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Cj Jan 2020
if you want to have an abortion
then have it
dont let anyone say otherwise
it’s you’re body
do what you want with yourself
its nobody’s choice but yours
literally why do people hate on women for having abortions it’s their **** bodies and others don’t know what it’s like to feel the pain and emotions of it
Cj Mar 2020
Not again
why do you have to make me feel this way
why do you have to make me laugh
why do you have to make me scared

why do i still fall for you
over and over
even though
i know you don’t feel the same

it’s like a game
that my heart forces me to play
and makes me feel the pain

of you
Cj Jan 2019
as she left us once again
It left an even bigger hole in our hearts
all the arguments
could’ve been solved with love
when she left to never return
it was like the world ended
tears fall out of eyes
and whimpers can be heard
so much talent was taken from this world on 10/8/18
everyone as speechless as a deer
and now she lays six feet under
May she Rest In Peace
Cj Aug 2019
Sometimes I wish I could die
End it all
End my misery
Would anyone care?
Then I realize everyone dying around me
So i must have a reason for being alive
Cj Jan 2019
As I walk into a room nobody wants to be in
All that can be heard is the sound of sadness
Too scared to see her, who I haven’t seen in years
I walk up to look over her
Already tears have started
She looks so innocent
She looks like she’s sleeping
She looks so cold
And we all wish she would just wake up
everyday I wish she would come back
Just as Jesus Christ was able to
But no
The world is cruel
You are born
Then die
As others start to come
More tears are spilt
After everyone is here
I get one last look
Before the casket is closed
As some calm down
The speeches start
Then a song is played and I start crying again
I try and try to hold them in
To hold them in for everyone
But I can’t
Then as I help carry her over in a truck that’s infamous for death
We take her to her hole in a ground
And say goodbye forever
And now she lays six feet under
Cj Jan 2019
My sight gets blurry as I cry
As I remeber the happy days with her
As I remeber the worst
As I remeber the most worrisome
As I remeber the pain
As I remeber the arguments
As I remeber her turning left instead of right
As I remeber her go down the wrong road
As I remeber the time we spent
All I wish is for her be six feet above instead of below
My sight gets blurry with tears as I cry and remember her
Please spend time with your loved ones, because it may be tomorrow when they are gone
Cj Apr 2019
Imagine a world
Where people went to a mirror and said
“Wow I’m beautiful”
Instead of
“I’m ugly”

Imagine a world
Where people talked
Instead of
Declaring war or fights

Imagine a world
Where equality exists
Instead of

Me either
Make this imagination
Come true
Cj Aug 2019
I wish I could go back in time
redo everything
maybe you’d still be alive
if only I knew what would happen
i wish I could’ve fought harder
but now i have a purpose
i’ll make sure nobody else has to go through this
Cj Apr 2019
I can’t help it
I’m just the way I am
I can’t help it
I’m just the way I am

They call me out
They yell at me
They try to change me
They pick me apart  

But I won’t stop
No I won’t stop
I keep on going
I keep on being me

And I won’t stop
No I won’t ever stop
No I’ll just keep on going
Keep on trying

I can’t help it
It’s  just the way I am
I can’t help it
It’s  just the way I am
I’m attempting to make a song
Cj Aug 2019
You're the final puzzle piece
You’re the music to my dance
You’re  the final ingredient
You’re the final brick to my building
You’re the final lyric to my song

You Complete Me
Cj Jan 2019
Did she ever love me
I thought she did
We laughed together
I looked up to her
I loved her
Did she love me
I assumed she did
We played together
We had a connection
Did she ever love me
Even a bit
Even the smallest
I’ll never know
Cj Jan 2019
People discriminate against their own species
People discriminate gays
People discriminate lesbians
People discriminate bisexuals
People discriminate transgenders
People discriminate against blacks
People discriminate against whites
People discriminate against themselves
Even though we’re all human
Cj Feb 2020
You only live once
you only get one chance
to do what scares you
so ask him
take a chance
make the jump
you only get one chance
to do what you believe
to stand up
so use your voice
make it right
you only get one chance
to do what you love
to feel the fun
to create
so do it
you only get one chance
to be yourself
so be you
don’t let anyone say anything else
so be true
you only get one chance
to find them
so take the time
don’t let anything stop you
you have one chance
to do it all
so don’t waste time
tell them you love them
ask them the question
find the one
make what you want
be who you want
and live
Cj Jan 2019
Family can love you
Family can make you succeed
Family can inspire you
Family can bring you great future
Family can hate you
Family can make you fail
Family can abuse you
Family can bring the worst of you out
Family can hurt you
Cj Jan 2019
I love how parents favor their oldest child
They say they don’t but it’s very clear they do
They get them more stuff, and it costs hundreds of dollars
And when the younger one asks for something that’s one a dollar they say no.
Love that don’t you?
Cj Jun 2019
Thousands of miles away
And finally
I may get to see you again

