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Rae Nov 2022
empty head filled with
empty thoughts filled with
empty words filled with
empty sentiments.
I opened my stomach for you
but your promise ran out like blood.
if you extend your arms like that
an embrace for the sun
her treasures her grace
I will no longer believe that you believe
that I can love every piece
of this jagged maze of your heart.
Rae Jan 2022
Are you happy

I wish and I crave, I am only temporary
They say happiness is a season, is a band aid, is a
Small breeze not a winter's storm
I tell you it matters I feel that it does
But I don't even know what I want between us
I swear I'm not lying
I swear I want you

There is always a but but never what follows
I come up short
There is empty where there should be reason,
Where there should be definitive knowledge
Wisps and smoke and empty thoughts that don't hold
Are you telling me to leave or are you telling me to settle
If I am a tree, if I settle my roots and crack through stone and I
Raise my arms up to the trembling sky
Am I crushing a mountain to hold myself aloft?
Do I deserve such opposition, such work to make us?
Is it right that you are stone, you are mountain and crushed beneath my razored toes?
If I tremble to the mighty mountain as I delve into its depths
Who is the giant and who is the ant

I ask you to change and morph
I ask you to be the dreams of a paper-bound girl
But my voice is a hum of electricity and crackles
And when I watch you and hiss
The only sound is that of your laugh, eyes trained on someone else
I ask and I ask inside and only that side
The out is too far for my thoughts to reach

Perhaps if you were rich soil and I a small sprout
You could grow richer and I taller
And no one is cracked and broken into pieces
No one is gnarled and no one is fading
We nourish each other and create a forest
And I never wish to crush you beneath my aching, exhausted toes.
Rae Jan 2022
I am always full and empty
This conundrum never solves itself
I think I feel but I'm never right
I'm half-right and half-not and half-unsure why I think so much
I tell you the truth but I don't believe it
But if I told you a lie then I'd be lying
I swore it to you, big and bold and dripped in red
But when you said it first I felt I couldn't not echo
What is truth if I don't offer it first
Am I a liar? Or just unsure
You swore it was real I remember that well
But when I look back I'm unsure if you wanted me or the idea.

If I swear to be better how is it better
Am I right or not, am I real or a fantasy of myself that I create
I morph her and wish for her and pretend that
Maybe someday she'll turn into me, I into her, and when we
Become one I will tell no lies, no half-lies or otherwise that
Mean I am wrong.
Rae Jan 2022
Open your eyes
Sit up.
Can you feel the difference between your skin and the ***** floor below?
Maybe if you had fingers, I could tell you which is which-
I don't think you'd know the difference.

If you tell me you want to leave
I just might have to scream.
I've been stealing and stealing here
For us
For you
For me
Stealing and taking and collecting for us to see, for us to
Have and eat and drink and drink in until we're too full
Until we weep
I've begged you over and over to be happy
Why can't you stay happy?
Maybe if I told you more lies,
Maybe then you'd understand.
Maybe then I wouldn't have to steal in order to stay beautiful, stay empty and cold and
Just How You Like It
Maybe if you told me your name, I could finally believe that you love me.
Rae Oct 2021
I do this to myself over and over
Maybe one day I'll have a brain
Maybe one day I will stop existing as myself.
Maybe one day I can tell her the truth, that this is who I am,
No, the truth is that this is who I am stuck as
She looks like me, and I want to be her, but she is better
She is always better
She tries, she cares, she remembers.
When she wishes, when she wants, she does it.
She never aches, she never stabs herself from the inside out
Because she says something
She speaks, she moves her mouth and says something
And it is always right
And it never hurts anyone
Her words are soft, and she never hurts anyone.
She never wishes her chest would hollow out
Then wishes it would fill when it hollows.
She never wishes that she never had to do anything
Then wish that she had something to solve, something to dream and wish and care about.
I was her for a little while, but I lost her along the way
I had just found her, and I lost her
Or maybe that's a lie
I had gotten so close I could almost touch her hand
I almost caught her, after such a long chase
But was it a chase?
Or did I just watch her from afar.
I don't know anymore.

I just wish I was her, so one day,
When I cease to exist
All that I will feel will be good, all that I want, I will try for.

She is only a dream
That is the hardest part to accept
She is only a dream, and when I tell you what I hate about you
She looks on and shows me what I could be
What I could accomplish
If only I cared like they said I should.
If only I cared.
Rae Oct 2021
Anger always makes me feel so empty, like
I'm pushing and pouring my insides out
into the air around me, hot
and sticky and humid and
the world shakes and groans at the sudden
change in atmospheric pressure.
When I'm all done, when the air
and my head are hot and my face
is wet and my ears ring,
I am empty. My face is stiff. My nose is running.
And nothing is better.
Rae Oct 2021
Maybe one day I can tell you how I feel
Maybe one day I can tell you the truth
Maybe one day I can stand up, stare you in the eyes, and tell you how much I hate your shadow
He slurs, he stumbles, he doesn't know his own strength
Maybe I can tell you how he makes me sick, makes me sob, makes me so angry I start to shake and the lump grows and grows in my throat until I scream and tear myself apart on the inside, always the inside
Maybe one day I can tell you about him, your shadow
And then maybe one day you will remember how I hate him so and have it make a difference
I don't care how sorry you are
I do, okay, although I wish not to
But it doesn't matter, does it? It doesn't matter how much you love me, love us, it doesn't matter how much you're grateful for how we put up with him, it doesn't matter if you've tried before
I'm so tired
I'm so tired of being here
Maybe one day,
Maybe I can tell you how much of me wanting to go is his fault, your awful shadow
Maybe if you knew how much I wanted to hate you, how much I wanted to make you hurt, you'd see
But I can't
I can't
I can't stay mad
I can't hurt you
I can't hurt you or your shadow.
Maybe one day I can say the truth, and maybe one day you'll listen.
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