
day by day I become undone,

Forgotten words,
Brocken promises,
Sweet lies,
long gone ties,
No longer is it you and I,
Just me,
On my own,
Left to cry.

In the present forever lost in the seemingly better past,
for love once sought now torn apart,
for love once sought has left me with a broken heart...
What is this diminutive?
This quiddity of how we live,
This good and bad,
And right from wrong,
This insane concinnity,
We’ve followed for so pitifully long.

We need learn and ruse our minds,
To understand all types of kinds,
For man is not salubrious,
And all we seek is dubious,
We need to come to understand,
We all are good but all still bad,

We all are docile but maleficent,
Average and Magnificent,
We choose to be one or the other,
One or another,

Some skilled to beguile,
Others only know how to be difficile,
We all are weakened by indigence,
And we all are to this world exiguous,

So what is this surquedry of whose good and bad,
just because some may be of duende,
And others temerity mad,

No matter what you may do or say,
Your actions my apodictic opinion will not sway,
We will always be of human nature,
What is this good and bad nomenclature?

We are human and not irrefragable,
And the definition of unstable,
So be thee good or bad,
Be thee happy,
Be thee sad,
Be thee sane and be the mad,
We all can be good but we still stay with some bad.
“I want!”
Begged my heart,
As it strained against its chain,
My brain screamed
“You shunt!
“I won’t let you hurt again.”

My heart cried,
“Why not?”
And “Where is your pride?”
My brain mocked.

“You’re built to bleed, and not to think.”
My brain convicted,
“Like you where built to lead, but not to link.”
My heart contradicted.
“Love is for fools and fools alone.”
My brain predicted.
“Well then a fool I am for love of fond I’ve grown.”
My heart conflicted.

“You are nothing without me.”
My brain told,
“I beat without you, as you can see.”
My heart said growing bold,

There was a silence,
Between the muscle and the head,
My heart needed guidance,
And without my heart my brain would be dead.

“You know I wish to protect you.”
My brain whispered now,
“But I must reject what you do.”
My brains authority my heart could not allow,

“I am not so callous that I do not care at all.”
My brain explained,
“I understand that on my decisions it’s your function to implore.”
My heart disdained.

“So you can see now why I hold you back?”
My brain feebly asked,
“You are the reason freedom to love I lack!”
My heart finally did at the notion grasp.

Contemplative silence filled the air,
Until my brain did declare,

“If that’s what you want, then go now and don’t dare cry,
But don’t come back bleeding and broken,
And say I did not try”
And so my Brain had spoken.
I see the way she looks at me,
Her words and her body language are contradictory,
She smiles but behind it is everything she thinks me ignorant of,
All her hate and no love,

She wishes to take from me,
Show me she can have what I want,
She wishes to break me,
And show me she can what I can't,

Her compliments are to miss-make me,
And her insults are in jest,
Her eyes scream I hate thee,
And her smile whispers I'll you best.

My mind whispers hate her,
But my heart whispers don't care,
One day karma will take her,
So don't act on what’ll make it fair,

She likes to push me,
Claw at my surface,
She wants to drag me,
It is when I stand tall she grows nervous,

Even if I break,
I will put the pieces back together,
I am what she fakes,
I will brush her actions off with a “Whatever.”

She is what she is,
But I am who I am,
I’ll greet her with calmness,
And not fall for her sham,

She can take who she wants,
They where of no worth if they walked away,
Truth is she my friends’ shunt,
Because they're the ones who will stay,

She's a waste of breath,
A waste of time and hate,
She's a waste of my depth,
A waste of mine and fate,

She is what she is,
But I am who I am,
She can’t beat me with this,
Because what she can’t I can.
“How are you?”
They tend to ask,
“Are you okay?”
But do they really see as they in my presence bask?

