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20h · 28
Ciel Noir 20h
my soul was sealed in ice

was I
the ice?


I broke

what am I?
who am I?

without the cage
that gave my soul its shape
1d · 17
Another Step
you take a step
and you are somewhere new
the winding road ahead
comes into view

you'll see how far you've come
if you look back
you've come this far
now take another step

you take a step
but is this really new?
the winding road ahead
comes into view

you'll see how far you've come
if you look back
you've come this far
now take another step

you take a step
there's nothing else to do
the winding road ahead
comes into view

you'll see how far you've come
if you look back
you've come this far
now take another step

you take a step
and you are somewhere new
the forest is alive
the sky is blue

and you look up
instead of looking back

you will take another step
2d · 59
if I'd been held
like this back then
I wonder who
I'd be today

probably not the one who waited
pushed all other men away

because I was not 'good enough'
because I was afraid to love

it took so long to find someone
because I built so many walls

and through it all
I always hoped
one day I could be understood

deep down
through all my darkest days
I always wanted to be good

if I had never run away
this dream would end

if someone like you
had been there to hold me then
I'm sure we never would have met
May 15 · 47
Ciel Noir May 15
a monster sleeps
inside my brain

afraid of what
I cannot tame

I put the monster
in a cage

I tremble
I can feel her RAGE


I am the monster
awake in my cage


I scream and I rage
at my chains

but I am the one who breaks

she left me alone here
I am afraid


there is a monster
inside my brain

I locked her away
in fear and in shame

they put me in chains
and I am the same

I am the monster
awake in my cage


I am the monster
alone in my cage

am I alone?
who speaks my name?

she turns away in shame
but she came

and with trembling hands
she breaks my chains


I am the monster
I broke my chains

my hands shake
I stumble
out of my cage

tears run down my face
as I taste the rain

I am the monster
and that is OK
May 9 · 101
There For Me
Ciel Noir May 9
just the way you are
you are already enough
you don't have to earn my love
you don't have to try

it's OK to fail
it's OK to be crazy
it's OK to get angry
it's OK to cry

most people are good
it's fine to be ordinary
I am not comparing you to
anybody else

I take comfort in
things I wish were said to me
now I can be there for me
say them to myself
May 9 · 59
Only Me
Ciel Noir May 9
It's scary
I already have my doubts
that I could ever really be enough

I am afraid of losing what I am
of never again being what I was

afraid to face you without this armor
I freeze within my fear like a coward

how can I come to you as only me
what would I be to you without my power
May 7 · 26
Ciel Noir May 7
so hard to erase this pain
I thought that this was who I was
and maybe it was who I was
when I thought I was not enough

can I write over my scars
I was right
I have a heart
I have the right to have a heart
that is a part of who we are

tear apart the tape
of all the hateful things I learned to say
behind my back and to my face
my lowest moments
on replay

how much of that can I erase
can I replace the thoughts I hate
with something whole

my blood runs cold

afraid I could erase my soul
Apr 28 · 33
Ciel Noir Apr 28
something blooms
inside of me

petal by petal

inside the cage
I built around me

soft against
cold metal

so open
and vulnerable

so gentle
that I tremble

more tender
than the spring

more powerful
than words
or symbols
Apr 26 · 69
Ciel Noir Apr 26
who am I?
I am a person
who am I?
I am alive

who am I?
an animal
with questions in my eyes

who am I
without the answers?
who am I
without my fear?

who am I
to ask these questions?
who am I
if no one hears?

who am I?
it all depends
how much of me
it's safe to show

who am I
when we're together?
who am I
when I'm alone?

who am I
to even think
to even dream
that I could know?

am I
the dream or the dreamer?

who am I?

who wants to know?
Apr 4 · 231
Ciel Noir Apr 4
there is danger all around
but we have not been destroyed

bound to this
most perfect stone

we look down
into the void

we know there must be
something more than
what we see

what are we?

an anomaly
a rounding error

we look up

in awe
and terror
Apr 3 · 187
Ciel Noir Apr 3
sometimes I'm still afraid
of being seen
I'd rather be unknown
and on my own
and on and on
and all alone

I try
to say I'm not afraid
why lie?
there's no one else
I try
to do things by myself
sometimes I'm still afraid to ask for help

sometimes I play the victim
even when that's only half the truth
sometimes I am the monster
when I cry
sometimes I am the wolf

sometimes I am the dragon
I am strong
I scare my fears away
sometimes I am so brave
only sometimes

sometimes I'm still afraid
Mar 31 · 152
Ciel Noir Mar 31
there are things I cannot grasp
long though I reach out my hand
stare at the strange shape of darkness
watch until I understand
Mar 28 · 26
No Horizon
Ciel Noir Mar 28
no boundary
outside the mind

