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1.5k · Nov 2014
Removable Discontinuity
AJ Nov 2014
Tonight is a bad kind of nostalgic.
The music started reminding me of all you guys.
Thrift shopping and cooking in your stockpile kitchen.

And puking in public restrooms,
And late night fifty dollar tattoos
Are some of last years memories.
And those songs don't feel to good either.

And even last week's music
Makes me feel bitter.

And I tried to flashback from earlier in the 2000s.
But that was music from when I was fourteen.
The angst years will now be left alone.
Jesus I have the shakes again.

Bad night.
Bad night.
A splash of coffee in my whiskey.
It's not alright.
It's not alright.
I'm not alright.
"You say I should think before I talk, you say I shouldn't think about my life
Cause once I finally hit the ground, who's gonna drag me into the light?"
AJ Dec 2013
I'm loved by a great man,
And he is mine and only mine.
I am very smart,
And I am aware of it.
Don't even think of crossing me.
My eyes burn holes
In those who won't
Give me what I want.

But I'll never be happy.
I'm a martyr,
And a patron saint.

I've been used and thrown away.
My first girlfriend tried to die,
And it was all my fault.
Everyone knew it.
My virginity was stolen
On a pool table at 1 am.
I lost the child I created
With the love of my life.
I knew every swear I know now
At the age of three.
I don't know who'***** me harder.
The drugs.
The boys.
My parents.

I'll never let go.
I'm a martyr.
I'll be a patron saint.

"Broken and lame.
Absolutely insane"
AJ Oct 2014
My self harm scars are fading and somehow I want more.

Sometimes when you touch me unexpectedly, my heart punches me and the flashbacks start.

I don't snort adderall for schoolwork, I do it so that the demons of sleep and bad dreams will shut the **** up.

When I was a little girl, I used to pinch myself on my rib cage when I got upset. I guess I started early.

I hate your ****** hair because it reminds me of my ******'s.

I'm turning into my mother.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Wedding Gloves
AJ Jan 2014
This house is burning straight to the ground
And all you can think about
Is that you're "cold now that all the sweaters are destroyed"
"But the embers look beautiful floating by my face."
I guess you took a few too many pills,
And I didn't take quite enough.
It wasn't the flames of justice that engulfed our house.
But it doesn't really matter.
Because that house was not a home.
A home is where I live with someone I love.
So that house was not a home.
Because I didn't love you.
I loved your hips and you ****.
I ****** you and you made me drinks when I got back from work.
I never loved you.
I started the ******* fire to get a rise out of you.
You still don't care.
At least I made you ******* shiver a little.
Like that counts for ****.
1.4k · Dec 2013
Just A Thursday
AJ Dec 2013
My day wasn't unsuccessful.
I got what done what I needed to get done.
I think the same song has been on repeat all afternoon.
Wine drunk, staring out the window.
And I mean really drunk.
And I certainly mean really staring.
It's so foggy here up on this hill.
All you can see is a blur.
The very bottom of the blur is orange,
But that is just because of the streetlights
That are out in the parking lot.
The rest of the blur is purple,
But an orange-y purple.
It kind of hurts your eyes to look at it.
But it is beautiful and sad,
And not sad like how your mother hits you
Or your cat gets cancer
Or you relapsed after four months.
It's sad like when you realize
You're 4/5ths through an amazing movie,
Or when you see a surprise military homecoming
Or you unpack in a new home.
My room mate won't be back
Until much later.
I don't mind.
I need some time
To get wine drunk and stair out the window.
And be sad.
But it's not quite as beautiful as the blur.
That's okay anyway.
I'm in love with my fiance.
And my best friend.
And my cat.
And my little sister.
And all my new dresses
That I ordered on cyber Monday.
I'll be doing just fine when they come in.
When I make it through the orange-y purple blur.
Pray for me.
Because my toes are cold,
And so are my arms, and my cheeks, and my chest.
But my eyes and my outspoken tongue are on fire.
Mark Twain asked this,
And now I want to know, too.
Why didn't anyone ever pray for Satan?
Hundreds of centuries have gone by,
And no one prayed for the man
Who could have used your kind words
The very very most?
No one is praying for Satan,
Someone better pray for me.
Maybe one of your gods will take pity.
None of mine have.
But they say I'll be doing just fine when those dresses come in.
You know?
When I make it through the blur.
"I'm sipping on some sunshine
I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
And she's drunk by the day time
I bet she feels it just the same, not anymore"
1.4k · Feb 2014
Stupid White Girl
AJ Feb 2014
Stupid white girl.
We are not allowed to do anything.
We're prim and proper, white girls.
We are not allowed to fight back.
Put us in our place, white girls.
We are not allowed real work.
We still want our twenty three cents back.