See the dried up tears,
I cried long ago,
The now cracked planes that once flowed,
Weeds now left where once flowers blossomed,
A garden now dead and left darkened,
A grave of dead emotion now here lies,
A mind, a heart all feelings do despise,

You don’t really feel or care,
You don’t really know or wish to understand,
You don’t truly want know what I have to bear,
Your imaginary concern just leaves me bland,

Why pretend to want to know my sorrow,
Defend to know this heart that’s hollow,
You’re just another pain,
Another smile strained and
Just more energy from me drained,

“I’m fine.”
A potent deceit I tend to give,
“Yeah, Of course I am ok!”
A tasteful lie they don’t see nor want to,
They tend to believe.
She was accused of
Many unstable unsatisfactory emotions
All of which amalgamated her hurricane soul
That so breathlessly changed pace
With every maleficent or peaceful encounter
That fed the storm of her pith
A hollow quintessential girl
Hidden beneath eyes of tragic twinkle and
An amorphous disposition
That so whispered her visceral uncertainty
With which
She placed her demons in plethora
Upon all who obstreperously disturbed
The susurration of her own self-cataclysm
This decrepit distorted typhoon
Of the thundering lullaby she once embraced
Dissatisfied with the resonant rhapsodic scintilla
She so carelessly went from sonorous to somnolent
Once her nature echoed a sanguineous symphony
Of intimate honesty’s to now
Only as discreetly murmur callous contempt
Until this once magnificent hurricane soul
Did crumble like the walls her efficacy once
Tore down to whimper into the dust that is
Now her soul’s riven zephyr.
If I were a mind reader
Of what I would do,
I would read you,
Your thoughts,
Your sorrows,
Of all in which from me you hide,
In all of which you fear to confide.

If I were a mind reader,
I listen deep and true,
Of all of which the demons that haunt you,
Of all your hopes
your dreams
your fears,
Of all the unforgotten past tears,

If I were a mind reader,
I’d watch and see,
Your memories of which would display to me,
All your laughs,
Your screams,
Your pain.

If I were a mind reader,
I’d know what makes you tick,
What makes you mad,
And what makes you sick,
I’d know you,
Your heart,
and soul

If I were a mind reader,
I’d finally find out,
What makes your eyes so sad,
Your mind so mad,
Your heart so broken,
And your pain,
To me,
So unspoken
Inane heart,
How I wish with you to part,
You are the equivalent of my death,
Even as you beat with my every breath,

Inane heart,
If only your wants I could restart,
You’re a hopeless thing,
Of which only with pain can bring,

Inane heart,
You and I lack the ability to impart,
You walk in one direction,
And I hold back in objection,

Inane heart,
We have grown apart,
You’ve only led me in the past to pain and sorrow,
Left me dark and left me hollow,

Inane heart,
I plead we compromise,
And our wants equalize,
I’ll let you love inane heart to your content,
But you will never fall too hard in order my brokenness prevent.
Too long have I been sober,
Seeking Closure,
No longer would the taste be sweet,
Always leaving me to my defeat,
A bitter outcome,
Instead my blood runs thin,
And my veins bleed full,
Yet I am drawn to its pull

I can’t help myself,
Too long have I gone,
Without it’s drunken forget,
Yet my heart won’t let,

Its Fiery passion,
The sense fills my head,
And my hearts yelling out in dread,
Don’t do it,
Oh no,
You’re on a thread
Is this what you are?
You’ve gone too far!
Why hurt?
Why pain?
Instead you refuse to strain,

I’ve been sober for too long,
I want it now,
Yet I don’t know how,
Love me!
Love me!
My hearts endless plea!
I can’t any more,
My self-control grows poor,

I’ve been sober too long,
Too long been alone,
And so I give in,
Passion you win,
I want to get intoxicated,
On love so complicated.
He had been her light,
At the end of a dark and lonely tunnel,
He had been her fight,
To end all that her did trouble,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been her reason to get up,
The reason that she dreamed,
The reason she’d stay up,
And the reason that she gleamed,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been her smile,
At the end of a dull and dreary day,
He had been that extra mile,
Before from everything she almost had walked away,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been the rainbow in her storm,
The sun in her cloudy sky,
He had been the fire that kept her warm,
And why feelings in her did not yet die,

