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1.5k · Sep 2018
high tides
Natasha Sep 2018
even with oceans between us,

       I’ll swim against the tide
            to lie
                 your heartbeat

once again.
1.4k · May 2014
Natasha May 2014
We wander,
beneath the dotted sky,
  the moon illuminates the forest
   of grandfather trees
    beneath our bare feet;
     soft, dewy grass
      and various dampened, scattered leaves.
        The still holds, warming spring moisture
          with a faint reminder of this brutal past winter
            with hungry eyes, streets with old, ashy faces pry
              the fog floods all gutters and highways tonight
                it's like navigating through a black hole
                  you have given forth no light
                           ­       am I
                                                  to see
                                                                ­ any
                                                             ­          insight?
Lost in the night covered sea.
1.4k · Dec 2013
Breathing Underwater
Natasha Dec 2013
I'm choking


                                    ­I drown

For my lungs collapse in the water
Like my heart interprets your words
My adoration and lust for both
Leaves me breathless.
1.4k · Aug 2013
Who is She?
Natasha Aug 2013
She shot him a look of promise and passion.
That baby girls got something up her sleeve.
Pulsing with anticipation he sits like a
good man.
Politely, delicately slips off her leather jacket.
Position patient,  
      Doesn't have time for games.
            The ones she plays of course.
She sits on his lap, works her magic touch.
Hold his hand to her lips, and as her tongue traces his fourth finger. What does she find but a

Ring shameless

Reaches behind him, kissing his neck.
Wallet in his back pocket.
Pulls out, to tease (he loves it) with bills in her full, glistening *******.
Teasing him

Until, she finds the picture of his three kids.

She contemplates her job:
Pleasure Queen or Homewrecker
1.4k · Nov 2014
Honda Shitvic
Natasha Nov 2014
Now, I don't know if I can say this fast enough cause this boiling hot anger is what makes it tough. Cause you know I hate your ******* guts and you shouldnt be surprised that if you ever crossed my mind again all I'd be wishin' is that you'd die.
Ya just a no good *******, cause I was still givin' you head while I was gettin' hit. I shoulda pulled a blade while you were gettin' it, shoulda been like fffft and cut off that little *****. Now I'm not sayin' you've got a tiny ****, ya just like ya mama A PSYCHOTIC LITTLE *****. I know I'm ******* right, y'all are the same ******* height and I ain't stayin' with someone whose 5'4 for life.
Somethin' that makes me real sick is the fact that I fed your *** while I put gas in that ****** civic. If I'da saved that cash I'd be ballin' & lit.
If's, And's & But's -I don't **** with that ****.
I can't believe I kissed lips that only had
purpose to spit. Cause all I heard outta them was "Oh, Baby!" & BitchBitchBitch.
So lemme cut to the chase- I think you mighta liked it when she spat your own *** in your face.
Now no ones gonna hate,
but I gotta give a *** props
That was a 10 pt head shot!

So listen once, listen now
I'm not bout what you about
Baby you never shoulda had a doubt
Or should I say little *****?
**** it,
I'm out.
Lol a rap about my ex
Natasha Dec 2013
In & out
Hearts collide and pound
You've opened my door
For things I never imagined
I could indulge in before
You play at my gates; as we let time escape
Just run away with me babe
Let's just get high & drive  
Into dawn, dusk or the night sky

We are but the typical teenage dream
Living life on the edge
Day by day
Sets our damaged hearts at ease
For I could never imagine living a life more blessed
And happier moments than these; for they are simply timeless.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Stagnated: Glacial Inertia
Natasha Jan 2014
Lately, I've been leaving my heart open; screaming in terror through your silent devotions.
Bury all your skeletons in my heart-shaped casket, for it is as vacuous as the very arteries which carry but only drops of sanguine fluid through these vacant chest cavities.

I profess that even through the thickest of scars, over my third degree burns, I still feel the searing hurt. But, please know that love, you won't ever see me at my worst.

As free as the wind shaken petals in the dusky streets, once suspended in animation, their cotton candy-raspberry tinge, drifting languidly in the balmy breeze. Grounded by the Siberian cyclone that reared its ugly, malevolent head; slithering in a phantasmagorical fashion over the cobblestone laden streets and finds its way in between all the cracks that I have seemed to patch inadequately.

