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Zachery Jul 2021
Smile everyone!
Its time to have fun!
Life is great cant you see?
Look at me!
Im a child in a sweatshop working long hours for pennies at a time!
No look at me!
Im a child whos abrupt end comes like a grandfathers chime
Fighting wars in the congo
Time to say so longo!
No look at me everyone!
I swear I am not done!
My brain is ****** to hell
Empty lint and funeral bells
Now aint that sappy?
This sure ******* *****
"Just force yourself to get something down on the paper, and tidy it up later! Another way to think about it is this: if you keep your pen in the same spot for too long, you'll just get a big dark puddle of ink. So just move your hand, and go with the flow!"
-Monika DDLC
Zachery Jul 2021
A friend once told me "love is an enigma"
And I think they were right
And that definition I wont fight
But like all enigmas
Like all puzzles
You can crack them even in a muzzle
Live long enough
Look hard enough
And it makes sense
Even in a past present or future tense
Ive made sense of it all
Or so I think
Ive certainly on the way stumbled and had a fall
But like love glowing ever pink
Ive trudged on even in disgust
For what is life is not a puzzle
And if love is also an enigma
Could nothing be better to use to konfuzzle?
I reckon Konfuzzle came up sometime in a suess book or smthn. I dunno ****. But Im back and with some new words and my head is actually on tight now. Hey thats nice!
Zachery Jul 2021
******* all
This looks like a mighty far fall
But thats okay for Im no porcelain doll
Ive grown thorns and a hard shell
Im more resilient than the demons in hell
But dont you worry
For I value a great victory
Ive fought and beat my inners demons
Defeated and disgraced em
Im a new me with a new face
Not born of bows and frilly lace
But born of steel and swords of iron
This is no time to pass on
Ive much to do and so little time
**** It seems Ive forgotten how to rhyme
Solid kek?
Zachery Jul 2021
My ex was a *******
And that they were like no other
Born of viking blood
And I of mud
I professed true love

Hand in hand
Eye locking into eyes
But of course all those good things die

The first time was the hardest
I will not play the part of the modest
It was of my own accord
That the relationship broke off with a simple set of words

Time passed and then the second try
Never before hard have I cried
Words like acid
Sin dripping malice
A totalis

Snakes coiling my neck
A knife plunging into my peck
Betrayal of the highest order
Like cold blooded ******

My best friend and the love I had
Was all of dat

Now as I lay awake on a monday night
And sleep I try to fight
I think of a better girl I once knew

Better times and friends anew
Course thats all a simple fantasy

Thousands of miles separate us
Boundries of time and of dust

Maybe someday all could come to fruition

And my life could be the tuition
Yalls ever just be awake. Remember your old accounts and decide "**** it my ex is a ***** time to write about it and get some feelings out." Hell I knew this one lass, and my god I was blind. They were the best! Ah to return to simpler days and simpler times.
Zachery Dec 2020
Yield to the man in Washington
Who tells you how to raise your son

Yield to the man in vatican
Who makes you return again

Yield to the man in moscow
Who makes you tend the farm now

Yield to your overlords
Your seers
And your fears

Yield to the red crow
Whos devilish face its shows
Zachery Dec 2020

Thats the two most connected
And unobstructed

I met a crow once
After a macabre magic show
He taught me things

Sorrow and fear
Life loss so near
And how the others sneer

I met a dove
And she taught me how to love

Showed me smiles
And with it happiness for miles

But the Crow ate the dove.
Chewed up entrails
And my face paled

Misery and torment
And utter abhorrent

I was given a knife
And by devil told to end my strife

Give into sin
Let me win

And I listened.
The red crow laughed

Eyes gleaming

It laughed the blood of the red dove dripping still
A sign of a new ****
Zachery Dec 2020
Did you know
In the winter when it snows
And when bloodstains vividly show
There is a red crow
Flying way down low

With him he carries presents
As if heaven sent
Twisted and macabre

Head of an ex
Blood of a brother
Shown like no other

In the deep dark
Where my mind is like shark
How long can you stay?

Did you know
That I put on a show
No no not one with cams
Thats such a sham

No rather one with smiles
And all the while
You applaud my performance
I help you
Now go on shoo

But in the dark
Where I lost all and fell apart
I came across a devil in a black dress
And I made a deal
And with it a seal

Now to claim my own life
Penance for a crime by a innocent man
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