But she was just a number to him,

She had been his newest achievement,
The he could not get,
And once he obtained her appeasement,
She became just a number whose name he would soon forget.
He had been her light,
At the end of a dark and lonely tunnel,
He had been her fight,
To end all that her did trouble,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been her reason to get up,
The reason that she dreamed,
The reason she’d stay up,
And the reason that she gleamed,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been her smile,
At the end of a dull and dreary day,
He had been that extra mile,
Before from everything she almost had walked away,

But she was just a number to him,

He had been the rainbow in her storm,
The sun in her cloudy sky,
He had been the fire that kept her warm,
And why feelings in her did not yet die,

But she was just a number to him,

She had been his newest achievement,
The he could not get,
And once he obtained her appeasement,
She became just a number whose name he would soon forget.
Tears streaming like a rainy day,
A little boy broken,
Had nothing to say,
Went to his mother with words unspoken,
The boy sobbed,

The mothers heart stopped,
“My angel what’s wrong”
She grabbed her son,
“Mommy I can’t do it,
Can’t take it,
It’s too hard to stay strong.”

“Darling be more clear?”
She worried for something all mothers fear.
“Mommy it’s the bigger boys.”
He fiddled with his teddy toy.
“They say nasty things,
Things that sting,
And sometimes they hit me,
But I won’t hit back you see,
Mommy you taught me never to fight,
So why do those boys think its right.”

“My darling
My dear,
Of our world you must hear,
Never too young,
To learn of its wrong,
Never too small,
To hit that wall.
These boy’s they are bullies,
Mean, rowdy and rude,
They wish into your happiness to intrude.”
“But mommy,
But why?
Why make me cry?
Mommy I won’t lie,
Some days I just want to die,

Mommy I want to run,
So far away,
Just to keep those mean boys at bay,
Take my own life,
Its getting harder,
And they’re hurting me mommy,
Further and further.”

“My sweet heart,
My dear,
Listen here,
You got to take life by the horns,
Never can you mourn,

Never give in,
And never give up,
You can cry,
But be prepared to mop it up,

Mommy wishes it where a fairytale,
Of happily ever afters,
And I wish for you my boy,
That life could only be full of laughter,

But my dear little love,
Your feathers are still white as a dove,
They only now are being ruffled,
Because of life’s ever scuffle,

My boy stay strong,
It won’t be too long,
Forever not always as it seems,
And so you’ll find forever’s a flawed dream,

Today may be masked in pain,
And it may leave your courage lame,
But my sweet little tiger,
You must stand your ground,
And seek inward,
For I know there your heart will be found,

A heart of pride,
Of good,
Of joy,
A heart,
No fiend,
No enemy can destroy,

So my dearest sweet,
As you sit her at my feet,
Ready to face a unnecessary defeat,

Fight one more day,
Take life by its horns,
Giving in and giving up,
Only you will scorn,

Push my boy,
Lay it at God’s feet,
His plans for you may seem bitter,
But the end is always sweet.

Listen to your mommy son,
Listen good and clear,
You won’t ever have to fight alone,
As long as mommy and God
Is here.”
There is this little monster,
That torments me day and night,
That my peace does squander,
And my teddy cannot fight,

It comes to me in darkness,
This little monsters power,
Its eyes they’re heartless,
From the cold I can’t help but cower,

There is this little monster,
Who everyday does mock me,
And Ensures I will not prosper,
It will not let me be,

It tends to haunt me often,
Sometimes in the light,
Its words do never soften,
And its hold on me is tight,

There is this little monster,
Who loves to see me cry,
I pray for its departure,
And it wishes for my spark to die,

It watches me each day,
And knows my every thought,
It waits for me to decay,
And my wound for which it sought.