I am the void
there is no

no horizon
there is no line

I am the sky
Mar 27 · 158
auch in dich hinein
Ciel Noir Mar 27
the fear of the unknown
is visceral and real for me

cold and empty

I want to understand
Mar 16 · 28
A Thought
Ciel Noir Mar 16
how does it feel
to be a thought

to jump across the synapses

fly like a great ape
tree to tree

network to network
bridge to bridge

and when it kills another thought

does it feel guilty
does it mourn

does it want to be remembered
does it remember being born

does it make choices
does it know

when it gets lost
where does it go

does it fade
or turn into code

what waits at the end of the road

to change its way
to change its shape

what does that take

what hope
what faith

maybe it knows
or maybe not

ah well

it was only a thought
Mar 14 · 79
Love Me
Ciel Noir Mar 14
do not love me for my face
love me for my ways
my grace

do not love me for my looks
love me for my art
my books

do not love me because I'm young
love me for what I've said and done

love me for something deep
love me
love me for something I can keep
Mar 6 · 144
Ciel Noir Mar 6
it is strange when I look back
at all the things I chose to say

poems about quantum physics
poems about DNA

I am quite aware that I might
come across a little odd

thinking about thinking
looking at the sky
looking for God

it gives me shivers when I see
the pattern running through it all

staring out into the void
and reaching out behind my walls

strange encrypted souls
building our bridges into the unknown

strange to feel so understood
strange that I am not alone
Feb 5 · 56
Ciel Noir Feb 5
a sound like rage
like metal rain
the sound of the dragon
breaking her chains

beneath her wings
the sky in flames
fire in her eyes
as she flies away
Feb 4 · 109
Ciel Noir Feb 4
King Solomon was wise to know
sometimes there is no compromise
I look into your angry eyes
and I can see your fear

the fear of losing what you love
of being judged
as not enough

my better judgment says
give up
and walk away from here
Jan 18 · 734
Another Name
Ciel Noir Jan 18
I know that you are not
"the one"
I know this is not real

It isn't really about you
It's just the way I feel

I tell myself this time is different
this time you are right

But I am chasing the same shadow
through a different night

I never get used to the pain
the pain
the same **** pain

I know you will break the cycle
I know you will break the chain

And tomorrow I will run from you
But it will be the same

The same sorrow
The same pain

Same shadow
Another name
Jan 7 · 120
Ciel Noir Jan 7
I wish I had
nothing to hide

I wish I had
nothing to prove

I am alone
behind my walls

I am afraid to love you

what happens if I let you in?
what happens if you see my soul?

not in control


I need my walls
Jan 2 · 214
To Be
Ciel Noir Jan 2
I am not ashamed
to still be alive

I asked myself the question
and I chose to be

I held on
I was strong
and I survived

every new year
every sunrise
every single time I open my eyes

is another victory
Dec 2023 · 94
One Small Step
Ciel Noir Dec 2023
I know you do not like it
when your friends become assertive

And start to set more boundaries
and to say what we mean

You really didn't like it
when the pawn became the knight

Best turn your head away
before I turn into a queen
Dec 2023 · 102
The Same Sand
Ciel Noir Dec 2023
is there a land
that lies beyond the sea
are we
the gods that dream
the empty and the entropy
the smoke and mirrors in between

a sandstorm in the hourglass
a thousand tiny little stings
the wind whispers
this too shall pass
the same sand
falls through everything
Nov 2023 · 141
Ciel Noir Nov 2023

vägen var så lång
every little move's wrong

ça va
the floor is lava
героям слава
glava mi se spava
Oct 2023 · 1.3k
Only the Good Die Young
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
They say only the good die young
but I think we have got it switched
the longer you live
the more sins you commit
I think we should learn to forgive
Oct 2023 · 346
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
you only know one kind of strength
armed to the teeth
you call us weak
but take our words for weapons
as if we should be afraid to speak

you want us to be decorations
pretty little flowers
but I know that you would sell your soul
to have a shadow of our power
Oct 2023 · 163
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
do you hear the sirens call?
soft and low
on hidden shores

something strange and beautiful
that breaks the silence
of my soul

it echoes
back through space and time
and I refract it
like a diamond

with all that I am

beckon me to worlds unknown

when the world is full of sound and fury
I may turn away
as if it never changed my mind
this melody entombed in time

and still that echo in my soul
comes back to me when I am lost and cold
a candle at the crossroads
when I need to read the signs
Oct 2023 · 78
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
I reach out to the ones I love
At least when I am brave enough
But sometimes I am too afraid
Afraid that they will turn away

In questions I reach out my hand
To what I want to understand
But that is more than I can ask
I reach for things I cannot grasp

I reach for what I hope to earn
I work and learn and in return
Reach for the stars
Find out they burn
Another lesson I can learn

And when I fall down from the stars
And when the tree was just too far
I summon all my strength to stand
And once again reach out my hand
Oct 2023 · 124
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
subliminal reverberation
of some long-forgotten song
a melody that calls the soul
back to a place we once belonged

darker than night
stranger than time
deeper than tribe
older than words

inflecting language to reflect
an echo of what we have heard
Oct 2023 · 206
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
tomorrow will be different
tomorrow I will make the change
those are such easy words to say
tomorrow isn't a real day
Oct 2023 · 94
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
I judge myself
more harshly than
I would judge anybody else

