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 Apr 2018
Emeka Mokeme
In the mind of man
is the divinity's dwelling place.
The sanctuary where our
life is molded and patterned,
our thoughts formed either
for good or destruction.
Our lives roadmap lights
our partway into the divine will
and purpose for constructive living.
With the divine helpful hands,
we willed our lives with might,
Not of our strength,
but the inner leading of the almighty.
For those who listen to
the unexplainable inner call
within their consciousness,
the divine healing elixir
of life is unleashed,
their lives becomes
a noble one full of grace,
for their obedience links
them to the miraculous.
They feel the pains of life,
and of death,
the pain of love,
and of hate,
the pain of knowing too much,
and lack of knowledge,
pain of being sensitive,
and insensitive,
pain of having,
and of lack,
more than their peers,
for that is the cross they bear
of being who they are
in the scheme of things prepared
for only those who walk in the
part of the divine Iliad.
No complaints are needed
for their end are assured.
Answer that call now.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
The calling into the spiritual path is like a rose with thorns.. a great exploits with a beautiful ending.
 Jun 2017
Nat Lipstadt
A Hebrew Prayer from the Sabbath Morning Service

THESE ARE THINGS that are limitless,
of which a person enjoys the fruit of the world,
while the principal remains in the world to come.

They are:

honoring one’s father and mother,
engaging in deeds of compassion,
arriving early for study, morning and evening,
dealing graciously with guests,                                                       
visiting the sick,                                                            ­                  
providing for the wedding couple,
accompanying the dead for burial,
being devoted in prayer,
and making peace among people.

But the study of Torah^ encompasses them all.


I briefly considered editing, adding to, rephrasing this translation.
But reconsidered almost immediately, and instead wrote this down.
*Among the things that are limitless perfect is this prayer.
^ the study of Torah (meaning here,  the totality of Jewish teaching, culture and practice)  offers the knowledge of what is right and how to live justly. Jewish study includes the expectation that the lessons will be applied to life.

San Francisco
 Jun 2017
Alyssa Underwood
"We can't afford to be wrong on this issue."  
~ Francis Chan

With holy anguish hearts are crying
through feeble language urgently trying
to summon the sleeping now to wake
for souls' eternities are at stake

 Dec 2016
Terry Jordan
All I Need is this moment
I will not walk on by
Thirsty by a mountain stream
Without the tears to cry

Denial and delusion
Have not worked out so well
Existing in confusion
Creating my own hell

Love teaches me to really see
What is beneath the surface
Known by the heart but not the eye
Revealing my life’s purpose

In a flash Material World
Gives way, but what is this
A signpost points the way to
A sense of eternal bliss

I am glimpsing sweet moments
In the awakened state
The Holy Instant, satori
Where oneness replaces hate.
Spending time meditating every morning, quieting my monkey mind and listening to God sometimes...
 Oct 2016
Mark Parker
When the answers are rigged,
change the solution.
When life gives you lemons, lemonade isn't the only answer. You also can selling them at the market. Who ever said life gave you sugar and water?
 Jul 2016
WendyStarry Eyes
As I grow in Oneness
Within The Lord whom I abide
Strength, Wisdom, and true wellness
Are blossoming inside

My heart is pumping full of
Peace and ease
As I'm overcoming task
I never fathomed I would achieve

The most important factor
Is that I owe it all to The One
For without The Wonderful Counselor
The Mighty God
I would have never overcome

My heart knows
He has greater task for me ahead
I pray daily
when these task arise I will grasp to succumb
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

What occupies thy soul and being? Worldly knowledge, book's, gold, material thing's; Diamond's, jewelry, ring's, automobile's, weapon's that ****, Poison's that we put into ourn spiritual bodies.


Where is thy heart? Into plastic, stuck in a casket, pulling apart?
Art thou striving to a life of just surviving, or actually living life;
What cometh first? God, family, friend's, or earthly trend's?


Whom doth thou serve? The thought's of the devil? The grave and the shovel? Art thou on another level? Or dying to get rich; Living as a slave? Choked in a cave? Giving all, as all the lord gaveth thee.


What doth thou fearest? Mankind? With bomb's that shineth, and gun's to smoketh? Or thy creator whom hold's the key to life and death, art thou like all the rest laying thy treasure on men's step's? Or in Jehovah's kingdom? The great architect's ringing the doorbell at thy being; ding ****...... Ding ****... Ring. Ring!!!!

Wilt thou let him in?
Or serve the world and men?

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21 king James bible
 Oct 2015
Ann M Johnson
( written by my sister, shared with permission from the author)
                      He Lives Within                              
Within my heart there is a place,
Where love is always found.
The place is where my savior lives,
No matter where I am bound.
His name is Jesus and his face,
I someday yearn to see .
Jesus came for you, and me,
from sin to set us free.
Reach out for His loving hand,
and though your knees are weak,
He'll help you stand.
Look into His loving gaze,
He is with you through all your days.
And when He gently whispers your name,
You will never be the same.
This poem was written by my sister Cathy and appeared in the October 2015 , Sr. Perspective, River edition newspaper in the Poets Corner section. I am delighted that she let me share this with all my Hello Poetry friends.
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
You look and see the shape the world is in
Your so afraid any day it's going to end
Let me let you in on a secret friend

You can never PRAY enough

Your asking me if that helps
I'm asking you if not then what else
As the world around you quickly melts

You can never PRAY enough

The moral collapse of society
The putrid air that we all breathe
Needs that drive us to our knees

You can never PRAY enough

The knuckle heads that are in charge
The loony's running freely in the yard
The very best in get well cards

You can never PRAY enough

Even when it's all running smooth
Be it Latitude or Longitude
Word of mouth or in the news

You can never PRAY enough

My advice to those out there
Retirement age or Kinder care
Here or there or anywhere

You can never PRAY enough
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