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Blaine Namfuak Jan 2012
The sword and the shield,
I take up both in earnest
For it is my duty to wield them,
And my pleasure to do so

A glinting blade
And a sturdy shield
Sharpened to it's peak,
absolute in it's protection

Tis better to defend than attack
For brutality is unbecoming
But one cannot have defense
Without attack preceding

But both I equip myself with
For my charge requires their duality
And without them both
I would fail my calling

My intent is to seek
That which is symbiotic to me
One who has need of prowess
While completing me as well

I offer my sword and my shield
Fierceness, and refuge
All I ask in return
Is that which makes me whole

Pursuing that mystical essence
To complete my trinity
A labyrinthine soul
Yet simple in it's meaning

Her who needs me
And who I so badly need
Solace for her
And a purpose for me

My sword and shield
I offer them passionately
If only to find her
My waiting princess
Blaine Namfuak Jan 2012
You should really get a refund
That thing's clearly broken
Something's not quite right
And nothing but lies it has spoken

That mirror is defective
Something's definitely wrong
It shows you someone weak
I see someone strong

I think I see the problem
Perhaps the ***** in the armor
It seems it was too much to handle
Because you're quite the charmer

There's the brightest of smiles
That can light up a room
Just one look at it now
Can banish all your gloom

I see an elegance too
One that's glory is unmatched
But the poor thing couldn't take it
And now it needs patched

So it's backwards, you see
And it only shows pain
It's supposed to reflect
but it's been given too much strain

Too much beauty it's seen
Almost abuse that it's taken
And the beauty is true
so don't be mistaken

So do keep it in mind
When it shows you it's deceits
It's not doing it's job
And clearly it cheats

It's true beauty you have
That could go unspoken
But you should really get a refund
'Cause that thing's clearly broke
Blaine Namfuak Jan 2012
Is it really so wrong
To covet thy neighbor
When they truly cannot see
what treasures lie before them?

Emaciated and broken,
As a starved wanderer I watch,
A man with a feast before him
Yet he turns up his nose

Through the emerald gaze
of a green-eyed monster I view
This disgraceful display of gifts
Woefully cast aside

This spectacle I witness
Confuses and astounds
For anyone can clearly see
The problem with this scene

Mortified, I stare
And with hunger, I despair
I wish the feast to be mine
But with none they will share

But with a glimmer of hope I will continue
And reflect on this sad, sad venue
One day I will sate this monster of mine
And no longer for the feast shall I pine
Blaine Namfuak Aug 2011
It was built for 2
My now lonely bed
But all those memories
Still fill my head

Sleepless nights
That haunt me
The warmth of her
That taunts me

I yern for the one
Who can fill this empty space
The one who can cure me
And bring love back to this place

I want the girl
Who too has her sleepless nights
I'll make them go away
Just let me hold you tight

It's lonely now
This bed made for 2
I wish I had you here
It's meant for me and you
Blaine Namfuak Aug 2011
I only want to be able
To call you mine
And I want you to be able
To respond to me in kind.

A match like ours
Is once in a blue moon
I can see it now
And I hope you'll see it soon.

We've not known each other long
But it feels like so much longer to me
It was chance that brought us together
But maybe we were meant to be

I'm just a lonely player 1
Will you be my player 2?
I want to get the high score together
I only wish you knew.
Blaine Namfuak Aug 2011
I'm sorry Mario,
But the princess is in another castle
You'll have to find another
I hope that's not too much hassle

I search long and hard
For the one I can save
I hope I find her soon
Before I reach a lonely grave

It seems the princesses
Have all gone away
No longer do they want
Me to come and save the day

What good's a hero
If there's no one to be saved?
I'll fall into obscurity
And slowly fade away.
Blaine Namfuak Aug 2011
Broken past
Like shattered glass
Present dim
Future grim

A venomous cloud has formed behind me
A blinding haze covers my face
My only hope is the light before me
Given perfect form, and divinity's grace

Prior pains ******* my course
Like an ivy on a tree
It binds, and holds me tightly
but the light shall set me free

Always forgive, never forget
Is a lesson I have learned
We must learn from the broken paths
Lest that we be spurned

The cloud serves as a reminder
The haze as a blurring lens
The light is what I strive for
This journey never ends

Slowly healing past
Like a deep-set wound
Present improving
Future blooming
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