The child of fair skin and blue eyes.
But with all my female privilege,
Came a nasty stamp on my body.
Like a watermark.
I have heard that when a woman looks in the mirror, she sees a woman.
But when a man looks in the mirror, he sees a human.

Even with that watermark, our pale skin is used as a canvas.
And everyone else has been handed the tools to color in our curves.
Covering us in blue and black and purple and red.
Redrawing our minds so they cannot process the discrimination,
Painting over our tears so our feelings can be buried,
Manufacturing open legs when you want them,
Closed when you don't.
Erasing the lips we use to speak out,
Erasing the eyes we use to see all of this.

You think just because you held the brush,
Just because you created this monstrosity of a "masterpiece"
You get to claim ownership of this piece of artwork
That you blatantly disregard
Is my BODY.

The "fe" you tack onto "male"
Does not stand for Free Entry.
The "wo" you tack onto "man"
Does not stand for Wipe Out.

Women are barely able hold a pencil.
I was lucky to hold one long enough to draw myself
A conscience, a backbone, legs to stand on, and a mind.
We were only taught how to use the back end of that pencil
To erase our mouth and keep the secrets.
But these days the secrets are keeping themselves.

I will not be put in a glass case
You will not charge admission
To have people come and analyze me.
Buy me.
Give me value.
Categorize me.
Preserve me the way you created.

You are no artists.
You are vandals.
1.4k · Jan 2014
The Bid Bad Plot Twist
AJ Jan 2014
Are you telling me,
That no one ever shamed little red riding hood?
She was ***** by that wolf.
And as much as you call him
The villain,
The antagonist,
The evil.
You say that she was foolish,
And gullible,
And irresponsible.
Of course.
She was a CHILD.
You all write off the wolf as bad.
Just **** him.
He is evil by nature.
No one cares.
You don't even give him a single thought.
But you tell your children
Don't explore the world on your own,
And don't trust new people,
And DON'T get *****.
Can you even **** shame a child?
She was ASKING for it?

I'm disgusted.
Don't teach little boys not to be vicious WOLVES,
Just teach little girls not to be trusting and care free Little Red Riding Hoods.
And if you think this is just about this story,
I'm even more disgusted in you.
Wake up.
WE are society.
1.4k · Jun 2013
AJ Jun 2013
My cat just sneezed.
It was the cutest thing in the world.
His eyes shut and he blew himself back
About maybe two feet.
He then proceeded to look around confused and offended,
And sneezed yet again.
This time his eyes widened even further,
Showing his displeasure,
Like it was the most unbelievable and horrid mystery in the world.
Then he jumped up on the couch
And he scratched me.
AJ Oct 2014
It's 10:51
My Philosophy of Science class
Wasn't supposed to end until 11:15.
There is 39 minutes until Accounting.
I don't like this.
Because the cafe will be too full
It would cause a bad attack.
Because I was dumb and didn't take
My anti anxiety meds.
So I have to sit down on a bench in the hallway.
Stairs are a wreck.
My knees just shake.
I took too much of my friend's adderall
Because I never went to sleep.
And I needed to do all of these assignments
And exams
And papers
And swap tragic life stories with Becca
And I only picked at a piece of watermelon for breakfast
And now I have the shakes.
And I'm either really ******* hot
Or really ******* cold.
And I don't know which one.
So I'm just wearing a really warm sweatshirt.
Isn't this great
1.4k · Dec 2014
Wooden Lungs
AJ Dec 2014
You were born on a day
Where the oxygen in the room
Was thick and far from humble.
You were too perfect,
And I was shining with way too much pride
For the suggested serving size.