Impermanence is supposedly inevitable, or so I've been taught to believe. But the wicked wind slips through my box-spring, and drags me callously out of the few hours I find sleep. And the only demonstration of this inevitability of impermanence, speaks through the empty spaces in my sheets. Wrapped in this cocoon of desolation, no exchange of love for body heat.

For I have no reason to believe that you'd ever really even want anyone anything like me. Let alone give your pulse the permission to accelerate enough to ever love me.
Maybe it's just psychosis, maybe I'm too high

But are you the angel telling me lies?

When I actually come home at night. I sit and I read and I cry and I cry.
I drown in my tears only hoping to finally find,
your glowing, everlasting light of a smile.

For some God must've had some wicked sense of humor for trapping my ancient soul on this earth for so long.
Destitution, whittling away at my core
has left me all but strong.

An oddity of the industrial world, I long only for a pure light to follow; so many sweet sincerity's
have left me nothing but hollow.  
You are my Mr. Sun, shed your UV beams upon my dampened face. Look into my eyes,
bring your lips into my space.

Butterfly kiss my sunken gaze, bring light to my soul
and dry the rain
Replace the fire on top of the heavy ashes Jack Frost snuffed from the flames yesterday,
before the starlight in my eyes
combusts, and fades away.
1.4k · May 2015
Little Life Lessons
Natasha May 2015
Imagine- the unthinkable
have faith- in the unbelievable
trust in only those who
will truly keep you stable
and honey,
you're unstoppable.
Little things that help me
1.3k · Apr 2015
just around the riverbend
Natasha Apr 2015
Oh sweet Atlantic,
let me sink to the most deep
for when I am beneath your waves
funny, I find it easier to breathe.

I find my unearthly paradise,
everything is suspended in
exquisite animation, for miles of
everlasting sea.

Sweet child, do you
understand the utmost power
of the tides?

They will take you anywhere and everywhere
with or without your consent in mind.

A wise woman once told me
an old native story,
about paddling your canoe through the
river of life.

There are people,
who try and fight the current
after a short while, they become
too tired to carry on;
thus, they are swept away on whichever
path the water may follow.

There are people,
who simply lay back
and expect the river to take them
wherever they want to go,
they expect, no matter what
it'll guide them home.
But, rivers have a mind of their own
and they are quickly swallowed
by the water as their canoe
shatters on the sharp river rocks.

Then, there are those
who learn to navigate the river
who know when to fight the current
to avoid the most trecherous boulders
and to also know when
the water is taking them on the
journey to love, bliss and nirvana
just around the riverbend.
More words.. teachings from my Nana.. life is a river
1.3k · Dec 2013
Evergreen Paradise
Natasha Dec 2013
There is but a small, blushing flower
blossomed under the shelter
of the evergreens

The joy, harbouring small life
amidst the shadows
of this nuclear winter
1.3k · Jul 2014
Natasha Jul 2014
It's almost as if
someone took a chisel
to his stone physic
and carved everything
absolutely perfectly.
mmf, fine piece of man he is
1.3k · May 2015
Natasha May 2015
this way, can you tell me? why?
I am so terribly tangled inside
nothing to prove,
and everything to lose
surely, tis can't be I?

to have perhaps wandered up
the winding mountain top
too high
the foliage of thick branches
have always sheltered
my ****** eyes
and now- they water, and fall
from puddles into pools
in fear of finally seeing
the sky.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Our Bittersweet Symphony
Natasha Aug 2014
a skateboard rolling down the road
simple things, lovely- old.
reminds me
of you & I
times we've smile
and many we've cried.

A little piece of my heart,
of past,
and future.

To my ears you are a song,
to my wounds, a suture.

