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You put all your trust in the internet
They said it was the future.
The machine will show bud the way
To a better tomorrow.
But tomorrow came and they took all the books away.
People started protesting
Marching in the streets.
The voice over the loud speaker
Said trust in the machine.
As the tear gas filled the sky.
We put all our trust in the machine
And it took over the world.
They see you when your sleeping
They know when you’re awake.
You gave them all the power
It was a fatal mistake.
You watch from the hilltop
The missiles lit the sky
The machine took over the world
That’s burning in front of your eyes
I don’t even know how to do this anymore
Write for someone I don’t even know
To make them feel something
I don’t  know
Am I just in a mood?
These words seem so weak
I’m a poet but did I ever know it?
I can’t seem to put my finder to it
I’m a mess
Does that even come close to knowing
What’s it’s all been for?
I keep writing about loss
But what did I lose?
I’m still alive
And that something
I know it is
It’s short and simple
I’m here and I
Have one more line in me
I'm a poet and I think I always knew it
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue
But you wouldn’t drive to see me
I should have know
You were a fraud
And you were fooling me the whole time
It took a knife to cut deep enough to know
You were a crime
I committed on myself
It’s all so much
It grows out of my veins and through my mouth
I say the words that break your heart
Every time it’s like a default
And you come back
Like a drug addict
To be torn apart
Like a house in a tornado
You left a message on my phone
I don’t know why
It was full
Like the moon
That I stare at when I’m missing you
I wish you knew
You never will
This life’s a thrill
Your in for the ****
But you couldn’t hurt a butterfly
In the desperate of hours
You creep back to your master
You burrow deep inside his womb
Is it to soon
To start talking facts
You can’t be serious
You can’t be considering this again
You build your walls
But they came crumbling
And your torn apart
But here you stand again
In armor weak
You can’t even speak
Your a mess
But your still breathing
After all the stones thrown
In your direction
You took a bottle and broke it on his head
And he bled
He bled so much
You didn’t know what to do
So much blood it’s like an ocean
Your feet in the sand
You take stand
Your rush towards the door
And to your car
You drive off into the night
You build a wall
You build your walls
You separate yourself from the pain
It’s all a game
It’s all a game
It’s all a game
It’s all a game
You can’t win
Your drinking to get better
But you just get sicker
Your not paying attention anymore
To the signs
Your knocking door to door
For some change
When will you change
Your a mess
Your outside the Burger King again
Begging for your life
Your just a kid
Living off someone else’s heart
You did your part
And you got nothing in return
You’ve got so much more to learn
You graduated school
An art degree is cool
Until your starving for some food
You did your part
It didn’t work out
The way you thought it would
She broke your heart
Left you in the dust
Your heart in your hand
Not what you planned
You thought you did enough
You did your part
It wasn’t enough
Now your living in the park
Living off the hearts of strangers
They sympathized
They gave you money
They thought they did their part
It wasn’t enough
Walking drunk down the street
Cigarette in one hand
In the other a tall boy can
Your the flavor of the week
The boys all bow at your feet
Treat you like a god
They prey for your touch
But they don’t need to pray
Your giving it away for free
The moon light shines in your hair
Golden in the night air
Humming your favorite song
Your just drunk enough
To not care at all
Headlights in the far off distance
You wonder where they are
Does anyone care at all
If you just disappeared
Your all done up
But eyes shadows ******
You’ve been crying too much
Let your guard down
Gave your Love to a boy
Guess he wasn’t a man
Walking the streets like a ghost
Your haunted by your own thoughts
Your an Angel in the night
But you don’t believe in God
You’ve got a devil on your shoulder
And he talks too much
The stars are out tonight
They shine bright like a spotlight
You wonder what’s out there
Would anybody care
If you just disappeared
Just walk it off
Go home and sleep it off
In the morning you can start again
Or play pretend
Would anybody care
Do you even care
If you just disappeared
Those summer girls
Those moves, those curves
Hot sun beating on their soft sensitive skin
Bikini lines forming, Soaking in
Those summer girl made of sin
Let me in

Those summer girls got a curse
They make you Act different
Have you speak different
They bury your heart in the sand
Like a curse on men

Those summer girls
Cast a spell
If I’m under one how can I tell?
Let me in
I want to know
These summer girls
They have all the control
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