And you were gasping right before
You took your real first breath.
And I saw myself in you.
Gasping, trying to cry,
Trying to release and experience.
But lungs are made of wood sometimes.

Then you finally breathed in
And started crying hysterically,
Like babies do.
And that was the first thing we had in common.
Wooden lungs.
Our blue eyes were the second.

Sorry about your father,
He was less of a father figure
And more like a father figurine.
Too breakable, and far too easy
To put in the back of closet.

He never had to struggle for the air like we do.
He doesn't know how good that unhumble air tastes.
He didn't have wooden lungs.
And his eyes were brown.
1.4k · Jul 2013
AJ Jul 2013
This is killing me.
You are killing me.
You sick little ****.
I'm not going to answer your calls.
It is making me feel like I'm in a baracade.
And you have opened fire.
You're trying to luer me out
With ****** voicemails
"Baby I wanna *******".
"I love it when you scream no".
"Make me a sandwhich doll face".
"Let me ******* to death".
I will rip out my own heart before I answer.
Before I leave my bunker.
******* you sadist pig.
1.4k · Aug 2013
Bat Shit Crazy
AJ Aug 2013
I'm currenty somewhere between
Emotionally void
And too emotional.
It's not just OCD, or depression, or anxiety.
Or what everyone else thinks I have.
Just, you know,
It makes me laugh.
**** yourself.
I need therapy again,
And I'm so jealous of those who can afford it.
I need meds,
And I'm so angry at those who can get it.
I know I need help.
But when you act out or ask for help
And all you get is silenced
Because it means your parenting is week
Because you care how it affects someone else instead
Because it is too much for you too handle
Because you'd rather I fix you,
Then I'm not going to get better.
Do you know how I solve it alone?
Razors and safety pins to make it dull,
Nyquil and Tylenol PM to get some rest.
***** and **** to medicate the main problems,
And binging and vomitting to get the physique back.
Maybe I don't need help.
This seems to be working pretty.
Well, only if pretty well means not at all.
1.4k · Feb 2016
Rushing My Twenties
AJ Feb 2016
I feel so domestic.
I'm honestly craving that 40s housewife life.
Cooking and cleaning all day,
Modest lipstick and pincurls.
Constantly barefoot and pregnant,
Floral dresses and pearls.
1.4k · Jul 2013
Stop Romanticizing
AJ Jul 2013
I really don't think you understand.
I will explain it to you.

Being bulimic is convincing yourself,
That you don't like pizza, or chips, or ice cream.
And eventually you believe it whole heartedly.
And you cannot stand those foods anymore.

Being bulimic is pretending
To eat dinner in your room,
And just hiding it in a plastic bag,
Until you have time to get rid of it.

Being bulimic is more than just counting calories.
You count calories, and bites, and calculate percentage of calories from fat,
And how many calories you have left that day.
And you can't sleep if you haven't written every bite down.

Being bulimic is having an absolute panic attack
When dinner plans are changed.
You planned for this meal.
And now everything you worked so *******, is gone.

Being bulimic is waiting till 2 am,
When everyone is asleep,
So you can sneak out to the kitchen,
And take a bunch of food back to your room.

Being bulimic is binging on so much food,
Way beyond what makes your stomach feel comfortable,
And you don't even like the food your eating.
You don't even like it, and you just stuff it in your mouth.

Being bulimic is being able to ***** without a toothbrush,
And doing at least 600 crunches that night,
So that you don't need to cut yourself
For what you just did.