There is this little monster,
That no one else can see,
Nobody else does it bother,
Because this little monster-lives in me.
Hey there little puppet girl,
Sowing at your broken heart,
Puppeteer can’t pay his bill,
While you just fall apart,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I bet you where once new,
But now your cloth begins to furl,
And that heart of yours is two,

I see your dusty rags,
And patches of different cloths,
Your mouth it sags,
And you’ve been nibbled by moths,

Hey there little puppet girl,
Puppeteer he neglects you,
Once kept you shiny-now keeps you dull,
Puppeteer he forgets you,

But I see you reaching out,
Begging for his touch,
Mouths sown shut can’t shout,
And only one button eye can watch,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I know that you can’t cry,
But you reek of lost will,
And a need you can’t gratify,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I bet you where once new,
But now your cloth begins to furl,
And that heart of yours is two,

I see you little puppet girl,
Ripping at your stiches,
You’re no longer rational,
Your mind is specious,

Hey there little puppet girl,
Ripped to little pieces,
Puppeteers little pearl,
Your value he decreased it.
Alone I stand,
Forgotten how to trust,
A title I am brand,
For the knife in my back ******,
In envious lust,

A pack once thought,
Once united as one,
A battle together once fought.
Till our pack shrivelled down to none,

Now alone,
In haunting silence,
No pacts just on my own,
In daunting defiance,

With all the loyalties won in wars,
My trust wilted and rotten,
Torn by deceits hateful claws,

A Wounded wolf still raw,
A lone wolf forever will I be,
A wounded wolf with scars I wore,
A lone wolf for everyone to see.
You’re too good for me,
This daughter who you barley see,

Not by your choice,
But by her own,
With her tendency in others to rejoice,
And has left you to be so alone.

Well Mommy dear,
Here is your daughter that your loss does fear,
Your daughter who lacks the ability to show,
All the love for you she wants you to know,

So mommy so true and kind,
Mommy women like you hard to find,
Mommy I am sorry,
That I argue and make you worry,

Mommy I am sorry,
That to grow I was in such a hurry,
Mommy I never meant to love you less,
But with it’s hard with broken pieces I must confess,

You’ve warned me countless times,
Of people and their soul crimes,
Mommy you’ve warned me of this place,
But mommy I had to learn at a rapid pace,

It’s hard to love, to show, to trust,
After being so many times with a knife in the back ******,
But mommy you warned me,
And mommy you should not be the one to suffer for those who scorned me,

So my mommy,
So wise, so dear,
My mommy I love so much, and loss I fear.

Mommy I just want to plead I am sorry,
Sorry I don’t hug you,
Or kiss you,
Or tell you I love you!

So mommy thank you for the strength it took,
The strength you taught me,
And the weakness you shook,

Thank you mommy,
For being you,
Thank you mommy,
All I can say is I truly love you!
Like a moth to a flame
You reduced me to ash,
Singed these already broken wings,
And at my wounds your flames did lash

I was captivated by your danger
Senseless from your beauty
I only wanted to touch and feel
And so your inferno left my heart sooty

Enticed by your primal heat
I was seduced by the warmth of you
And so I was scorched in defeat
As my wants took over my needs

Ready to burn down whatever crossed your path
You were a raging inferno
I a single moth defenseless in your wrath
Drawn to you by your impassioned thermo
Like a moth to a flame
You reduced me to ash,
Singed these already broken wings,
And at my wounds your flames did lash

I was captivated by your danger
Senseless from your beauty
I only wanted to touch and feel
And so your inferno left my heart sooty

Enticed by your primal heat
I was seduced by the warmth of you
And so I was scorched in defeat
As my wants took over my needs

Ready to burn down whatever crossed your path
You were a raging inferno
I a single moth defenseless in your wrath
Drawn to you by your impassioned thermo
It is hard to strive,
In a relationship where I have no say,
It’s hard to keep this love alive,
As you make it each day harder to stay,

We argue day and night,
I can’t take anymore pressure,
Brought on by your ambition to be right,
Because you are afraid to be the man that’s lesser,

If you where to believe the sky pink,
And I contradicted it was blue,
To every possible level you would sink,
Until I agreed that your theory is true,

Is that really worth more to you than us?
I cowering to every opinion you preach,
We cannot even a simple idea discuss,
Before you wish me to my ideas beseech,