I see a man, with the eyes of a child I'd once known
years doubled over, past
and look how we've grown.

bitter-sweet memories
written down for you to see

*but, I know you already know.
Oh its just that best friend I have ...yknow
Natasha Feb 2018
I don't want to talk about what school I go to, or what program I'm in. I don't want to talk about how I work in retail part-time or how busy I am. I don't want to discuss where I'd go on vacation, or what I hope for in the future. These conversations are just spoken in order to have a response, I say my piece and ask "what about you?". You'll take a deep breath and start on where you started in school and how you're stuck right now in this dead-end job but you swear- you swear that you'll know when the time in right to make a move in the right direction. You'll say you want to go to Thailand, and Dubai because of the cultural experience, but you'll never actually make it there. I don't want to talk about my family, what my mother or father does for a living. I don't need your compliments on how highly I was brought up, how perfect my life must've been. I don’t want to sit there and agree with you, and smile and giggle and say “I know, that’s why I’m different.” The funny part is you’ll think I am. When I get to know you, you’ll show me vulnerability- you’ll launch into some story of how even though you had friends and everything was completely fine you never fit in. On how your grandparent’s death affected you, or your parents divorce or moving cities. And you’ll look into my eyes, wanting sympathy, compassion and understanding. Because, you know its there, I give it freely to anyone who needs it. But after its over and through, once you’ve told me… that’s it. That’s who you are, that’s all there is to you and when I ask you what you’re thinking all you’ll say is nothing. Nothing. Even when you’re thinking something. I don’t want that anymore. I want someone to converse with me about what’s beyond our limited human level of understanding, I want someone to be honest about who they are and what they feel and I want someone to look at themselves as a work in progress instead of a completed artwork with chips in the paint, for once. I want someone who will look out onto the ocean and sky and see what I see. Someone who will explore what could happen if we simply, suddenly just lost gravity. If we all fell into the sky, if we all just suddenly choked in space and died. I want to explore if we’d see one another on the other side. I want to lay in a field and listen to the wind in the grass. I want to feel the earth beneath my back and smell the warm fragrance from nearby lilacs. I want to be purely myself and not harbour any judgement, I want to love freely and openly without any punishment. I just want some sapience and a soul connection. Maybe I’m just asking for too much, or the universe just wants to teach me a lesson.
just a rant
1.3k · Mar 2017
Natasha Mar 2017
pillows of wind, freezing the minuet dew drops on each blade of grass,
tiny ice goblets
dutifully every morning.

it whistles, slipping between
the barren trees,
curling around the crumbling houses
built in the '70s
a time when,
they may have kept us sheltered from Mother Nature's ghastly wrath.  

whispering against the window panes, creeping past the glass frames.
icy hands claw their way across the floor, up the bed posts
beneath the sheets.  

gliding cold fingers up my legs,
down my spine. wrapping themselves around my neck,
the fire in my eyes has died.
sweet release, a gradual fading light.

my heartbeat slows,
though inches away,
warm & unaware you lie.
boney tendrils squeezing
as I drift to my glacial demise.
Natasha Aug 2017
I don't care what you think
I never have
I never fit in
the more I try the more obvious it is I don't belong.

I'm a lone wolf in my own forest and I like it that way
I like being
there for me
and not having to worry about
stupid peoples insecurities
I like having
those 6 degrees
of separation between you and me.

I envy those who crave touch,
for I know not until I am

I envy those who can spread their wings
and become the social butterfly in the room

that's not me

not trying to keep up with these sheep

I'd rather starve in my abandoned forest
than dress in their stupid fleece
Natasha Feb 2015
I didn't choose this
I never asked for you to love me
I could've gone my whole life fine
Had you never spoken to me
or at least,
thats what I'd like to believe.

I don't want to feel that for you,
I need
Another human being
Who could so easily tear me apart and
leave me high and dry
picking up all the pieces.

I don't want to deal with the feelings
I hate the fact that commitment sends my stomach reeling
but I'm so attached to you
I love you more than I've ever clued

I think I'm *******
for once,
I feel like you won't want me
as much as I want you.
stupid insecurities I guess.
I've always built romance that was built to crash
And now, I feel like this could last
but only for me
1.2k · Dec 2013
Natasha Dec 2013
My heart physically aches with a raw, agonizing twinge so unlike any other I have felt before, when you show me how truly broken you are.
The intake of oxygen through your hollow frame gives you no ease, glass shards shred your windpipe each time you decide to breathe.
I wish I could take away your pain!
I would take it upon myself, although it sounds insane.
You are the sun poised in the sky above, covered by the clouds
You are the bluest sea whose expanse is limitless, yet only do what the winds allow.
It breaks my soul.
To watch your broken heart hobble home.
But one day,
I know you'll see love.
Perhaps even my own.
1.2k · Jun 2015
Life at a Glance
Natasha Jun 2015
Does the sun set and rise

or simply realign?