Romanticize it all you want,
But my teeth rotted,
And i still have friends that listen outside the bathroom door.
Have fun, because I'm not.
1.3k · Sep 2013
Son XI
AJ Sep 2013
This week I have been teaching my little ghost to read.
We have started with, of course,
Cat in the Hat.
His favorite letter is C.
Because it's in his name,
And it's in chocolate.
And it's shaped like a cookie with a bite taken out of it.
Those are his words not mine.
He is very good at this.
I am so proud of my little Collin.
His new nickname is "mostly ghostly".
He learned it from his new friend Jordan.
Baby **** life.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
AJ Jun 2013
I'm fine, I guess.
Just in case you were wondering.

It's been four years since that night on the pool table.
I still think about it.
Just in case you were wondering.

Nothing positive came from that experience.
Even though they said it would.
"You'll be so much stronger."
I can't find the strength.
Just in case you were wondering.

I hated you, and your baby that I almost had.
But it's been almost four years.
I wasn't too sad to lose her then.
I am now.
And I hate you.
Just in case you were wondering.

You called me last week.
You were drunk.
No, we can not do it again.
No, I will not make you dinner.
You disgust me.
Just in case you're wondering.

If your goal was to break me, you failed.
You just gave me the necessary tools to break myself.
I did it.
Just in case you were wondering.

I'm fine, I guess.
Just in case you were wondering.
AJ Dec 2013
I wasn't taking advantage of her vulnerability.
It certainly was not a pity ****.
She was crying, and clinging.
It was the only way I knew of
To make her feel good.
To give her a release.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

It is never an issue,
Until it is uttered out loud.
Now we both know
That she will open her legs before she opens her heart.
I'll told her that is stupid,
And that she is not stupid,
But still beautiful.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

I'd make her mine if I could.
As far as she's concerned,
She belongs to the weeds on her front lawn.
When she was five and three fourths she picked a dandelion,
And her father told her no matter how pretty it looks,
It will always be bad,
It will always be toxic inside
She never got over that.
So now she looks very pretty,
But she fills herself with ***** and ******* and all things
1.3k · Aug 2013
AJ Aug 2013
It's three am
I hear him whisper
"Mommy, I'm scared."
Now 40% of my bed is taken up by a snoring ghost baby.
Goodnight Collin.
Other stories about Collin can be found in the collection "Son", which you can find if you look in the notes down below.
1.3k · Sep 2013
Sana Mehaidli
AJ Sep 2013
You look at me like I created the oceans,
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's just too bad that you set my pedestal to self destruct,
So that I'd feel like a suicide bomber.
1.3k · Jul 2013
La Da Da Di Dum
AJ Jul 2013
So I will tell you a story,
Of a little party girl.
Who created her own world.
And in that world,
She was religion.
She was a goddess.
Her body was everyone's temple.
They prayed to her.
They prayed on her.
Her word was gold.
She ****** like a high class *******.
She could never figure out why they all loved her so much.
Stargazing, naked, on the roof, with a bottle of tequila.
Falling in love with a magical mouse girl.
She felt like Lenny from Of Mice and Men.
She practically snapped her in two.
How can she be so powerful, yet such a mess at the same time?
1.3k · Nov 2013
AJ Nov 2013
I constantly feel
Like I have taken
Well over a handful
Of sleeping pills.

I can't make it stop.
1.3k · Jun 2013
Fish Wishes and Proud Clouds
AJ Jun 2013
I went for a run,
And listened to the sweet stylings of Eminem and Pink.
I enjoy the puns while my lungs are giving out due to my exertion of energy.
After an hour I jumped into the pond,
And I watched the fish swim around me.
And they looked to peaceful,
And they wished their fish wishes.
And it reminded me of an effortless cloud.
And that reminded me of my favorite childhood poem.
It was from Winnie The Pooh.
"How sweet to be a Cloud
Floating in the Blue!
It makes him very proud
To be a little cloud."
And I thought about how much has changed since I first heard that poem.
Now I love poems about suicide, ***, and self deprivation,
But I still wish I was a cloud,
And I do not love that poem any less.
AJ Dec 2013
I'm so angry.
I really am.
You are college students.
You think you could tastefully
Complete a project on eating disorders.
I very well know that
Demi Lavato is a beautiful woman.
Is that honestly all you can say?
How could you possibly romanticize this issue.

