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Everywhere I go
I add dots to the map
Of places I have been
Places I will go
Places that have been my home
For a month
For a year
For a while
Places where I was
 Dec 2016 Caroline Lyk
I am leaving safe places
To find where I'm supposed to be
It doesn't feel quite right nor
It doesn't feel wrong
But I'm leaving safe places
Because here's not where I belong
 Feb 2015 Caroline Lyk
I want to know your
Darkest moments
Happiest memories
Most favorite food
And color and season.
They may seem insignificant.
But I promise they're not.
I want to know your
Most buried secret
Wildest daydreams
Who you think about before you fall asleep
And what you want in life.
My interest in these things
About you
Isn't exactly for my gain.
The reason I want to know your
Fears, dreams, childhood, and desires,
Is because
I want to tell you mine.
 Feb 2015 Caroline Lyk
hver nat
lægger solen sig til at dø
så månen kan pryde natten
og hver morgen
trækker stjernerne sig tilbage
så solen kan lyse jorden op
og på præcis samme måde
holder jeg mig væk
fra cafeen
hvor vi altid drak kaffe
fra gaden
hvor vi havde vores første (og sidste) kys
og fra kælderen
hvor vi gjorde vores bedste fund (hinanden)
ene og alene for at
kan fungere

— The End —