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Arsène Oct 2021
Her wild flowering
A visceral encountering
Of delight empowering
A mystical memorizing endowing.

To meander life’s mess
Love thyself
Through mental cluster
And cleansing filibuster.

One’s learnt to let go
Couldn’t her though
A memory & lasting glow
I’ll cherish so.

Keep a treasured encounter.
Keep a treasure encounter
Arsène Sep 2018
African American plight
Incessant fright
Dark days into night

Equality, a concept
unbeknownst to we
Or is it me
Not born locally
And speaking colloquially

Now disillusioned
For a society alienated
Is a society decapitated
And the people dilapidated  
When you turn a blind eye
And hope not to hear their cry

Malignant systems
Elected officials to fix them
When all they do is fix them
To individual greed
And the corporate elite

Disenfranchised youth
Incarcerated they lose
Communities gentrified
And families undignified
A Marginalized people
Seen as second class
But a man of colour is no different from another.
America is a county founded in racism, and it remains the root of social division today
Arsène Sep 2018
Without you
These moments of mine
Are an abyss of time
Where the memories rewind
And my dreams intertwine

Without me
I sense less glee
But I'll be with you, vicariously
And you me

Without trust
There is no foundation
Upon which to build us
As I watched her groove
Her transient spell she'd ooze
Whilst I'd lose
Myself in how she'd move

Blame her beauty foreign
Intimate gloring
Reach in the dark she'll say
The sun is gonna shine
Every minute was a war he'd say
I want to get what's mine
le poème pour elle
Arsène Aug 2018
Drowned in pills
Her morbid gaze and soulless eyes would send me chills
A relationship empty but a foundation of thrills

Her beauty piercing as to be posey
I just delighted she chose me
Her slightest whim I’d mosey
Or she'd batter, bruise, and expose me

Why me I wondered at times
As her white powders sniffed in reverent lines
Too petrified to ask
Her actions ignominiously grasped

So I left
My feelings undealt
as I wept
With all of my friends gleaming
But I didn't know what to believe in
Value your self!
Arsène Aug 2018
Had my chance flown
To be shown
my very own
love, so alone
I’d grown
and moan
and moan
I’d groan
just to loan
This lone
Self  ?
Fun write
Arsène Aug 2018
At night I sleep alone
Mending heartache like stitches sewn

To no avail
As dreams of you prevail
My heart just couldn’t curtail
The ember  of your embrace
An ember that’s now displaced
Or one in which I’d misplaced

Will it ever be the same
As November came
And I was left in pain
Craving you again

Will I ever be the same
As December sang
And January rang
With A heart scarred
and left shard

Will we ever be the same
As February drained
And March rained  
For its we i wish to be

There is no we
she responded to me
A pierced heart has no cure
Arsène Aug 2018
Silent Rain
As time gets drained
An uncalming wait
I wished to negate
Will her flame begin to wane?
As the the memories remain

A woman unparalleled
Led an action unheralded
At a time precious yet precarious  
I couldn't take enough of you,
In that cherished time when you were mine

Now I can't relate
As good things come to those who wait
What a terrible saying
For my heart kept saying
Take me to the golden state.
le poème pour elle
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