My throat burns because of the acid.
My teeth are ****.
I brush them three to five times a day.
I lock myself in the guest bathroom in the building
So that I can ***** in private.
I can eat a whole loaf of bread in three minutes.
When I was in high school
My mother tried to force me to eat breakfast.
So I filled multiple gallon bags
Of cereal and rotting bagels and toast.
I don't eat meals with people.
I bring a take out container to my dorm
Once a day
Stuffed to the limit with food.
And I eat it in ten minutes.
And then I *****.
And sometimes I cut
And sometimes I sleep
But I don't even cry over it.
I itch my legs at family meals
Because taking another bite seems unbearable.
It's not something I care to discus.

To tell me that men can't have eating disorders
And that women are the only important ones.
I am a woman
But that makes me feel even sicker than my ED.
Ana and Mia are pansexual.
They don't care who you are
And they don't care if you hate them.
They will become your best friend
And they will stalk you
And destroy you
And they don't give two *****
If you're asian, white, male, or 300 pounds.
It's still a big deal.
I don't care if you have a BMI of 0 or 100.
It's still important.
It's still a big deal.
And you're offensive.
1.3k · May 2014
AJ May 2014
When I first met you,
You has this smile on your face.
And I swear to god
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
But if you looked at the ground
The way you looked at me,
I promise you
At least four dozen flowers
Would have sprouted right up from the ground.
You were that magical.

But three months in,
And a bottle and a half of *****,
You hit me so hard,
That you left bite marks in my mind,
And scars on my heart composed of your fingerprints.

All the flowers have died.
1.3k · Nov 2013
AJ Nov 2013
I drink coffee at Starbucks.
Not because I'm pretentious.
I mean
I am pretentious.
But that is not why I drink Starbucks.
Amazing mathematical concepts
Are just swirling around in my head.
I have to clean.
I have to shower.
I have to do the dishes.
I have to wash my clothes.

Jeszcze ci kutasa w kawałeczki potnę, wiesz, tak jak rzeźnik robi, i ci je do drzwi przybije.

Translate that. It will make you laugh. I promise.
1.3k · Mar 2014
Twinkle Twinkle
AJ Mar 2014
I understand how you're always so uncomfortable.
You're a star
Trapped in this tiny frail little body.
I don't understand how you are not bursting at the seams.

I understand how you're always so sad.
You have an entire galaxy to get back to.
Gazillions of light years to explore,
And you're just stuck in this miniature bubble.