Thousands of miles away
And finally
I may get to hug you again

Thousands of miles away
And finally
I may get to talk to you again

Thousands of miles away
And finally
I may get to laugh with you again

Cj Feb 2020
Die for what you are
die for what you love
die for Who you love
die doing what you love
die being Who you love

and live for it
live for Who you love
live for what you love
live doing what you love
live being what you love

Find what youd die for, and Live for it.
Cj Jan 2019
You have tore me
You have killed me
I gave you life
I gave you a canvas
And you broke it
You pollute me
You **** other life on me
For I am earth
And you have murdered me
And yourself

I am the trees
I am the grass
That you **** burn cut
I am the sky
That you pollute
I punish you with weather
For I am Mother Nature
And you have hurt my friend
And for that
I will hurt you
Cj Jan 2019
They say they are your friends
They say they are your ride or die
They say they’ll never leave you
They say they love you
They say they have your back
They say they’ll do anything
They say they want to hang out
They say your funny
They say your fun to be around

But in the end
They are just more like strangers
Saying all these things
To use you
And to abuse you

In the end
The “friends”
Are More like  Strangers
Cj Jan 2019
you watch them from a distance
you watch them smile from a distance
you watch them talk from a distance
you watch them flirt from a distance
you watch them laugh from a distance

you think to yourself that you’ll never have them
you’ll never talk to them  
becuase they are too “popular” for you.
Cj Jul 2019
When I heard the news
I was so happy
I was cured of the blues
I am finally able to see you
We get to do so much
I’m so excited
To see you
After all this time
Of waiting
Cj Feb 2020
what am I doing wrong
do I not make you smile enough
do I not make you happy enough
do I not listen enough

am i not good enough
am i doing something wrong
am i not pretty enough?

am I just not good enough
Cj Feb 2020
a hole
lays deep in me
deep into my heart
that hole takes a part of me
That hole eats at me
it makes me wonder
That hole slowly swallows me
and takes me to my darkest places
That hole destroys me
and makes me shed tears
That hole will forever be in me
and not even time can heal it

That hole's name?

Cj Mar 2019
Growing up hurts
Growing up is painful

Growing up heals
Growing up is lively

Growing up is hard
Growing up is fearful

Growing up is easy
Growing up is fun

You just have to grow up and endure
The ups and downs
Cj Jan 2019
she danced to her song every night before bed
we played everyday together
we laughed together
hugged each other
then one day
when we tried to stick together
the judge denied it
and she wasn’t my sister any longer
one day they came
to take her
and i tried to stop it but i didn’t know what was happening
i was so young
and so sad
and they took her from us
i cried on the stairs
whishing she could stay
And now i have a mission
to one day find her
and stay with her
and never let her go
Cj Jan 2019
They ask you how you are
you say your fine
but the truth is far from that
you lie to hide
to hide the truth
because you don’t wanna talk
but that’s fine
because not everyone has to  talk
sometimes being left alone and crying is better
and other times talking is better.
Cj Feb 2020
i wish someone would have told me
to hold on
to those little moment
hold on to my childhood
i wish someone would have told me
to cherish
the good moments
with family
i wish someone would have told me
to treasure
my childhood

to hold on to every moment
because those would be the ones
that I would miss
the most
Cj Jan 2019
Hopes a funny word
Hope keeps us going
Hope keeps us alive
Hope tears us down
Hope kills us
Hopes a funny word
Cj Jan 2019
If only I could have said good bye
Face to face
And hugged her one last  time
Cj Jan 2019
I’ve finally found someone
Someone I can hold
Somone I can love
I have just sold
My heart
Well not just yet
But I hope
They will hold me
Love me
Comfort me
Till our dyin days
Cj May 2019
I wish I could see you again
I will find you
I wish I could hug you again
I will find you
I wish I could smile with you again
I will find you
I wish I could be with you again

I miss you

I will reunite with you

I will find you

I love you Gabbie
Cj Jan 2019
I love you
A phrase  taken for granted
I love you
A phrase used for what its not
I love you
A phrase used to trick people
I love you
A phrase people don’t understand

I hate you
A phrase that kills
I hate you
A phrase that rips people apart
I hate you
A phrase that people understand too well
I hate you
I love you
I hate you
I love you
Two phrases that mean the total opposite
One brings death
One brings  life
Cj Apr 2019
I miss you
I miss your smile
I miss your laughter
I miss your jokes
I miss you

I miss you
I miss your obsession with pll
I miss your obsession with Grayson
I miss your obsession with the kardasims
I miss you

I miss you

I miss you
Cj Feb 2019
I miss you more than a dog loves it’s bone
I miss you so much you could hear my heart go *** ***, *** ***
I love you so much that when you left
My heart broke

Everytime you played the guitar
The flowers danced
It’s a shame
I didn’t get a chance
To say goodbye