The tiny moments
between inhale and exhale

is that what it feels like to die?

trapped inside for the rest of time.

For, there is a
certain allusion of bliss
under all this nothingness.

a certain appeal and
comfort inside unaware

all of you search for answers
turning your faces up to the sky
crying all your woes & dreams
constantly asking why

I'm not looking for answers,
I have no reason to cry.
For all of you are waiting to live,
as I,
am waiting to die.
What are you waiting for? Go on and do something about it or accept the fate you've chosen.
Allusion= the reference of bliss under all the sorrow- to all you English grammer checking nazis
1.2k · Jun 2015
Natasha Jun 2015
Porcelain powder
Amber bronzer
Fuicsha hues for the cheeks

Sandy brows
Black mascara
Red lip stain is what you seek.

I am not just a face

I'm a ******* human being.

I am not just a body.

I am soul ever feeling.

So many men, so ******
and tasteless

So many times
I want to remain
Sigh. Constantly getting inboxes from men who simply say how much they enjoy my appearance. Thank you, but I'm here to show my artwork
I will now remain faceless
Natasha May 2015
Half awake, half past noon
grey light shines dutifully
just past my eggshell
window sill.

I try to clear my head,
collect my scattered
thoughts, straighten all
the heart strings that get
so inevitably tangled within
one another, and definitely in

the web of uncertainty you've
woven for me.

I've walked for centuries upon
a sand filled beach, a dozing meadow
mostly cement and concrete
I never thought I'd be more
concerned about someone other
than me.

You're slipping away, so ever
slow, day by day
you're getting tired,
and it's getting too late
for me to be saved.
I've found that person whose special, I'm just not special enough for him. Im too fragile, stupid weak little bird. I wasn't made to survive.
1.2k · Jun 2013
I wake up alone
Natasha Jun 2013
He sweeps my tears up with his hands
My breath caught
Stomach knots
Heavy sighs
and all of your acoustic lullabies
But I wake up alone
1.2k · Jul 2014
He's My Heroin
Natasha Jul 2014
I'm his *******,
                                       he's my ******

we'll use each other
                                                all night long

so we'll never



We set each other on fire. My angel, my ******
1.2k · Jan 2014
Angel: Initiation of Inferno
Natasha Jan 2014
Baptizing her head
in a basin of ash
the stark white of her
angel hair
now smokes with cinder black
Her eyes
green once,
now lighten in dramatic contrast
piercing white, ice blue
that leave your heart to tremble when she laughs.
Angular and insecure
her body a mere wasteland
of what it was before
For when He banishes an angel
she will walk the streets
as a *****.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Runaway Royalty (That's Us)
Natasha Dec 2013
3:41 am
a late night cigarette
                         I'm coming down again
but lay your heavy head to rest

         I would wake you
but love, I realize
that sleep is the only place
where peace falls on your restless mind

Pull & drag
                     now it's 3:45
conscious take cover
allow my tired brain to hide

Chills & a dry cough
hallucinogenic view
baby medicate me,
                              for you're the only drug I choose.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Society Material
Natasha Jul 2015
through years and tears
  tiny arrows spinning round and
    round insignificant numbers on
       a flat face, staring back at me.  
         a field of wild grasses and flowers
           only followed by another single
              field, no rolling hillsides
             but only industrialism,  
         mindless materialism
      that numbs you so softly
   and slowly
you barely


Will you survive in this world of empty rewards and little consequence ?
1.1k · Dec 2013
Chelsea Hotel No. 2
Natasha Dec 2013
I remember you well,

                             in the Chelsea Hotel

               you were talkin'

                                    so brave & so sweet.