I understand how you're always so quiet.
If you opened your mouth
All of your light would come shining out and blind every.
You are very considerate for not doing so.
1.3k · Jul 2013
AJ Jul 2013
Call me honeybee one more time,
I dare you.
I love it.
I am so platonicly in love with you.
You are better than starbucks.
Maybe five times better,
But I'm contemplating six and a half.
I just want to make sure you're always super duper happy.
And bring you soup, and tea, and fuzzy blankets, and fab movies when you're sad.
You are the absolute cutest.
You no think I'm pretty.
So dot zee to you.
But I'll get over it,
And I'll never be over you.
No ****.
With all the **** in the world implied.
I feel like I should insert some sort of suggestive emoticon here.
1.2k · Jun 2013
The Coolest Rebel of All
AJ Jun 2013
I was always weirdly rebellious as a child.
As a teen I never pierced my tongue,
Snuck boys over the house,
Or stole candy bars from the convenience store.
Not me, when I was little
I would refuse to take my naps.
I'd fake sleeping and then sit there and hum to myself,
Waiting for my matka to come back and check on me.
I cut my own bangs,
Even when I was five.
Even when I was five the day before school pictures.
Matka wasn't pleased.
I didn't want to learn the Polish I was being taught.
I wanted to be different.
I didn't want chocolate milk like everyone else.
I wanted plain milk,
Not sweet milk.
Everyone liked sweets.
I didn't like the sun,
Because everyone liked the sun.
I liked the rain.
I wanted to be different.
My favorite word was podnóżek.
Do not be fooled,
It is nothing pretty.
It means footrest.
I liked it because it was different.
I wanted to be a rebel.
The coolest rebel of all.
One who fakes her naps, cuts her hair, drinks plain milk, and enjoys the word footrest.
The coolest rebel of all.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Crocodile Tears
AJ Jul 2013
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
Cigarettes, nail biting, and *****.
Bad habits die so much harder than I do.
I bought some sheets today,
And some bowls,
And a power strip.
And that made me think of a power trip,
And how I wish I was on one.
I have wrinkles under my eyes, you know?
I'm not sure when they happened,
But I know why.
Maybe if I ******* ate something....
They're not as dark as the scars on my thighs,
But still.
I am too old for this masochistic *******.
The days where I was fourteen,
And the school counselor would call my parents
Are over.
There is no poor little ****** senior boy who wants to save me.
Kiss my scars,
And mend my heart.
Force me to eat,
And fix me.
It's not cute anymore.
It's just annoying.
I'm just annoying.
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
AJ Aug 2013
I will not write happier poems because you enjoy them more.
If I force it I will hate it.
And if I hate what I write I will start to cry.
And we all know how messy that can be.
We all know how you hate that.
You have three emotions,
Witnessing any more than that makes you ill.
1.2k · Dec 2013
AJ Dec 2013
I'm cold cold cold.
My parent's house is not the escape I was looking for.
I lock myself in here without the heat to prove a point.
What point, you ask?
Well, uhhhh, I don't know.

I dug out an old sweatshirt from 6th grade basketball.
It's still too big.
If  I stretch my arms out towards the lack of sky
My tiny, chubby, baby hands peek through.
They are very cold.
I wonder if our babies will have my hands or Javin's.

I could never be a communist.
The theoretical kind of communism, of course.
I am very territorial.
1.2k · Jul 2014
K Cocktail
AJ Jul 2014
If only you could high jack my blood stream
And do an immediate landing.
Because I am flying so high.

If the sun wants to play
Who am I to turn her away?
1.2k · Jun 2013
Scariest Moment of My Life
AJ Jun 2013
When I was six I was in girlscouts.
One day I went to a jail
It was a fieldtrip that I did not enjoy.
They told us that when you were seven you could get arrested,
And they could spray things in your eyes.
I did not know you had to commit a crime first.
I wanted to be six forever.
On my seventh birthday I was very nervous.
I made myself sick and could not even enjoy my birthday pancakes,
Even though they had m'n'ms in them.
Who doesn't love m'n'ms?
I cried on and off all day,
And on our way to dinner I heard sirens.
My heart stopped for a good two seconds.
And that was the most scared I have ever been in my whole life.
1.2k · Oct 2013
AJ Oct 2013
I was going to write this poem
On anxieties and procrastination.
But then I decided to write it later.
But that really freaked me out.
So here it is.
1.2k · Feb 2014
Large Black Coffee
AJ Feb 2014
You're drunk.
I'm on pills.
It's like we have the same disease.
AJ Jul 2013
Some people are madly in love with me,
And it makes me so sad.
I know some of you might not think of much me,
But I regret to inform you that I'm a real heartbreaker.
The way I walk around this earth,
With my high heeled attitute, my mermade hair, and my blue dragon eyes.
"She'll save me,
She's magic."
It's completely false.
And completely tragic.
I can only reflect what you're putting into me.
I try not to use you all,
I really do.
I didn't want to be your first time baby girl,
I didn't want him to give me his heart on a silver platter.
It didn't matter.
I was only playing a stupid little game.
I can't quite remember the name.
But it's all I know to do.
I'm sorry I'm such a good ****.
I'm sorry I'm so **** cute when I'm high.
I'm sorry I have the voice of an angel.
I'm sorry I can read you so well.
I'm sorry every time I say one of your names there's an electric current
Running from your stomach,
To you fingertips,
And back.
I'm sorry every slip up is precisely planned.
I'm sorry I have you in my hand.
I can't tell if it's a conscience effort or not.
I guess I forgot.
I'm just an alcoholic nympomaniac.
But the real problem with that,
Is that I am unbelievably brilliant.
And I am unbelievably sorry
That you all ran head on into the little web I forgot to unspin.
1.2k · Feb 2014
This Is Disgusting
AJ Feb 2014
I could be rioting the abominations
Of homophobia and sexism.
Being an activist.
Helping changes occur.
Doing good for myself, my friends, the whole country.