Why cant you just be wrong for once?
But no its impossible for Mr. Always Right,
We don’t stand a chance,
As every little thing causes us to fight,

We argue and bicker,
Of it all I grow sicker and sicker,
For once admit your wrong and have some might,
But no its impossible for Mr Right,

I can’t anymore,
So Mr. Right I hope you’re glad you finally won,
With this last debate I am walking out this door,
With you Mr. Right I am done,

So Mr. Right you where right for one thing,
I was stupid and neurotic,
To stick around and to a narcissist cling,
So I hope you’re happy lost me over something idiotic.
Stop it!
Stop playing Mucho Man,
while you’re ahead just quit,
because over your testosterone levels I don’t give a ****!

If you wore a pink shirt,
I’d still think you’re a man,
If you learnt to dance with me,
I’d still think you’re a man,

If you watched my favourite movie with me,
I’d still think you a man,
If you cried at the end,
Oh my sweetheart I’d still think you’re a man!

If you took my hand and drew me near,
Begged me to never leave you,
I’d think you a man,

If you couldn’t **** a spider,
I’d still think you a man,
If u hugged your mother and told her you loved her,
I’d still think you a man,

Because truth is baby,
You are a man,

If you pull my chair out for me
Or let me go in first,
I’d still think you a man,

If U wrestled with me and let me win,
Baby I’d think you a man,
If U wrote me poetry,
I’d still call you a man,

If u kissed me in front of your friends,
You’d stay a man,
If you could knit
Or cook and clean,
My baby you remain a man.

And Baby if you showed me you loved me,
And admitted you feared to lose me,
I’d believe you!
My man!

And If you where not afraid to be who you are,
Oh goodness my baby,
I’d still call you a REAL Man!
Roses once red,
Are now good and now dead,
Violets once blue,
No gone, left and rue,

My garden is empty,
No poor and unseen,
My garden once temptly,
Now worn and obscene,

Winters cold,
Did its damage,
Flowers once bold,
The chill did not manage,

My roses they bleed,
And my violets they’ve wept,
My garden by uncared,
And now by unkept,

My garden demolished,
By colds misdeed undone,
And unpolished.

Fruits will never bare,
Because of lack of care.
My flowers they’re gone,
Demised by weeds of wrong,

My garden it’s life,
Damaged by life’s strife,

My garden of Body,
My garden of mind,
My garden it bleeds of a past unkind,

My garden of soul,
My garden of me,
This garden is dead yet you cannot see,
Not on my own,
Yet feeling so alone,
All are round and all are near,
Yet it’s as if nobody’s truly here,

Me, myself and I alone,
Alone in silence darkness prone,

Not around for long they are,
Empty pain prolong reaches far,
It stretches wide and stretches long,
A unbound scar ripped by wrong,

I’m my own one and only,
Bitter, sweet, dear and lonely.
Company for which my heart does bleed,
My heart a beating seed of broken need,

Left cold and left stoney,
Left bold and left lonely,
So seasons pass and seasons change,
My lonely class becomes more derange,

Forever me and forever sweet,
In all pretend and bitter deceit,
Forever my own,
Loneliness’ clone,
Forever myself and so darkness quiet and all sound do engulf,
My one and only,
Here now and always lonely.
I can’t help how my cheeks do flare,
And my smile shrinks and shy’s,
When at me he stares,
With those naughty blue eyes,

Ice blue screams adventure in his heart,
Different shades where emotion lies,
Making me blush his untrained art,
With those naughty blue eyes,

Ice blue eyes have me intone,
I can’t help the butterflies,
From only he alone,
With those naughty blue eyes,

Ice blue eyes plead him wise,
He’s made me a klutz,
With those naughty blue eyes,

Naughty blue eyes,
That so my passion entice,
Naughty blue eyes,
You got me thinking twice,

Ice blue eyes that whispers depth,
Subtly watching me he tries,
He’s got me perplex,
With those naughty blue eyes.
Its crap...
To never be good enough,
feel good enough,
that’s how you always feel,
Because nobodies ever made you believe otherwise.