     Giving me head,

                       on the unmade bed

   While the limousines wait in the streets.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Oil Lamp
Natasha Apr 2015
Everyday, that much closer
the light draws me nearer for
I am her dutiful moth. I stare
through caliescope eyes
into her many shifting patterns of
her wondrous majesty.
My queen, my saviour from
the bitter cold atemosphere
the night casts over these desert
hills and valleys.

I will be your single, doting insect
slaughtering any other winged
visitors who feel they should take
a wee peak.
If anyone, is to burn
at their free will and
your given mercy
I can assure you, my darling
it's going to be me.
Mmm fire
1.1k · Aug 2013
Natasha Aug 2013
She smells of jasmine
And sea island cotton

Her haunting green eyes
And vivid ice blonde hair

Not even The Creator
Could believe

He had constructed something
So beautiful
1.1k · Feb 2015
Natasha Feb 2015
Starting honey sweet, light as a feather
the first spring breeze
thats breaking the brittle cold
of past weathers.

Longing after what seems
but a distant memory, my heart is tethered.

I cannot stress enough, express such need
to feel warm earth against my bare feet;
dewy breeze down my exposed spine
all the mental sighs of summertime.

Laying hands and lips against
sun-kissed skin
feeling relief from the heat ridden beach,
as we suspend in the calm, endless ocean

To be out until pink, and lavander
bursts of fragmented light graze the sky
and watch the dozing sun
set in his espresso eyes

We'll lay upon the soft emerald grass
watching all the stars and satellites
hands naturally entertwined
on our beautiful August night.
The winter needs to end
1.1k · Dec 2013
My Poor Pessimist.
Natasha Dec 2013
Oh, how I pity my poor pessimist
Do you not mind what I scribe?
Does curiosity never approach you
When I know you can't sleep at night

If you do, I hope you discover
That I write simply- you & I.
With my being beyond the horizon
In these words you must rely

A carpenters daughter,
(It's true) I was never taught, how to fix the lonely
But I assure you dear
You won't be in the slightest disappointed

My entire life is an intricate patchwork
Of multiple afflictions
Through hotel rooms & glamour
Abuse & drug addiction

"Through bathrooms & ballrooms
On dumpsters & heirlooms"
Baby, we'll be fine
I know in my minds eye
We'll be fine

As for the sea
I feel the vibrato,
A ripple when you're lonely
But the tides will greet you, excited at the pier
To bring you back home to me  
For darling,
I long only to bury my tear-stained face
In the man too far to say he's home
I do not choose the life I live but it's the only one I can call my own.

*One day
I promise
You will wake in bliss
Between ruffled sheets
And my petite, contented figure
The pessimist will embody nothing
But the purest form of happiness
1.1k · Aug 2020
I met you in September
Natasha Aug 2020
I met you in September
When the leaves were just tempted to change
I met you in September
When the earth felt like autumn in the rain
I met you in September
3 months shy of my birthday
I met you in September
apart from headache or drama
I met you in September
listening to Frank, Kendrick and Lana.

I met you in September
and so I say it clear
I only met you in September
because it's my favourite month of the year.
I met someone, but not in September. It was actually in July 2 years ago.
1.1k · Jan 2014
classic guitar strings
Natasha Jan 2014
Once again,
as I retread over
the fragments of your
literary beauty.

You write in the most potent essence of
our connection embodied.

I am so ever ensnared by the rhythm
that your words play on my heart strings.

Especially, now
In this time where I am so desperately in need;
of just
a small dose of affection

trace your fingers on my lips gently
for if you play my pulse
like you do that guitar

my soul will sing to yours
through my heart beats
1.1k · Jan 2014
Spacebows & Moonflies
Natasha Jan 2014
Fading, ever-consistent
As mute and inconspicuous
As a porcelain moths sigh
These oceans brim darkly with the unrelenting tides
But you see,
they are just a reflection, your pupils dilate at the sky
All through your emerald iris encased,
in your diamond speckled space eyes
Simply perspective,
one may say
For I peer through a different telescope today
In the littlest things I discover joy
With my mistakes I gain knowledge
In all pleasure, I learn to love myself
Through suffering, wisdom works its dull edge
Simply perspective,
one may say
Makes a worlds difference
In a galaxy of ways
1.0k · Apr 2015
Goodbye Blue Sky
Natasha Apr 2015
the moon is cast, high in the sky and so far away
I long for the fields that span endlessly into
absolute nothingness.

