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If decency demanded
A pound of your flesh
Would you grab a blade
And hock it off?
Laid on the scales in perpetuity,
The insignificant life does not even register a blip on radar
Yet we still cherish and protect it.
If your life came at a cost,
How many would need die before you were indebted?
one small breeze carries a lifetimes song
through the open window


into the mind and heart


children of the Universe
it moves--having thrown open

its crusty eyes, unable to see passed


fat enough to live off itself--another

helping of world, it moves.

by itself, for itself--presence first,

as shamelessness wanders.

a sty within,  relocating to a sty within.

not knowing what's not to be named

of its beasthood, to preserve the absence

of its beasthood.

a glorious revulsion, that as soon eat the

star of the wisemen--once its stomach feels

I imagine red rain
waking the Maginot line
All of my disdain
falls silver in shame

I was caught helplessly
that the harlequins
would run basking
in the gooodbyes

Standing by the stairway
where I was choking on the promises of hello
a graceless lady stood suffering

Such are the stories that are seldom told
Those that are squandered
on existence
and those that are rejected at the cost of innocence

Were we looking forward
at our past
and found some comfort there
. . . what we imagined there

Bleeding me in the cuts of frustrations
Scabbing the shame
Forgiving the failures
. . . and the pain

always the pain . . .

can't you see

what's it doing to me ?
It will most likely be
You never will see
The value of me
It’s not blindness on your part
But inundation of gorgeous art
I cannot expect you to notice me
When you’re surrounded by so much
It must be everywhere you
Someone displaying the best they got
For you to see
Then, there’s me
Amidst adoring faces sea
And in that boat in which you be
There’s so much beauty
Within a few feet
To bother with what’s in the faraway sea
Where I be
Making little waves
If Poetry’s a hobby
your muse is entropic
Fading and dying
— as silence awaits

(Dreamsleep: May, 2024)
what's never to be gotten

over metes out its own


as in never.

in the affirmative.

immovably beyond.

yet right there with what stays--

lost as a void under the watchful

eye of a whole.
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