To feel ugly,
To always look in the mirror
And no matter what I do,
I’m still ugly,

And nobodies ever let me feel otherwise,
And when they try I can’t believe them,
Because I’ll never know what’s
Really true and really not,

To always be outshined by the girl next door,
Never be the one whose lips he’s hanging on,
Just the one sitting there who might as well not exist,
And nobodies led me to believe otherwise,

To always be the one who tries so hard to make others happy,
But they just expect you to be,
Like its my duty to keep everyone happy,
And nobodies led me to believe otherwise,

To feel
Like nothing,
And always lonely...

And nobodies ever led me to believe otherwise.
I don’t care anymore,
As mankind on my ways does implore,
I am one to mind my own business,
And for man obtained my own weariness,

For no matter how I try to be,
For all my true self to see,
There will always be those my ways do annoy,
And so with them comes the want to destroy,

Like a kamikaze fighter set on their mission,
But not for their country do they fight,
But rather head on for my omission,
Their delight.

I’ve fought so many kinds of man,
Poets, bullies, friends and clan,
I’ve stood for more than just myself,
As men wish others ways to engulf,

I have fought many a battle,
Though I may be young,
Many my cage have rattled,
And many I just barely won,

Yet I just don’t care anymore,
Not many a thing can joy in a soul restore,
There is only so much fight one can give,
And only so long on a battlefield one can live,

I fought for the feeble and the strong,
Fought for them all who in time did me wrong,
So no longer shall this lion roar,
It is battered and bruised and just doesn’t care anymore.
Once upon a fairy time,
I was yours and you where mine,
Once upon a eerie time,
I was hurt and were fine,

Once upon a distant past,
I cried hard and you ran fast,
Once upon a nearer now,
Will I ever love again?
Today and how?

Once upon a then and there,
I believed in you and that you cared,
Once upon a here and now,
I want to love him but my heart knows not how,

Once upon a pain so gone,
You took my faith with all your wrong,
Once upon a love anew,
Is he true or another you?

Once upon a gone and done,
Your love so true our stories pun,
Once upon a stories beginning,
From him my hearts doorbell is ringing,

Once upon it all gone bad,
You left me broken, hurt and sad,
Once upon a day anew,
Could he be all thats true,

Once upon it all dead and gone,
I’m falling again after pain too long.
With every chance I take,
My ignorance of you I fake,
They say to be seen,
One must remain un-keen,

And so every day I dote upon you in silence,
And you to my theory I only receive defiance,

Am I so transparent?
That you see through these ways,
Is it my make believe so apparent,
That your mind never in my direction sways,

Or is that I blend in,
And my ignorance of you,
Just wears my invisibility even more thin,
I remain known and never noticed as new,

I remain here,
But I remain the quiet ******* her own,
I remain visible to those who’ve chosen me dear,
But as your company I leave you as alone,

Am I so see through and so blurred?
So Unnoticeable and just not there?
am I just never heard?
Or is it that you just don’t care.

Is that I am nothing more?
As that quiet girl you’ll never adore,
Is it that I’m nothing less?
Just that girl below your best,

Is it that I am only me?
Nothing else to dote,
And nothing more to see,
Is that your name I can’t promote?

I blame my tongue,
My heart so stung,
But more I blame is you,
Because there’s only so much one can do.
Like the water wasted on green ground,
To our moral virtues we are bound,
And as we come to turn the other cheek,
People love to push us till we no longer stand on two feet,

There’s an error in playing nice these days,
As humanity crumbles in all it’s ways,
Nobody does appreciate your troubles,
And how holding back is your struggle,

When it comes down to being the better person,
Man always must think twice,
Because on our heart we put too much exertion,
In walking away and being nice,

Like rugs we are kept,
Treated with pure contempt,
Because to pretend like its all fine,
Keeps a person walking on a thin line,

I will give credit where credit is due,
But no longer can this heart rue,
For the people it had not put on their places,
Or had not Just knocked back down a few paces,

But to the world of the cruel,
I am not your cowardice tool,
And on your actions my heart will not linger,
So all I have to say is “here is my hand, now pick a finger.”
I sit in front of my dressers mirror,
Stare at the plain adequate girl staring back at me,
Is she enough?
Can she walk out this door and hold her head up high?