And I'm here.
Studying rocks under a microscope
To fill a ******* lab requirement.
Doing psychology research.
Waking up every morning with more debt on my shoulders.

I could be out saving lives,
Or seeing the world
Or starting a family
Or creating things that bring people joy
Or making people happy
Or making changes.

And I'm here.
Picking a career field that will make me a lot of money
For the soul purpose of paying off my two hundred thousand dollars in student loans.
I didn't realize I had other options when I started school.
But I am in so financially deep right now
That I literally have NO other options.
This is how they get you, kids.
Don't follow in my footsteps.
Because you'll ******* hate your life.
AJ Jun 2013
I feel very tired.
My phone is dying
My charger is lost.
I watched Golden Girls today.
I'm in love with Betty White.
I feel very naseous and unnormal.
I think I might be expecting again.
I want to brake a glass dish.
TV makes it look like a good stress reliever.
I ate a peach when I got home.
I wish it was organic.
I wish I was organic.
AJ Jun 2013
Lying in the grass at two in the morning,
Smoking some Marlboro 27s,
With a bottle of Sobieski by my side.
I'm staring into the completely blank sky,
And the clouds have gypped me again.
My stomach feels warm,
My head feels heavy.
The clouds where too ominous.
I should have remembered foreshadowing from my childhood.
The one vocab used every ******* year ,
From ages 10 to 18.
I knew it was going to rain.
By this point I don't have enough sobriety stored up to care.
Or to leave.
If the rain wants to get in my hair, and my mouth, and my clothes, and my soul,
It'll be closer than I want anyone else to be at this moment.
1.2k · Jun 2013
Paternal Instinct
AJ Jun 2013
Why, you silly *****,
I felt so sorry for you
That my pity changed from utter exhaustion to borderline hatred.
Oh you miserable fool,
You drained me in more ways than one,
And you were never around when it wasn't Jack Daniels and a TV remote.
Yes, you wretched *******,
The only thing I learned from you was how to hit,
And passively dance around my problems like they are just pesky ants.
*******, you oblivious *******.
You caused the scars and the attempts.
You drove nothing but vile thoughts of self hatred into my brain.
I can't be afraid of someone who is that pathetic.
I feel so sorry for you,
You ignorant *******.
1.2k · Jan 2014
AJ Jan 2014
Tell me
That I'm beautiful anyway.
1.2k · Aug 2013
AJ Aug 2013
Sometimes you're a drunken little brat.
Have fun with that.
Insult me all you want.
I'm the dealer,
You can't beat the house.
The house always wins.
1.2k · Sep 2013
I Wish I Was A Bunny Rabbit
AJ Sep 2013
Your name should not even have the
To be uttered from my lips.
Every syllable that comes out
Is like a tiny pinprick
On the ball of my foot.
It's disgusting.
You're annoying.
I thought I was playing you,
But I guess you were playing me too,
And I'm really confused right now
Over how I'm even caring about this.
Is going on here?
1.2k · Jan 2014
AJ Jan 2014
Sometimes ***** tastes like you.
Like having *** on the bathroom counter.
Like pizza movie nights.
Like getting high on the roof while reading poetry.
Like eating you out in the back of that church.
Like crashing that car in the field behind your house.
Like playing the guitar on your back porch.
Like the sound your horrid contagious laughter.
Like drawing hearts on each other's backs with crayola markers.
Like your tongue after the first cigarette.
Like you and me.
Like you.
Like us.
Like you.
Like you before those pills and those blades took you away.
Now like me.