I hope to see you again
Cj May 2019
I miss you
Your smile
Your laugh
I miss you
Your jokes
Your stubbornness
Cj Jan 2019
So many lights
So many buildings
Very little trees and grass
So much pollution
Nothing is being done
To save us all
And sooner than later
We’re dead
Because we miss treated this beautiful planet
That gives us life
And for that
We **** it
And all other life in it
Like it’s a hobby
Like it’s fun
Like we’re in charge
We aren’t
And I’m sorry future generations
For what we have done
We’ve slowly killed ourselves
With phones televisions
I’ve learned this first hand
For I am having consequences
For what other people have done
For what people my age have done
For what other generations before me
Have done
And so I’m truly, from the bottom of my heart, sorry
And I need to make a difference so for anyone who sees this
Please help
Even if it’s picking up trash
Please do it
And save humanity
Please message me because I really wanna start something anything that can make a difference even if you are from the other side of the world, together we can make a difference!
Cj Jan 2019
How could I have been so dumb
So stupid
You made me smile
You made me laugh
You lead me on
You ripped me apart
You tore me down
You made me think
That I found someone
That we had mutual liking
But i should gave known
That your too popular
But I should have known
Cj Jan 2019
every time i think of her
it hurts
i love her so much
i long the day i find her
and hope it comes soon
Cj Feb 2020
it hurts
when your other half
lives across the country
the one you do everything with
*would do
the one that completes you
that makes your darkest days the brightest
within seconds
it hurts
when your best friend
lives thousands of miles away
the one that makes you cry
tears of joy
and pain when you without them
the one that can see past your broken parts
that can heal you in an instant
it hurts
when you cant see the only person
who makes you so happy
that you might just die.
Cj Apr 2019
I wish I was cool
I wish I was popular
I wish I was missed

I wish people wanted me
I wish people cared for me
I wish people liked me

I wish I was loved
I wish I was wanted
I wish I was liked

I wish people thought about me
I wish people knew about me
I wish people talked to me

I wish people knew I existed
Cj Aug 2019
i wish i could change
that wouldn’t be so bad
maybe id have more friends
have more fun
maybe id finally be happy

maybe then youd finally talk to me
maybe then we could be friends
maybe then id be happy again

I Wish I Could Change
Cj Apr 2019
I wish I could see you
once again
I wish I could hear your voice
once again
I wish I could play with you
once again
I wish I could joke with you
once again

I still remember your laugh
I still remember your cheer
I still remember your music
I still remember your joy

I would give anything to go through the ups and downs
I would give anything to have another day with you
I would give anything to hear your voice again
I would give anything to see your smile again

I will forever remember you
You will forever be in my heart
Cj Jan 2019
I wonder what you’d think of me
I wonder if you think of me
I wonder if you remember  me
I wonder if you want to remember  me
I wonder if you’ve cried over me

I miss you
I want you
I need you
I love you

I wonder if you miss me
I wonder if you want me
I wonder if you need me
I wonder if you love me

I imagine you
I see pictures of you
I wish for you
I beg for you

I wonder if you imagine me
I wonder if you see pictures of me
I wonder if you wish for me
I wonder if you beg for me

I wish you were mine.
Cj Jan 2019
Hate fuels anger
Hate makes us wanna ****
Hate tells us do bad things
Hate makes us do horrible actions
And yet sometimes it works

Love tells us to ask her/him
Love makes us do dumb things
Love makes us live
Love makes life
Love makes people do horrible things
Love makes people ****
Love fules hate

They are right love is strong
So is hate
But love makes people ****
Cj Jan 2019
Lies are so easy to think of
they are so easy to believe
sometimes you want to believe them
lying is wrong
but people lie all the time
they lie to protect
to protect themselves from the truth
from reality
lie to not get yelled at

they lie to protect others from
the truth
from reality
and so they don’t hurt someone
lying is good

people lie all the time
to run from reality
to destroy people
to **** people
to tear people apart
to get what they want
to make friends
for fun

lying is
what is it
good and bad
Cj Jan 2019
Memory lane
brings back the pain
Of when I was on a train
about to go insane
If only I could reign
over the lane
That I need to drain of pain
This makes like no sense whatsoever but whatever
Cj Mar 2019
They call you stupid
They call you annoying
They call you fat
They call you ugly
They call you gay
They call you “girly”
They call you names

But you out on a fake smile and “laugh” it off
But little do they know
Those words are in you
Like a bruise  
Like a scar
Like cut

It may look healed
But it still hurts
Cj Jun 2019
The black night sky
Filled with stars
Up so high
A planet is seen from afar

a distant void
engulfing everything
in its reach
I don’t know. It’s 1:00am rn and I’m listening to billie eilish soo.
Cj Aug 2019
You’re no good for me

you keep me up at night

You’re no good for me

you make me cry

You’re no good for me

you make me think too much

You’re no good for me

you make my heart stop

You’re no good for me

you get my hopes up

You’re no good for me
Cj Apr 2019
Once a year I get to see you
Once a year I get to laugh with you
Once a year I get to talk to you
Once a year I get to hang out with you
Once a year I get to eat with you
Once a year I get to smile with you

Then I say goodbye
Then I cry
Then I miss you
Then I frown
Then I wish you were here
Then I cry more

Then it all repeats
Every year
And I long to see you
Every year
This one is for my cousin
Can’t wait to see you :)
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