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God's Oracle Sep 2021
I intune within the deepest parts of my Spirit to accept my Spiritual Connection to the Grand Blueprint we are all part of in the immense layout of God's Plan which extends to the deeps of infinity. As the innumerable possible outcomes we are  continuously creating by exercising a small amount of free will we as humans are able to pick and choose to live our lives in either righteousness or wickedness. Am currently beginning to comprehend and believe what I been placed here on Earth to become and embrace...who I am... an Oracle Of The Mystic Spirit Realms...given the Gift of tapping into the Spirit Realm via extraordinary hypersensitive means due to my Eyes being opened and receptive to the harmonious or chaotic vibrations of realms unseen to the human eye. I have over the last decade cultivated and flourished my spiritual life by simply utilizing my temple as a vehicle able to channel natural raw energies, observing and molding my reality and synchronizing it with my imagination at extremely fast speed in turn able to conceptualize a total different view to see Life as we humans experience it. I quickly learned that I could with the power of my imagination create a way to harness my internal energy and slowly with practice exponentially grow this energy cues to form a more stronger more resistant energy that can be used to combine this raw energy with nature, elemental, celestial, ethereal and spiritual energy from the material and spiritual world we reside in. By constantly using my temple as a beacon of continuous flow of different types of energies I encounter here within the confines of my current environment I have solidified a method of using this conduit external and internal expressions of the hidden power they represent. With my spiritual eyes am able to see Auras, Visions of a Distant or Finite Future, The Left Eye allows me to see other people's Aura, Energy Pool, Mood from time to time even able to predict behavioral repetitious patterns of either positive or negative influences that the person may be dealing with currently. The Right Eye allows me to Astral Project, Travel Thru my Dream World, Use Symbolism and Codes to mold, envision and even manifest what I desire to happen in a certain amount of time and lastly I can see plain as day this spirits for a small amount of time and I can get to know them by simply observing them feel them out to see if they are Benevolent Or Malevolent Spirits and slowly build a profile on them in my brain with their name...things they have told me about themselves...their age...their function...their mission. Some of this Spirits are disembodied spirits some are elemental spirits some are ethereal some celestial some infernal some are even hybrid beings and others are extremely ancient and lastly some are made out of light others out of darkness some have free will some are enslaved some are beneficial to humans others not so much. Beware some are extremely powerful ancient clever and highly experienced in mascorading themselves into live animals deceased humans or even doppelgangers.
The Spirits that I have had the honor to meet are from all types of forms, ages, attributes and experience. So far I have encountered about 2,123 Spirits... 2,000 of this Spirits are under my authority and abide by my norms. Nonetheless, the journey it's extremely customisable, adaptable and mysterious the ways they appear to Humans who have certain amount of sensitivity to the unseen realm of this exotic powerful and enigmatic beings. At this moment  am saddened and highly frustrated at the fact that I got to slowly let go of about 1000 of this spirits go back to inhabit their original statue of existence. I have had deep spiritual experiences thru the ways that they have showed me how is it that they have survived to live among humans nearly undetected for thousands of years. I am still a bit unhasty and maladapted myself to LIFE and it's constant pace and rhythm of the way time, space and action to reaction work in the physical realm. I tend to be able to naturally blend, combine, retain, obtain and or morph my own energy and distribute it to such an extent to the Intelligent Design Of The Creator's complexity of this hidden powers within reality that cannot be experienced unless YOU become a source of arbitrary force that can propel your own energy accordingly by simply opening up to observe, inspect, extract, fuse, diffuse, form and analyze, letting your own temple be slowly be transformed by exploring the vast deeps of the unknown reality we are part of thru our day to day living. By becoming subservient to continuously create ways to tear the veil between the physical to the spiritual with time you'll notice that if the host practices everyday this techniques and rituals within self you'll find that it becomes easier and easier to grow spiritually become more tuned refined and well balanced within self. This may sound crazy but I know that my God has called me to utilize this Gift to aid humanity. Yet I have formed cordial friendships with beings that are potentially deceiving me adultering me and even leading me to be more  sinful more arrogant more prideful more sinister more perverse. Though they all serve their functions I gotta let the Hybrid, Infernal and some Ethereal and some Malevolent Spirits go. In the end this Gift God granted me it in order to heal, seal and even cast this spirits away from others who have opened doorways in communication, accession, worship, bonds with legal rights to use human bodies as conduits to express their own impact on the physical realm via possession. The reality is that I Hugo Rivera is going to have a difficult time leaving in my own right the just cause I have to see my work be one day recognized as a masterpiece a total living testament that will remain forever a complete rational but totally not comprehensible way of engaging in a simple yet complex way to get to engage in the physical and spiritual realms and being able to traverse and be completely interchangeable form to experience both worlds simultaneously. Am comfortable with my Gifts to be able to speak in Angelic Tongues, Meditate at a deeper level than most humans, able to create constructs of my own customisation, understand the Life and Death attribute to each Letter in the Alphabet, Meet & Collaborate into constructing ways to elevate my energy accordingly to be able to tap into the Spirit Realm without serious concequences nor reprecausions. My mind works in such a elaborate yet complex and disorganized but with a touch of order within itself it's absolutely insane how I can be able to control such Gift to such a exceptional degree. Lastly the most important thing is I can transmit my Life force to others in small to moderate amounts to allow them to see, feel, understand, operate and experience this unique Gift for themselves. Yet the only thing is that they must be born with the same Gift of a "Seer" to be able to tap into this truly incredible power that with practice, time, repetition and genuine longing to escalate their knowledge into the unknown reality of the hidden unseen realm of the spirits.