I cannot bear the industrialized life,
dreaming, there are no gas filled automotives
or smoke stacks pouring their noxious fumes
into the sky.

I sit on the shoreline, and watch the clouds pass me by.
Waiting, I could wade in
and simply say goodbye.
not a poem about death, just random words, understand?
1.0k · Mar 2014
Euphoric Eternity
Natasha Mar 2014
Resisting the temptation,
of that entranced beyond words haze
passenger seats & chain smoking cigs,
bringing me back to crazy days

& of the nights we spent
wired, in love & on fire
whipping one-seventy down the free way
our young lust never to grow tired

but, baby

your strength for me
& the power we posses together
is enough to keep me up & running

and ever

and ever.

Natasha Mar 2015
Say you love me
But only if you mean it
I dont take empty words
For nothing
I am a writer
I take all your words to heart-
Its hard to tell if what Im feeling from him is real. Or if its all just in my head. Im just not enough for him, I think. Who knows. Not me.
1.0k · Jul 2013
Natasha Jul 2013
She deserves more than
His greasy, vicious back hand
She is not blind to what he does
Yet still with him she stands

Coming from experience
I may (right or wrongly) infer
She believes that she is wrong
Which is why help is frequently deterred

My lovely girl, my friend and sister
I wish I could help you in the state you remain
Fight this battle for you
Combat the demons needing to be tamed

But sadly this cannot be so
For you then will never learn
And in the end he's the one who will lose
**He will get what he has earned
1.0k · Jun 2013
Natasha Jun 2013
I honestly need to learn how to control my temper
My ******* mouth and my words tainted with anger
A fast mouth, and sharp tongue
And I realize our relationship
Is like a tiger ******* a rabbit
Prepare for the claws baby
1.0k · Dec 2013
Scar Tissue
Natasha Dec 2013
Mind racing backwards,
Wrist bleeding against the wall
This is my story,
Scar tissue and all
Read the last two lines in Anthony Kiedis's biography. Great book
1.0k · Oct 2013
Meatloaf Boy
Natasha Oct 2013
(oh) I stumble wired and thin
You've pinned me under your thumb
To watch me come undone again

(don't) you know you're sewn into my head
Work of a thick, jagged needle
And a rusty, barbed wire thread

I feel her coming
I can hear her screaming
Yeah, I know she's just teasing
And I'm powerless to fight back

(Yeah) I sense her haunting
Engulfed in self-loathing
You know, she's only wanting
Her weary mind to falter back

I wake
To the iridescent cascade
Of pale light
Streaked across your face

I dance, sweet temptress in hand
As I stray out of my mind
And fix myself another line

Chorus (again)

Oh baby don't you see these scars?
Break my neck and spare my heart
Daddy can you spot my tracks?
Daddy when will you face the facts?

Your child has grown
Your baby's moved on
And now your little girl
Is dead and gone
Lyrics I wrote for my first song with my girls
Natasha Feb 2014
Hold me up on your shoulders
back against the wall
look up between my thighs
teasing inside, tongue & all.

Lay me down
on the soft blanket of your bed,
& kiss me all the way up
to my lips.

Open my legs
pin my hands
above my head
& tease me with your hips.

Now baby,

I want you to push your perfectly proportioned shaft, inside my tight woven *****. Rub my ****** & ******* while your rhythm makes me go crazy.  
Increase the tempo of your symphony, arching my back- you make me gasp.
You make me scream.
Oh make it last!
Feel the swell
Feel the pulse
Nails in your back
Body convulse
10, 9, 8,
My whole body starts to shake
7, 6, 5, 4
Baby spread my ***** like I'm a *****
a squirter is always 10 times the fun.
lucky him, but I'm even luckier.
997 · Dec 2014
Sir (I)
Natasha Dec 2014
With lights outside, around the houses and white snowy trees they are lined.
If we were out there we'd surely be cold
So, in here I'm grateful that it is you I hold...

