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Its been quite the time since Ive felt
The feeling of heavens grace,

Quite the time for some memories
I can never erase

I still remember looking madly at you like
An angel in the night

I still remember the feeling of calmness
Whenever I see you in sight

It has been a long rush of emotions
Catching up to me

A long thrill on how i could ever again
Regain my apathy

Yes, tis true that I’ve regained some fragments
Of myself

Ironic, it feels like an old forgotten book taken
From a shelf

But i digress, with words and symbolisms in the like

I always forget to bring a piece of reality in this
Long and painful hike.

Dont get me wrong, the challenge was
Hard and real

Sometimes a little bit too much of a life that is

Every song Ive heard was right about one thing

Its that letting go hurts more in this reality than the Worlds deadliest sting

By the way it wasnt all that bad and savage

Some things happened, like how i mustered up
My courage

Aye its true, for months I’ve been running on fumes

Everything I had on you , love, time, happiness, and emotions, everything caught up to me but eventually, the darkness consumes.

Every moment I thought I had a chance at reaching you is but a lie faced by my own delusions

How did I ever believe that I could walk two steps ahead in holding you when Im always two steps behind with my illusions

Each time I try to get closer , the more you back away

Then I wonder is it me, am I just a toy for someone’s childs-play?

Then again maybe I am, then again maybe I am a lone wolf, gazing towards the moonlight in solitude

All I know Is that time has peeled of the mane of my fortitude

All I am is a beast
A pitiful dog at the very least

You’re not to blame
You dont need to feel shame

Nor pity and despair
Even sadness just be fair

Its just that....

Ive had enough
I can no longer be tough
Im done, I can no longer bluff
The tide’s too rough

No matter how much i climb your mountain of grace
Ive accepted the fall that i can never keep up the pace

My feelings aint gone but its dying to be dead
Time to accept that all this is a trick in my head
Well then, its done, no more words need be said

Stay a gem, you’ve earned that title after all your pressure.
Stay forgetting me, a coal, you can never treasure
I hope someone could fill the hole in your leisure
A happiness that no one can ever measure

I hope you find and stay with
Someone who could take you to an adventure

I hope he is
Someone who you can call forever.

My Heart still waits for that fateful day, Under cloudy skies we rest, we lay.

Among the trees and leaves where nature is in display.

I see figures together in the month of may, walking towards a doorway.

There I see someone walking towards the hallway, holding the hands of someone I met along the highway.

Didn't expect it would be someone who would offer me parlay and guide me through the passageway.

For I saw my wedding day, Oh how the mind acts that it seems to play.

I know its just a mere break away, but I still wait for it...

Darkness sets in, the world becomes silent.
Eyes become heavy, mind goes blank,
Voices speak out, scenes settle. Iridescence fills the void.

A face appears, the light is faint and a character comes approaching.
She wields her hair like a crown for gods to seek, her smile is dangerous as it is beautiful.

Her hands are soft as clouds, and her voice is as beautiful as the strings of heaven.
Suddenly she notices a strange boy who is unfortunately me. Her wings of beauty are magnificent to see,

I tried to speak but my heart got the better of me, couldn't think straight with that glance, my mind was ******* to a tree.

I hate myself when nonsense happens, everything I say wrecks everything.

She laughed at my stupidity but admired me for being funny. Out of the blue she put her arms around me, I could feel her heart was true.

I spoke the words of a lover and told her I miss her, she replied me with sweetness and told me she knew right from the start by the tone of my voice that I Iove her.

As my dream started to bend, I put my arms around her hoping this moment would never end.

Seconds feels like hours, minutes feels like days, days feels like months, months feels like years.

I didn't care, we held each other in the silence as the void passed away, replacing it with her radiance.

I woke up realizing it was nothing but a dream, I felt empty once again.
Lost to the world was I, to a place where eyes do not meet
a place where hearts are encased in stone.

I walk among shadows and among darkness
not a hint of music anywhere nor a scent of magnificence

My hands tremble and shake from time to time
Silence falls upon me everyday
the light slowly fading from my eyes
sense of touch seems to depart my skin.

Such sadness and misery
corruption and greed envelops me
anger and hatred begins to fill my soul
My mind broken and shattered

I shout one last plead
asking for hope that would never reach.
Fly did my humanity
to it I said goodbye

There in that corner I sat
waiting for something I am
I shut my eyes and clenched my fists
I fall to sleep for death to take.
Once again I write to my hearts content,
ready to wander off to places I never went.

I wake at the cold and silent hours of midnight's peak
only to find myself greeted by you whom I seek.

You stare inside the ruthless demon that sleeps,
you cast out the horror who's dark aura reeks.

I know not why i feel such devotion,
It calls to me and tries to set everything in motion.

A road of pain waits that stretches out for another mile,
No need to weep and falter  as long as I'm guided by your sweet solar smile.
Morning twilight appears to us everyday,
To sleepless nights we giver our say.

The embers of the night shine in cold still waters,
Our mind so deep in thought that nothing ever matters.

We see the lives of different people.
Their lies in life we see like any other evil.

Yet we see hope in the good of humanity.
To it we supply our need for sanity.

Our thoughts combined, one and alike.
Our views differ but they always leave a strike.

Each day I see the your name in Green.
Each day you see mine in that bright hypnotizing screen.

Here time comes when one of us gives in,
Here we stop the rush of caffeine.

Time for us to jump into the deep
Now that you are asleep
I have yet another day for myself to keep.
How long shall we allow ourselves to be corrupted?, all this greed for power makes me feel nothing but hatred.

I see a land filled heavy with despair, its people blinded by freedom that it makes them no longer aware.

I ask When did this all start?, this culture of ours that drove our nation apart.

We were never united back then, Our leaders grew drunk, thought of themselves as gods among men.

Our heroes branded as traitors and rebels, heroes who never yielded, discarded, thrown into a fiery hell

Peace was never achieved,Peace is no more than a word with its meaning up heaved.

Is it our grim fate to follow men who abuse their power?, If so democracy has failed back then and up to this hour.
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