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Tyler May 2018
It was late June in the south.
Bon fire at the lake.
There was even fire flies lingering nearby.

And like magic that's when it happened.
That's when I saw you.
Seeing you under the stars' light.
Beside the fires glow.
I knew right then I wanted to know what your love felt like.

As I look you over, my god,
my heart was instantly stolen.
I could see that you were really smart.
Beautiful, like a world class piece of art.
I could see the light behind the green of your eyes, and it didnt even matter that we were in the dark.

I wanted to ask you all night...
Do you know how pretty you are?

I wondered if you'd let me be apart of your world.
If I was even your type?

I kept finding myself drawn to your lips.
As I thought to myself, those have got to taste like candy.
I just wanted to tell you all night just how pretty I thought you were.

You're the only one I saw that night.
I thought to myself, I will find a reason tonight...
Feel it all despite,
The fact I might not be your type.
But despite all that, I had to let you know how beautiful I thought you were.
Love you Chelsey
Tyler Apr 2018
You put your pride to rest.
Bury it, get rid of it.
You'll no longer be needing it.

Then you gently, lay your hands on their heart, like a whisper in the wind.
When you reach their soul stop briefly so you may find all the empty holes and painted walls of pain and broken devastation.
Love them with everything you've got so that your love may replace all the empty crevices with beautiful red roses blooming, filling, replacing all the empty darkness that once was.
That way their past pain becomes a distant memory, a white scar of what once nearly killed now is but only a scar.
Tyler Apr 2018
To love her is as involuntary as each breath I take.
To love her is easy.

I love her because she doesn't realize how beautiful she is.

To describe her I'd call her the moon.
Only blooming at night in secret.
A beautiful challenge.
Never letting anyone close enough to see her truest light.
But I am her exception.
Tyler Apr 2018
I didn't see her beauty.
I felt it.
Like the sunshine on my face.
Tyler Apr 2018
I find myself at such a loss.
Just wait.
Here me out.
What I'm bout to say comes straight from the heart.

Look, I get it, you dont have to answer any of my calls.
I'm believing..
Hell, I'm hoping, you'll pick up one day.
Please just know, I'd never want to add to your pain.
I'm praying that time makes a change in our life.

This is a strange place to be in.
This is a strange place I've put myself in.
Admitting things I never would.
Confessing things, that's just something I never did.

I find myself pacing, I feel like I'm going crazy, realizing how much you made a difference in my life,
And I don't want anybody else.

Hear me?
Don't nobody deserve myself, but you.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is..

You ain't gotta make your mind up
right now.
Darling, there's no rush.
So take your time, don't rush.
There's no pressure, I just gatta express this...

You took me by such surprise.
Never thought I'd take you serious.
But you came in and changed everything.
You came in and changed all of me

I miss your little hands and the way they caressed away all of my inner pain.
I admit, I took you for granted.
So now here I sit, on the edge of my empty bed with nothing but the reflection of all my bad decisions.

There were some nights, I'd find myself talking to my conscience.
I knew I made a few mistakes.
I knew I did it to myself.
I know I never admitted this,
but I'm the only one to blame for this.
I know you might need a little time to believe all of this.
To believe in me again.
To love again.

God, you must really not know it do you? How beautiful you are, standing there in front of me as I say all this.
Those beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me, unaware of how every cell in my entire body just wants to reach out and touch you.
You're not making this easy. Especially when I see you make that face, all I wanna do is make love to you all over the place.
I can't do this, I'm determined to fight for this.
I'ma put up a fight for this.
I cannot give up on a love like this.

So I'll be patient, I'll wait for however long you need because to me you're worth it.
This was kind of all over the place. Sorry
  Mar 2018 Tyler
Dazed Dreaming
What would your husband think about you leaving? Any kids?

"I don't have a husband anymore.... And no, no kids...there's no point anyway."


"Loving anyone or anything.....
Feels great at first, but it always turns to crap. I know the truth about love.... Its a hell I'll never get out of alive."

No one does......
  Mar 2018 Tyler
Dazed Dreaming
I blinked my tired eyes open...
One morning...
In September...
I felt instantly different...
Something that had been there with Me...
For so long...
Was gone...
Just like that...
That one morning in September...

I'll never forget that day...
The day I stopped loving you....

It was the first morning in years,
That my mind didn't immediately go to you...
It was the first morning...
I didn't feel that same dull ache deep... Within my heart...
It was the first morning l didn't cry...
Not even a single tear...
And it was on this morning that
I realized..
I finally let you go...

I suddenly just knew....
That I would never spend another night...
Comparing myself to the girl you left me for...
Over analyzing...
Sleep deprived..
Maybe even a little

Never again...
Spend another day...
For something that didn't exsist...
No more hoping..
To find even a shred of evidence that you loved me...
Even if it was in the most tiniest of measures...

You know nothing of Heartbreak...
And how it brought me to my knees...
Worst fears realized...
I was nothing but a ghost...
Stuck in limbo...

I  hated you for a long *** time...

I remember...
Going back and forth...
Between my heart and mind...
Arguing over you having an ugly heart...
And no soul...

No soul,
Behind those beautiful blue eyes...
I didn't want to believe that...
About you...
Let alone let that be my last memory of you..

But what are you to do when someone leaves you in ruin?
What do you tell yourself?
What would you have me believe?
You left..
Nothing behind but grief...

I knew you didn't give a ****...
I know you still don't...
I know you feel some kind of validation in everything you've done...
And thats where we're...
Too entirely different people...
I could never do that to someone
I loved..

You gave me no choice...
I let go when..
You forced..
To doubt everything we shared..
To question your feelings for me..
Cant you see?

To question...
The one person you once loved more than life itself....
It does something to you..
It's nothing shy of a hell...
I'd never wish on anyone...

It was the hardest battle...
I'd ever faced...
But I overcame it...

On that sweet September Morning...
I came alive again...
Because I let go...
I let you go...

Ive accepted you may have never loved me...
But I can't say the same..
Before you even realize it..
I'll be gone...
And I want you to know that despite everything...
And no matter what you go through..
In life..
Without me...
If you ever one day in the far future.. find yourself..
Thinking about me..
On a cool summers day...
When the crickets begin to sing...
Know that you were loved indefinitely...
In the best way any person could ever be loved...
Even if that person...
Was simply
Just me...
Felt compelled to say
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