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Romeo Cotex Aug 2016
Years behind a screen is like a different form of light
Fear of  a new existence would provide a strong flight
For the journey that would accomplish something great
Inside my eyes you seen a new fate

Hearts can be won with words but stronger with actions
Once love is proven the goal is now fractions
Being lifted up away from all this stressed
Would be a true gift of which i'm not blessed
Romeo Cotex Aug 2016
Hold me close with out touching me.
Love me dearly without showing me.
Kiss me sweetly without seeing me.
Need me the most without knowing me.

Things that I've struggled with throughout my life
Wanting to fall in love with out paying the price.
That price is pain it comes so sharp and quick
Like a form of a bruise from a swing of a stick

My mind and heart are at constant war
Never  seeking resolution my soul has tore
Into 2 different views of which happiness bloom
But cancel each other out leaving a depressive doom

It's not my fault I choose this way
At least I can write about it a bit today
I won't give up on finding a solution
To that love and sadness that needs resolution

I'm strong with weakness
I'm in love with loneliness
I'm proud with shame
I'm happy with my name
Romeo Cotex Aug 2016
Caught by surprise their life changed in a flash.
One burst of courage and curiosity two worlds clashed
Two beating hearts merged into one
For a new life began two already begun

Life wasn't forgiving for these brave souls
But nothing would stop them because of their goals
They believe and admired the passions of others
As they shared the same fate as their sisters and brothers

Finally the night came where everything was tense
Hours of wait and pain for this new life to commence
In one single moment all of that work was achieved
Through his baby blue eyes and a cry you wouldn't believe

The soothing sound of cooing blows in
as one was the cause but the other chosen
One past choice created a future to explore
As for the mother was abandoned and left sore

This man stood up when no one else would
To make the mother happy as he knew could
Became  her rock  to always be so strong
For he developed love that finally belonged

Unfortunately this man a new life he could not be
For this man was unable to produce the proper seed
He  fought hard and love large for the chance to be a dad
Even tho it wasn't his ideal choice he's definitely glad
Romeo Cotex Aug 2016
It burns with the most deepest form of passion
leaving a scar on my beating heart.
As my world stopped for nearly a moment
I was left there speechless as you said "hello."
Blessed with the gift of vision I could see my future slipping.
As if the true meaning of happiness was an aura upon your skin.
I reach for your hand slowly and gracefully
pausing for a moment for a sign of rejections.
As my fingers collide with your hand
I could feel the heat of love form between our hands.
I kneel down confidently tilt your hand towards my lips.
As I leave a kiss I wish upon your mouth.
Then to awake grasping tightly onto my pillow.
Alone, desperate to hear your voice I call out to you.
"Wait!" but, no response. She's gone, I miss you.
Romeo Cotex Mar 2013
Slowly I watch my life fade away as if it was meant to be forgotten.
Barely living life, each breath becoming weaker, thoughts become rotten.
Lonely nights I desperately desire people to surround me to delay my true emotion.
Although depression is only an understatement for what my life has put in motion.

A door to my future is closed by the words of my procrastination.
All I need to do is motivate myself to reach my most wanted destination.
The only life that is being lived is my own, as my eyes only can see.
To change a life, you have to sort your **** out so you can achieve.

There are hopes, dreams, wants and goals all created by our own mind.
The only way those become successful is you have to search and find.
Believe in yourself because no one else can change your thoughts but you.
Once you realize you control your own life then finally living will be true.

The explanation of life isn't what others try to prove to you.
It's merely living from birth to death while having memories to look back to.
From your first breath to the last you don't remember but you can forget.
You will know you truly lived when your entire life has not a single regret.
Romeo Cotex Jan 2013
Like a balloon with to much air, your love makes me burst.
Like a sweater on a bunny, you warm my heart.
Like a smile on an elderly, you complete my life.
Like a child with a teddy, we will never be apart.
Romeo Cotex Dec 2012
Everyone is like a piece to a 2 piece puzzle,
all you can really do is try different pieces until once fits.
Some pieces will come close, some won't fit at all.
Yet, every piece made you realize when you finally have it.
You will fell complete.
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