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Emily Barker Jul 2010
You never expect it.
But then in comes,
crashing down on you
like a cold wave on a sandy beach.

So how do you handle it?
Do you allow yourself to go numb?
Emotionless, thoughtless, catatonic
to the world around you?

You force yourself forward.

Because you can't stop.
Can't let those around you down.
Won't allow them to suffer
any more than they have to.

You find yourself
saying empty words,
each to fill
the gap left in your heart.

And just as your world
seems at an all time low.
Things look up,
you take a step.

And finally,
you feel.
Emily Barker Jul 2010
I'm not even sure where to begin.
You lit the fire in my soul.

Before you,
I saw the world in shades of gray.

Then there you were,
So full of color.
So Full of life.

Whenever I think of your name
my heart leaps for joy.

Our time together in this way
must now come to a close,
but it is far from the end.

As we grow older,
my affection grows deeper.

You saved my life
in the most literal of terms.

Your emblem shall always be tattooed
on the second toe of my left foot.

An ever lasting and constant reminder
of your selfless spirit.

For even after I am long gone
your spirit will remain
in the being of every person you have touched.

My love for you
is too great to explain in words.

All that I can say is,
Sugarloaf's in my heart!
Emily Barker Jul 2010
What is it about human nature
which so often thrives on pain?

It's high time that we each take a good look.
Look to our neighbors, our friends, even our enemies,
and really take stock in what we see.

Notice that all we do
does have an effect on others.

We're none of us perfect.
But we all share this place.
We all share this time.

So we should try
to work in harmony.

Always attempt to
bring out the best in those around us,
instead of knocking them down.

We are all different,
and yet so very the same.

Life could be easy,
if we just looked past the bad in people
and saw them for the beauty within.

And while there may be times
when the beauty appears invisible.

I ask that you keep searching.
Keep an open heart.

Because I promise that you will find it.
And when you do,
all will be right.

The ugly will be long gone.
Naught but a distant memory.

Hold on to the beauty
and do all you can do
for the stunning people who surround you.

This world is too unique for hate.
It was meant to be shared.
Emily Barker Jul 2010
Don't look at me and smile
as though everything is fine.

I can see the pain in your eyes.
Feel the hurt in your heart.

I'm here no matter what,
through good and through bad.
I've been along for the ride from the start.

I will sit,
I will listen.
I will always understand.

But please remember,
each relationship is a two way street.

I need you
to trust me.
Emily Barker Jul 2010
The moon bleeds tonight.
Her eerie light spreads across the Earth,
yet her silent screams reach only the deaf.

She cries in pain.
Her heart torn out by the people so far below

They have no idea how very fortunate they are.
For even when they are lonely,
they don't have to be alone.

For her none will stumble upon her spot
resting so high above.

Even when they land upon her,
it is only to poke and ****.

The moon bleeds tonight.
She is seen by all,
yet only heard by the deaf.
Emily Barker Jul 2010
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the end
Of the final two years.
What was said to be the easy part.

You all tell me not to worry so much,
But I still do.

What if I don’t do enough?
What if I make some monumental mistake?
Some epic failure never to be forgiven.

You tell me not to fear the failure,
But it feels as though that is all the universities
And my future bosses will be able to see.

Each a mark against me
In this over competitive world.

But shouldn’t the bosses and the Universities
See the growth from the failure
And not the failure itself?

To me, that makes more sense.
I would much rather work with someone
Who took a risk, failed and overcame it.

Than someone who didn’t even try
And got it right the first time around.

So, maybe you are right.
Maybe I can’t sweat the small stuff.
Maybe things will just fall into place.

But maybe they won’t.
Maybe I’ll fail.
Emily Barker Jul 2010
We stand together on this night,
None of us want for it to end.

Tomorrow we will part ways, go home,
Not to be back for another year.

We look around the sea of people
And there is nothing but sadness, nothing but tears.

At first I am fine, sad,
But no tears have yet to hit these eyes.

But then I turn around and you are there,
Tears streaming down your face.

As you sob into my shoulder,
I lose it.

We finally break apart,
Moving on to embrace the rest of the world.

Some mean more than others,
Some mean the end of a long journey together as we part ways in the world.

We all walk up together, the night is still,
The stars more beautiful than ever.

With final hugs and final sobs,
We part ways for the night.

While we will see each other in the morn’,
It feels as though heaven has come to an end.
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