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Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
Why do I miss you so much?
Its as if now I truly feel
How I should have felt months ago
Waking up, this is finally real

I liked many before you
But the feelings came and passed
What I feel for you is something special
The love and lust, embedded in my heart

I tried to show you how I feel
But naively you had no clue
What I was trying to tell you was
I'm willing to do anything just for you

Eventually I gave up
You never got the hint
I settled for us just being friends
Better than nothing

But soon that friendship crumbled and died
Along with my hopes of us
I thought I'd move on, move away
Never think again of your lust

A few days ago I finally saw
That without you I have no rest
You are amazing, the best there is
I won't settle for anything less

I will attempt to rekindle our spark
Our flame together burnt so bright
I want you again, but this time I know
That one day you'll become my wife
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
My heart comes alight
Every time I close my eyes
You live on my eyelids' inside
I think about you every night

Even when times get tough
And I want to run away
I close my eyes for a second or two
You're enough to convince me to stay

Today I found a picture of you
It made me want to cry
Knowing that I cant hold you now
To find you, I'd travel far and wide

I reminisce about our time
Heart slowly breaking in two
So many wasted opportunities
Too bad, nothing I can do

As time ticks away slowly
On this sly-looking clock
I tell myself reassuringly
This is only a pit stop

For one day I truly know
That it will be worth the time
That last barrier I will breach
And together we'll elope, escaping for a while
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
No one looks
No one cares
At the poems I write each day
All I ask
Is for a word
Your thoughts on what I say

I slave away
Pen in hand
Trying to express
The way I feel
About some things
Not trying to impress

I write and write
I try my best
To put out a masterpiece
But time after time
Rhyme after rhyme
The dream is not yet complete

To look at some
Who get everything
People drooling over their roughs
The comments pile up
But my poems remain
Empty and untouched

Although I write
For no one else
It still would be very nice
For people to
The emotion in what I write

The worst part is
I'll never know
If I was ever any good
Because people could
Never take the time
To give my work a look

No one looks
No one cares
At the poems I write each day
All I ask
Is for a word
Your thoughts on what I say
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
The fire inside my heart, burned
You took away my pain
A gentle punch, tender touch
Kissed me in the rain
I waited for you, my reason to live
Took me to a faraway land
Where love is true, the sky is blue
Where my heart was held by your hand
The adventures we shared, so long ago
I relived everyday
As we ran around, jumping about
That is where I wanted to stay
The play-fights that we would have
Rolling around in the park
Playful glares, longing stares
Pierced into my heart
From that day on, I knew we were wrong
About our relationship before
Your coy grin, eyes' glint
I knew we had something more
You denied the way you felt about me
For many years after that
You'd look away, not wanting to say
That onto me you were latched
Not sure how you kept up that game
For such a long period of time
Your heart would burn, mind would curse
That you couldn't yet be mine
After many years of amazing friendship
The question again popped up
You finally came out,  without a doubt
For me to love you back was just pure luck
Writing this poem, 4 years down the line
About to get married, bells chime
Behind this sheet, the girl of my dreams
I smile to myself. It's time
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
Thank you for the best 2 weeks of my life
A time I will never forget
We met there, became best friends
From then on we we were set

Things I miss on those long bus rides
For hours we could talk
One earphone each, jamming a tune
Or sleep after a long days walk

The same type of person, in seperate halves
Was definitely what we were
The jokes, the laughing, the singing, the fun
To be back there,  my heart yearns

We speak on the phone for hours on end
I look forward to our weekly call
The way we talk to eachother there
It's as if nothing's changed at all

Just a little longer till we reunite
"We'll meet again soon" we say
I can't wait until that moment comes
Because I miss you every day
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
The cleansing felt from poetry
Allows my heart to open
Pouring out that which I dread to say
My words are carefully chosen

The words that you read on this thought-filled sheet
Tour the darkest parts of my head
Know that the truth can always be found
Coaxed by paper and a pen

Writers block is not known to me
As poetry engulfs my mind
The choice is what parts I should put in
And what should be left behind

From love to nature, humour and fame
Boy, ive written it all
Because everyone knows a poetic mind
Can never be put under control

The lightning bolt,  the thunder clap
Voila! My greatest yet
No more than a few stanzas ago
The words howled inside my head

Whether on a sheet of paper
Or even on PC
My world is slowly being uncovered
For the entire world to see

Some may judge, some may laugh
But they will never know
The emotion put into each and every piece
Burns inside me, a red inferno

All I really want to do
Is spread my message far and wide
Let poetry in and begin to write
Explore the complexity of your mind
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
The way I saw you every day
Only grew with admiration
Eyes filled with giant hearts
You are my strongest temptation

The way I caught your trailing scent
The second you walked by
Left me following aimlessly
Cartoon-like, nose held high

The way I caught your glance at lunch
Made the butterflies soar and glide
I looked away quickly,  cheeks all red
I'd never felt that shy

Over time my feelings built up
As about you I thought long and hard
Building up the courage finally
To attempt to steal your heart

At 3am that final night
I wrote a letter, pouring myself out
The destination would be your bag
Some reading material on your flight

For two whole days I awaited
What was to be a bitter-sweet sound
Yes you feel the same way about me
But your mother would never allow

We stayed in touch,  speaking everyday
Until one day it all just stopped
Not knowing why you no longer replied
To my messages, my heart felt lost

Today will be almost 3 months
Since I sent that last message to you
Why am I deserving of this?
What exactly did I do?

Even with the damage done
I am confident for our future ahead
Only two more years till I finish school
And our relationship can be made amends

Until then I remain positive
For that day when we'll reunite
Two halves seperated, together again
At the end of the tunnel, I hope there is light
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