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Cheyenne Smith Oct 2021
I fought extremely hard to get where I am
I cannot explain the intensity and height of the mountains I have climbed
I was often told I would never succeed
I exceeded expectations & now I am pleased
I used to have zero self-belief
I was once innocent and naive
I could have hidden in my own little world
Instead, I strived for greatness
I was constantly asking myself questions
Is there a way out of this war?
Is there any chance I could succeed?
I went to having little self-belief
I’ve now got pride in what I’ve achieved
I never gave up, I never gave in
Intensive dedication is what it took
It started from carrying inner strength
Is there anything I can’t accomplish?
Cheyenne Smith Oct 2021
I remember when you said I’d be yours forever
Suddenly the forever turned out to be never
You shot me so far down and I initially struggled to reach the top

I gained knowledge after the relationship
Knowledge of how I was under somebody’s whip
I honestly felt like I was losing my breath from asphyxiation
From that moment, I knew I had to try my hardest to stop myself from future manipulation

After a year and a half of heartbreak and hopelessness
I eventually ended up in truly loving arms
I’m no longer a piece on a board of chess
No more false alarms
For now, my relationship is as gleaming as an elegant sparkling red dress
This poem is about going from a controlling relationship to one where you’re treated right.
Cheyenne Smith Sep 2021
Feelings of betrayal time and time again
All of your hatred & dishonesty is resulting in immense pain
I have thoughts that I can’t detain
You wouldn’t wanna know what’s happening inside of my brain

I gave you heartfelt honesty but then I lost your trust
Our relationship getting buried away until there is a large amount of dust

I felt like I had been stabbed in my back with a razor-sharp knife
How long until I get betrayed another time?
I guess breaking a person’s faith is a way of life
Without the way you’ve played Judas then there wouldn’t be a rhyme

Let me remind you of which line you crossed
How much do manners and respect cost?
Cheyenne Smith Sep 2021
We have had countless captivating moments
I can’t just think of one separate moment
Maybe the best time is yet to happen
For we are bound to experience a lot more passion
Our love is forever sparkling like electricity
Due to the incredible love you have for me.

Words cannot describe how much I love you
What I do know is that it’s more than the number of stars above you
Your name is engraved in my heart like a tattoo
The chemistry of two people stuck together like glue
Cheyenne Smith Sep 2021
Some years ago I was constantly wearing Rose-tinted shades
I started hurting myself with words that cut deep like blades
At the same time as receiving poor grades
I was unaware and oblivious to what was going on

I used to treat life as though it was a movie and enjoy whilst eating popcorn
This was before the mental trauma and pain
The pain that locked me up in a tight chain
Giving me thoughts about whether I was sane
That misery was originally keeping me astray
The strain and torment created a perfect pathway
Impacting on the strong woman I have become today
Cheyenne Smith Sep 2021
30 years have gone by
Since the devastating day of 15th April 1989
96 shining stars we view in the night sky
The day where rivalries draw a line
Back then the system gave Football fans injustice
Hoping and protesting for true justice
Years of failings from the police
Longing for justice so the 96 can rest in peace
The fans were never to blame
Liverpool will continue lighting the eternal flame
Written two years ago. Now it’s 32 years and 97.
Cheyenne Smith Jun 2021
10) Dreaming

Glancing at the dazzling stars on an enticing Tuesday evening
Looking up at the shimmering stars whilst dreaming
Dreaming of the person I will become
The obstacles I will eventually overcome
My heart is beating as fast as a drum
I aspire to inspire
Helping people to believe they are more precious than sapphire
Zero-knowledge of what lies ahead
My next chapter is still unread
Currently, it feels like you’re trapped in a trial
If you walk around with a smile
You’ll surpass that mile
The wait will be worthwhile
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