I always taste like *****.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Where did Superman go?
AJ Oct 2013
I only have one small towel
To stop this entire flood.
Yet you have an entire army
Just to swat one tiny little fly.
Explain to me why this is fair.
AJ Jul 2014
You can't touch your toes
Or lick your nose.
But you're body still amazes me.
AJ Aug 2013
You were told this was perfection.
But isn't it ironic
How that man did not create the universe in seven days,
And you were not born without original sin?
And after that night in the basement
You are definitely no ******.
An attempt at a shotgun wedding
Ends up with a shotgun in your daddy's hand,
A lot of tears,
A few screaming last words,
And the secession from the union.
If I'm being over dramatic you may tell me to stop.
You got an old apartment
Where the thermostat doesn't control anything.
You're crying over the stretch marks,
And he's telling you it's just a permanent reminder
That she was once inside you,
And you guys were one person.
He is giving you a false sense of hope.
He leaves three weeks after Amelia is born,
He runs away with the waitress down at the diner.
She's pregnant too.
It's a boy.
You raise her to the best of your ability,
She is mentally *******.
You do not have the money to take care of her
The way she needs to be taken care of.
You start doing heroine,
You did ******* before you were pregnant.
You end up hitting Amelia every day,
She is only seven.
Your landlord hears you
Screaming at her
When he comes to collect the rent on a saturday morning.
Amelia is taken away.
You are now in the corner.
You're not even crying,
You have drank yourself into a coma.
You are not waking up.
It's ironic because your ******* name is Mary.
******* it.
1.1k · Jul 2013
I Am Slightly Annoyed
AJ Jul 2013
Can I make a sandwich at midnight?
Yes I can, actually.
Shut your
I like to ****.
I like to eat sandwiches at midnight.
I like to smoke.
I like to write poetry.
And make out in elevators.
And be young.
And I will **** **** if I want to,
And I will be  **** if I want to.
Try and stop me?
1.1k · Jul 2013
Fucking Fuck
AJ Jul 2013
OH MY ******* GOD.
I need a night out.
I need to drink.
I need to do lines of snow.
I need to dance.
I need to go crazy.
Swim in a heated pool at three am.
Throw a bottle of ***** in a wood chipper.
Scream at the top of my lungs.
Turn a few girls gay.
And walk around like I own every
******* person in the room.
Someone take me out.
I'm bored.
I need a power trip.
1.1k · Sep 2013
White Lace Dress
AJ Sep 2013
Albany Rosaline Smith.
On Mondays Albany went down to the store to get milk.
Her mother always gave her twenty five cents.
Twenty for the milk,
And five for some candy.
All the boys she passed along the way would tell her how she was
Genuinly beautiful.
And she knew it.
Albany was gorgeous.
On her sixteenth birthday she let Bobby Fisher
**** her under the oak tree
Out back in the feild behind the pond.
"You're something special there, Albany,"
He told her.
She knew it was true,
But it was a nice gesture,
So she let him **** her from behind this time.
Albany became Misses Fisher two years later,
Three weeks after graduation.
It was just the thing to do back then.
They had four kids,
And she was a good mom.
Mathilda, Lizabeth, Marcus, and Temprance.
Three of which were Bobby's.
One of which was the town physician's.
Bobby never knew.
He was a mill worker.
He was not very bright.
But Albany was.
Bright and Beautiful.
She died at the age of forty-two.
She was ***** an killed by the doctor.
He was also the mortician,
So no one questioned it.
It was a small town.
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