And so I pull,
And tweak
And brush
And dry,

I look at the girl in the mirror again,
Her hair is done up,
Pretty and well kept,
But dead dry and limp because of damage,
And I can’t help but think it represents my inner self,

Though dead,
I look substantially better,
But is she enough?
This girl staring back at me?
Can she hold her head up high with the confidence of knowing what she wants?


And so I apply base,
Try to fix my uneven complexion and blemishes,
Eye shadow,
Then eye liner,

And again I stop to look at the girl,
She looks like women now,
As every feature is defined and highlighted,
Her complexion even,
Blemish free…

But is it enough,
This women staring back at me,
As the make up smudges and rubs off,
She’ll become the drab adequate girl underneath it all,

I can put on beautiful clothes,
Amazing jewellery,
But I remain the plain adequate girl that stares back at me,

With her sad eyes,
Set jaw,
Lips that barely ever quirk upwards with a hint of a smile,
That girl who’s cried so many eyeliner smudging tears,
That girl who fears,

No matter how much I do,
To hide her away,
Keep her from the world,
No matter how many layers of,
I try to mask her with,

She will come out,
As my clothes grow rumpled,
My jewellery loses its shine,
Its glow,
As my hair turns grey,
My make up smudges,
I become her again,

And is she enough?

I stare at her long and hard,
I notice the high cheekbones,
The strong set features,
I realize this girl is only adequate,
Because she believes it,
Only plain because it’s all she’s ever been convinced to see,

With all her wear and tear,
She is beautiful.
And so I grab my make up remover,
Wipe away the mask suffocating me,
I shake my hair out to its full volume,
I remove the jewellery that’s cold against my warmth,

And I look at this plain adequate girl,
Not so plain and adequate anymore,
And I ask myself,
Is she enough?
Enough to face the world proudly as whom and what she is?
Is she?

Those sad eyes stare back at me with a new found spark,
Those set lips quirk up into a hint of a sly smile,
And she winks at me.

Pleading blue eyes,
Begging me to stay,
Begging blue eyes,
Plead me to please not turn away,

Pleading blue eyes,
That are filled with deceit and lies,
Begging blue eyes,
Still cheated no matter how this women cries,

Sorry blue eyes,
Despite other ties,
Implore on me them to forgive,
Only for all deceit again relive,

So pleading blue eyes,
Begging Blue eyes,
Now only so mournful of its ways,
By lust for others than his wife once sways,

Sorry blue eyes,
Will never change,
Sorry blue eyes,
Once I knew now strange,

Pleading blue eyes of a man I thought I knew,
Begging blue eyes of a cheater I had no clue,
Sorry blue eyes,
Beg me to reconsider with tears it cries,

I shut my green eyes,
I open tear stained eyes,
Tired, pained and sad,
To stay with one so unfaithful I would be mad,

Tired eyes look down on the familiar stranger,
With his familiar pleading blue eyes,
Tears I strain could me endanger,
So pleading blue eyes green eyes turn away from as we say our goodbyes,
Creak, Creak, Creak
My heart has become rusted,
It screams from neglect,
And the dust that has clustered,

Clatter, Clatter, Crash,
As its part fall to the floor,
Clatter, Clatter, Crush,
As a whole it is no more,

Groan, Creak, Groan,
As it presses on through the strain,
Groan, Creak, Groan,
No longer new it doesn’t work the same,

Groan, Creak, Groan
Clatter, Clatter,
Groan, Creak, Groan,
Clatter, Creak,
Groan & CRASH!*

Everything comes tumbling down,
With one large steel thrash,
Streaming smoke of brown,
Starts to fill the air of the bash,

A heart worn out,
Because a owner could not hear its shout,
That begged her from the start,
To please oil the creaks in her heart.
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