But thats not how this story goes,

Pushed me up against the wall
**** -forceful, yet gentle-
                     I want it all

The urge to obey
Is so engrained

But baby I can't help myself today
I want you so bad I can barely breathe
I can feel my pulse all the way
through my shaking body
To the moisture down underneath

Brings me back
To the bed, I know he can't help himself
But strip me of my clothing
And pleasure me to high hell
Find out what happens next xo
lets just say, he can make me *** with a look.
990 · Feb 2014
Streetwalking Sleepfucker
Natasha Feb 2014
Stare into my soul as you intertwine our hands
a lady on the street, but a freak in the bed
only for you.

985 · Jan 2014
Your Artful Damsel
Natasha Jan 2014
My mouth can't help but oblige
              when I'm looking into your heavy
                        steeped, black espresso eyes.

A wicked, soulful grin
      tongue & cheek with ***** words
                 bite my lip & watch you grin.

Press my back up against the wooden door,
                            loosen the lock on my lips
                                     you'll definitely enjoy what I
                                                                   have in store

Run your hand under my waistband
            and touch me like a painted maid
                                                 soulful, melodic
                                                         passion breathes  
                                                           in the tongue riffs
                                                                           you play
                   the symphony of pleasure you produce
       is such a tease

Yet someone else has left lines in your sketchbook,
paint splatters on your notebooks,
memories in your songs hooks.

All the lines of lyrics, memorized
recited to me time after time
darling, open up your
water coloured veins to me
let me patten your psychedelic heart
and watch my paintings bleed.
Natasha Jan 2014
But no matter how many books, or paragraphs
Sentences, words & letters I write to you
It never seems it is enough I do
Let me walk you through my life & show you one thing
The main reason I tend to excuse myself,
And leave your head wandering.

The first incidences happened when I was merely 8
But you see it didn't stop there,
It's only been 2 years since I've escaped.
Tear-stained cheeks & strange men
Now I'm sure you understand

But you can be my tomcat
If I can be your little kitty
Let's paint the world
Touch the sky
Find our souls
& run the city

We'll wake up every morning
Just before father sun finds his way about
Through sleep, I'll whisper gently across the pillow
*"it's too early
  to wake up
  to start figuring this out."
977 · Mar 2014
let me be your compass
Natasha Mar 2014
I remember your face, like it was yesterday
when the sea spirits & wood nymph's played
early sunsets, long resting days
the grass blown in a newly sewn bouquet

You were such a lovely soul to me
I knew in you, I could be free
Through your saccharine-blossoming songs to me
in a simply speaking voice, or poetry

Let a rainbow trail your wings,
when you take off and fly
Through mountains, and waterfalls
the center of the earth, or the moon so high

the Mourning Dove's, sweet
morning lullabies

maybe if we try,
we can travel this earth forever,

you and i
your journeys are so wonderful, wish I could join.
I read every last word.
969 · Jan 2014
Empty Spaces
Natasha Jan 2014
I feel the strong grip, a firm hand around my throat
your words make my sentences choke
I gasp
in search of something
other then these

Am I anything but just a simple star in the sky to you?
One glistening white night light
among a network of constellations
you've formed within your

Fuel my skin with gasoline
light up my mouth up with nicotine
let the record play, take advice from Cobain

It's better to burn out, then to fade away

I was born, to die in flames
a black-hole heart eruption,
my soul will combust
until I am nothing
but a faint trail
of space dust.
967 · Apr 2014
Love, April
Natasha Apr 2014
Awakened & bathed in



citrus infused light

I open my window wearily
I praise my heart for she was right


will                    ­                      

            follow                       ­ 

the dark night
its 15 degrees centigrade outside today :3  I love it
959 · Feb 2015
Too Much To Say
Natasha Feb 2015
some turn to it for recreation
but I like to feel like me
I hate watching the world
play out like a movie on the big screen

The entire world
I can only see
I can't experience
the joy of life around me

I can't untie
untangle, unwind
all the strings tightly wrapped
around my poor little mind

I don't know what to do or say
I can't even bring myself to cry

Maybe I'm just the needy type
to feel a warm body
his heartbeat
against my spine
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