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Saumya Sep 2020
People whom I loved,
I don't wish to love em' anymore,
Friends who were once my throb,
I don't wish to talk to em' anymore,
People who were fond of me,
I don't wish to smile at them anymore.

A pride that I once had in me,
I've no more,
A zeal for life I once had,
Is leaving me more and more,
I'm perplexed bout whom to blame?
Me, my life, my extensive,
Or my soul?
I'm the same,
But I'm not the same anymore!
For those days I feel loved and pampered,
Life seemed to bless me more,
But I no more feel the same,
But a loveless being,
Sitting at remorse's door!

Wierd is our world,
And wierd are some souls,
Loving and being loved,
Sometimes feels no lesser than a soar.

The world sometimes feels better
without your existence,
And so do you.
Then why yearn for such affection,
That's one day gonna be due?

Clueless are some days,
And so are you,
For numbness rules one inside out,
And it all seems blue

You're then left no more
like a loveless lot,
For so much happens around
by nothing really touches you
Unloved, uncared, unperceived
Hopeless, distressed, empty,
While the world round'
Busy relishing the it's hues,
While you're left spent,
worthless, unquenched
With all your dues,
With all your hues.
Saumya Sep 2020
To the freebird that wants to fly,
Let her fly.
To the freebird that yearns to soar high,
Let her heart forever pump delight,
To the freebird that aims high,
Let her sobs reach no height,
To the freebird that often asks 'why?'
Let her world be full of soothing surprise,
To the freebird that always simplifies,
Never, never, doubt her why's.
To the freebird, that will never be your type,
Know, perceive that she's unique,
and the best of her type!
To the freebird, who's only need is her flight,
Her fluttering feathers, her skies,
Don't limit, don't judge,
Don't argue, and do not deprive,
Just let her fly
High and high
High and high
To the infinite,
Unending heights. that's what will only set you both alright!

Freebird=The Woman/Girl child who wants to do a lot more than what people can never  think  of se can't.A soul who has the potential to do a lot, and deserves so much!  but the people deprive her of it often

Please go through the entire poem and let me know how was it to you.All comments, feedbacks etc. Are most welcome 😊
(P.s-Also, let me know a better titile for this poem, if any pops up in your mind)

Happy Writing!✨
Saumya May 2020
Take me to a place unknown,
A place that knows no flesh and bones,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place that knows no battles for thrones,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place that knows you're never alone,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place that sooths the souls forlorn,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place where miseries' forever unknown,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place where truths shine all alone,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place where love has no pros and cons,
Take me to a place unknown,
A place where's no one,
But I... I'm all alone,
Amidst the ideal nature I've yearned and known
Alone from the world,
Alone from the people,
Alone from the souls I loved,
Alone from the souls that loved me back,
Alive, alone, refreshed,
But dead, almost forever in their zone
And thence no more no one's...anything.
And...a someone in people's memory
No more, but always reverd and known.
Life becomes very intolerable and complex sometimes, and it is then the minds needs such an escape.

I hope you've a good read my friends :)

Have a great day! :)
Saumya Sep 2019
Today was the day,
We met.
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.

Today was the day,
Our eyes gazed each other's,
They felt, percieved, and learnt
Something fascinating bout each other's
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.

Today was the day,
Before an year,
We were just so unaware of each other!
yet somehow touched ,
by a glimpse of each other.
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.

Today was the day,
We exactly conversed,
Unaware, and clueless,
Of whatsoever,
Yet intensely curious to know each other,
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.

Today was the day,
That introduced us to 'us'
The silent, observant you
The Chatty, silly me
Not really as lovers,
But some fortunate strangers.

Today was the day,
We fell for each other,
And heartily gave a consent,
On being with each other,
For the rest of our lives,
For many more years,
Not really as just lovers,
But endearing life partners forever!

Days swept by,
And it's yet the same day,
It's now one year,
To our meeting,
To our greeting,
And the innocent love,
That blossomed from there.

Thank heaven!
Thank Gods!
For adding this magnificent glare,
For this Loving figure,
For blessing me with a hubby like mine,
With whom life seems good,
Even in it's blues
Without whom a day is unimaginable,
Like the night sky without moon!
Whose arms are the most soothing shelter,
I can always pursue,
For a martial bond, As ours
where we'll always be dear,
To each other
And love will blossom
Through and though .
Saumya May 2019
Binding, yet unbinding a lot more than just something

Joining two families, two souls,  into one being,
Yet sacrificing  your very sweet being,

Hiding, yet unhiding a lot more than something

Smiling, yet Compromising a lot more than just Something,

Being Yourself, yet fencing a lot more than 

Is being a Conjunction,
Really easy?
Or easliy interesting?
Conjunction=The responsibility of being a significant part of two families (one's own and the better half's)❤️
Saumya Apr 2019
There's more to a person,
Than their faces.
There's more to a book,
Than their pages.
Saumya Mar 2019
'She' was but a fly,
With wings, stripes like butterfly's
She dreamt of skies,
To sore high and high,
Before that moment,
when the zephyr whispered, smiled,
Sweetly, serenely,
In her hearts's eyes,
In pious, utmost delight,
And made her realise:
'Your world itself is a beautiful surprise,
That's tremendous enough to take ya miles!'
Just a rambling :)
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