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Can't get up
Get out
Can't think of words
Can't speak
Or write
Can't walk or move a fork
Can't give a fuvk
Much less talk
Die, dying
Need death
I must
D  I  E

need to
An unconscious self sabotage
The reprimanding echo
A bed of invisible nails

Without the smallest clue
What was this discomfort of?

Exhaustion, a cage without doors.
Menial tasks turned impossible
Stumbling around all dazed

Dressed to the ninth in neglect
I keep forgetting to live.
It doesn't always Happen.
Even though it hardly stays still.

Some don't realize its presence

Some will never see that it's passed

Some seem to have no recollection

It's the unbecoming of a star
The deconstruction of a song.
Tis the season to be falling
Tis the season to be gay
Tis the season to be flying
Higher, farther, away ~

Chains loosened she calls to her mother
An earthy musk, grains of sand, mud on her face. A scruffy mutt laying listlessly on the tarmac, ribs rattling with the effort of each breath. She is home.

Muted flames thrashing in its cage, raging in the midst of civilization, a crucifixion of sorts. Tearing at its hair wildly, the masses trickling by, mouth agape in a silent scream. Ashes mixed into pieces of scalp, begging to be found.

Oblivious to a sound like thunder, clapping in one's ears. Strangled scream lost in translation, a language so old none could decipher. Fear wielding urgency, a disguise of desperation, depression.

Refusing to be still.
Don't you feel invincible,            Invisible
A blip on the dance floor,    before reality
Hits you hard,          
                                           you're at a funeral and
     The party's all                     in your head
Breathe in fire
Breathe out rain
Love the hurt
Become pain
Perhaps you would turn to hate me
Was it not better if you didn't remember
Perhaps that would've been for the best
It should've been that way all along

I'm not the brightest, an understatement
Some would say I'm dense and useless
I believe the words needed here are
Innately stupid disgusting & ignorant

You shouldn't have even acknowledged
This disgrace of a human
Beautiful and amazing person you are
confusing habits and routines

Dealing with my perpetual nuisance of an existence

I wasn't daring you or trying to
I just wanted you to know you are free
You didn't have to stay but you wanted to

Waste; the needless and excessive usage or consumption of a source or object.

In order to harbour the possibility of being wasted,
It first has to have the ability to serve a purpose
Too bad I didn't..
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