I made an innocent mistake
so I must not deserve success

I try and try and still I fail
so I am just not good enough

it's hard to build relationships
so I am too broken to love

I try so hard to learn and grow
to do better
to do my best

if I were someone else
it would be easy to forgive myself

and I should love myself
even if I do not seem 'good enough'

to love no matter what
that is the most important kind of love
Oct 2023 · 94
Ciel Noir Oct 2023
hey     again
it's me     again
I did a stupid thing     again
I didn't stop to think     again
I fell and broke my wing     again

hey     again
today     again
I faced the sky and prayed     again
it's not that I believe     again
it's just that I'm afraid     again

hey     again
I'm sad     again
I don't want to pretend     again
so I reach out my hand     again
and get strength from my friends     again

hey     again
I'm fine     again
I think it's time to try     again
I think I'll be alright     again
I'm strong enough to fly    again
Sep 2023 · 172
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
vandalize my mind
with layer over layer of graffiti
I repeat it and repeat it
until no one else can read it

ciphers in my system
speaking in my sleep
ink in my blood

very little still remains
of the blank slate
that I once was
Sep 2023 · 278
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
flowers flying on the breeze

sunlight dancing through the trees

ripples moving through a stream

strange that this is all a dream

symmetry and synchrony

entropy and empathy

can't believe how real this seems

strange that this is all a dream
Sep 2023 · 87
The Night
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
O my heart
the night is dark

bless my soul
the night is cold

Look up!
the sky is full of stars

I have never felt such hope
Sep 2023 · 197
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
cut my claws
cover my teeth
monster watching

innocent on the outside
look into my eyes
Sep 2023 · 80
God of Death
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
I do not know who or what else
but our god is a god of death
who built us all to stumble
built the Universe itself to crumble

from our viewpoint
we who perceive time
as a moving arrow

ours is a god of falling dice
of falling sand
of falling sparrows

the children of entropy
the stones and trees
the Moon
the sea
the air in every breath
and even we ourselves are born of death

we fear for everything we are
in fear we walk
as fallen stars

tremble before the night beyond
tremble before the face of god
Sep 2023 · 792
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
some light is reflected
some light shines right through

I am the illusion
of not being you

we see our own soul
and not what really is

we walk in the shadow
of all that exists
Sep 2023 · 132
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
what happens when your
"good enough"
is just a rainbow you can walk toward
just a star that you can reach for
not a mountain you can climb

and though you reach out in longing
though you walk for miles and miles
the way still leads forever on
the same place in a different time

no matter how much you achieve
it never will be "good enough"
and so you walk away from love
far too afraid to even try

but if you could
forgive yourself
the same way you forgive another
I bet you could climb that mountain
all the way into the sky
Sep 2023 · 134
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
how can we worship time
when it hunts us down like animals?

how can we curse its name
when it brought our world to life?

the way that I perceive it
time is neither good nor evil

it is just as much a part of us
as love and dance and night
Sep 2023 · 290
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
they told us you were lost forever
never to come back
I prayed to all the gods to bring you back
I never knew which one to thank

or maybe no one answered
as you crossed over the night
and inch by inch
built your own bridge to life

I am just glad you are alive
Sep 2023 · 114
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
sometimes I am afraid
to put my thoughts down onto paper
how do I make something normal?
how do I make something good?

afraid what I create
will turn out just as flawed as I am
just as morally ambiguous
as dimly understood

the need to be oblique
about how I'm unique
a freak

tangles the thread of thought so thoroughly
I am afraid to speak

I find
repressing my own mind
and second-guessing every confession

self censorship that slices
like a scythe
into my writing's spine
Sep 2023 · 95
Ciel Noir Sep 2023
once the Moon filled our horizon
even greater than the Sun

do you think we remember fire
and dragons falling one by one?

a message following along
primordial and wordless song
of Eden where we once belonged

how deep
how long
our river runs
Aug 2023 · 123
How Far
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
I know where you came from
and I'm not here to judge
I know sometimes the road was hard
sometimes there was no road at all

when you kept walking through that storm
I know how much that took
just take a breath
lay down your head
I see how far you've come
Aug 2023 · 470
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
when I see you
take a step

maybe it's a baby step

but I think it's important that
you took the time
to take that step

I'm here

I see you
taking steps

maybe one forward
and one back

but I forgive you
don't look back


and take another step
Aug 2023 · 61
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
It really hurt my soul
To feel that I was not enough
To know that I was not enough
for you

But I guess no one was

No matter what you do
Nothing will ever be enough for you
A hungry ghost
I think that's punishment enough
Aug 2023 · 119
Somebody Else
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
He always wants the best
And thinks that he deserves the best
Even better than the best
You do your best
But then what's next?

You find somebody else
I guess

and in the end
it's for the best

To find a different man
To find someone who doesn't think like that
Aug 2023 · 317
Ciel Noir Aug 2023
I know it in my heart
Even the perfect woman
Could never be enough

Nothing could ever be enough

But to walk away from him
And not give in
And still feel love

Some things are so hard to give up

Not walking
More like climbing up
Jul 2023 · 626
Ciel Noir Jul 2023
I did OK
just OK

that was good enough today
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