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Ntwari Poetry Jul 2017
In pieces, she ran
With only gloom by her side
Left lost, she wandered
Safe journey, 127
Ntwari Poetry Jul 2017
When will you return
Oh, explorer of grief and melancholy
When will you return from your trip
In the depths of despair
When will life finally release its deathly grip around you
So that you may smile that familiar smile of yours
So I may finally see the smile I live to see

No matter when you come
No matter how you return
Or in how many pieces
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting to see your beautiful  self again
I'll be waiting to sink in the glimmer of your glares
No matter how dim it has become
I'll be waiting to indulge in the sweetness of your embrace
No matter how much life might have bittered its taste
To feel the touch of your palm
And any cuts life has left behind

And I'll be waiting to nurse back to health
To lighten your cosmic glares again
To sweeten the taste of your kisses
To wash away the dirt withing your cuts
To make you smile again

And even if you don't need me to heal
I'll be by your side
Smiling with you

I'll be here
I'll always be here
Ntwari Poetry Jul 2017
The clouds are vast
And they are calling me outside
To dance with the summer again
I'm healing
Ntwari Poetry Jul 2017
I see the shimmer of your moonstone eyes
In the stillness of the night
Only for you to leave me again
When the morning comes
Back when I thought we were impossible
Ntwari Poetry Jun 2017
May I have this dance with you?
Shall we have this ballad
To the tune our hearts will sing
As we whirl beyond this realm of ours?

Can we be partners through time?
We can have the world as our stage
And the stars as our backdrop
Let us dance to the symphonies we will make
When our lips will indulge in each other's embrace
Let our passion be the architects of our ballad
Our waltz will be etched into the fabric of time
To be mimicked by the swirling of stars
And the pull of swelling waves
If you take my hand
And join your dance with mine,
The world will watch in envy
As our harmony will ring through time forever.
Published in The Poetry Institute of Canada's Anthology: Island Tides (under my real name lol).
Ntwari Poetry Mar 2017
No longer does my pen bleed for me
No longer do my unwept tears
Form the ink that flows from my nib
Those days are gone

Farewell to those days
Of pages inked with caustic passion
No longer will they soak
In the bitter aftertaste of love

The madness has passed
The storm has settled
No more hiding from its crashing tides
Within the dreams of summer days
No more finding refuge in the daydreams of winter nightscapes
The storm has passed
And its woes have washed away with it

And for once I can say
That I can feel my heart beating again
I can feel the rush of a long forgotten vivacity
Pulsing through me
Filling me with hope once more

It's all coming back now
My most optimistic poem I've ever written. But sadly, this might be my final project for a while. I'm at a major crossroad in my life right now and I need some time to focus on the decisions I'm about to make. And hey, if there are any interesting stories along the way, I'll post them here

Thank you for all of your the support over the last year.
Ntwari Poetry Mar 2017
I was drunk off the thought of you
As I withered in the void you left in me,
I would find comfort in the thought of your hand in mine
In the dreams of us sharing a last embrace
Of your bliss melting in my mouth

In the kisses we would never share

Sleepless nights would be spent longing for you warmth
My arms longing to wrap around you waist
And my head spinning from a late night's crush

Why must you haunt me?
Why must I be addicted to the brush of your lips against mine?
The comfort of your kiss?

It's funny how, by trying to put myself together,
I flood my heart with grief
And warp the world around me,

All from thinking of you
I found this old piece in my phone this morning.
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