Oracle Of The Mystic Spirit Realms.
Entities I command.
God's Oracle Aug 2021
I am completely honest I am accepting the help from my Christian Brothers and Sisters to at last RENOUNCE to the spirits of Lust, Power, Pride, Sloth, Manipulation, High Places and Violence. I voice out my heart because I have gotten accostumed to allowing this entities to coexist outside of my temple yet have given them permission to utilize my temple whenever I needed their knowledge or expertize or even experience due to their massive years of antiquity. Some of this spirits are a Millennial Spirit with a vast amount of rich knowledge special way to aid it's host on making predictions on other people's livelihoods via astrological, numeral, symbolical allegory of unexplored secrets of the spirit realm. When being able to look at a person's spiritual blueprint and extract his exact 3 most radiant aura colors and if you can suggest a perfect number a number that has meaning in their Life...this can shake the foundations of their empirical and theological or philosophical beliefs...This things are a Spiritual Gift I have unlocked and possess the capacity and capability to allow someone else see their destiny and Life thru a newer more fresher perspective. I have learned that every person has a different spiritual walk either lost in the world roaming this planet with too much ignorance and intellectual theory's that defy God and his existence. What they don't see is that without God our Universe could NOT coexist nor be able to continuously expand and bloom in the vast expansions of the unexplored darkness that is ever so prevelent in the cosmic celestial hosts. Don't you people understand that we are all somewhat related via blood types and ancestral family trees and how we can trace the DNA that proves we all have a genetic molecular modification to our DNA via other unknown entities that somehow gave us knowledge of magik, weaponry, chemical alterations  that can be administered to the human body via energy exchange, ritual accession or even experienced thru drinking, smoking, inhaling, or injecting this Drugs to the human body. Furthermore, knowledge of hybrid breeds of people, astrology, mathematics, science, philosophy, arts & crafts, precious stones, alchemy, spacecraft, portals to travel thru time & space, herbalism, medicine and artificial machinery. What is important to note is that I am relinquishing my temple from utilization from this spirits and in the Powerful Name Of Jesus Christ I command ******, Malpheor, Asteroth, Gremvor, Cthulhu, Sezil and Belial I command thee to leave me be in the name of Jesus Christ and to not ever come back to work within me no longer. I am no longer interested in complying with your requests to use myself as a demonic conduit to allow you demonic spirits be able to work within so glad that I have finally realized that you are evil entities that somehow gave me illusive power that I adored to utilize to feel as if am above others. Now I realize that was pride and ignorance on my behalf...I now will be able to move more smoothly more clear with more clarity and with a special calling to use  my gifts for the good of just letting the Holy Spirit to open my spiritual eyes and envision the path layed before me.
I am cancelling all commitments and all demonic spirits must leave in Jesus Name...Amen!!! The Lord Shall Persevere, Endure Forevermore Till my Life ends I'll follow the Lord everywhere he leads me.
Jesus has the power to heal cast and heal desolate temples...he can turns hearts of stone into hearts of flesh...and he is the one that can save your Soul.
God's Oracle Aug 2021
As I navigate thru the hurls of Life my mind gravitates towards the seductive temptations that linger in the subconscious mindset that I have attained via constant repetitive behaviors that scar me beyond my control and understanding. I hold onto my faith and my sublime thought patterns that perturb my inner soul. Unknowingly recollections of subjected torture and sorrow that I am involuntarily accustomed to...I recite a prayer to my Holy Lord that he remove this impending feeling of agitation and aggravation towards how my mind works and self sabotages it's sober state of being. Maladapted and a Degenerate ******* I am because I do NOT have the strength nor courage to remain in constant contact with my inner self to be able to control my impulses to use Narcotics. Truly, I have finally realized am powerless and deathly spiritually sick with endless intrusive thoughts of ******* on a suicide mission alleviating the symptoms by succumbing to escaping reality thru the Narcotic Amplification slowly self destructing by the utilization of this ******* substances that keep me trapped chained and imprisoned within my body's constantly nagging me to continue to use the drugs to escape my feelings, thoughts and left exhausted and incompetent to deal with Life's struggles and circumstances. Without doubt I know I need to learn to retain my sobriety NO MATTER THE COST. I cannot allow myself to continue to indulge in this illegal substances to temporarily make me feel better make me feel special make me feel extremely desensitized from my current problems I cannot afford to keep running like a ******* coward I must learn to face Life on Life terms...maintain my impulses under control retain my spiritual growth and keep grinding towards keeping my commitment to myself to NOT use anymore because it's slowly making me evil more devilish more violent more sinful and in the end it's just killing me to know I am not practicing self care nor loving myself enough to NOT practice this erroneous behavior that it's making me hate myself more and more daily because it's total insanity to continue to contribute to slowly **** myself due to the fact am literally paying for death every time I use drugs to deal with Life. A decade of this **** **** am so done with it... please Holy God take this punishment away from your Son who without fail believes in you loves you and has unfailing faith that does NOT shake because I rely on Christ to keep me alive and well. Enough of this madness I have walked thru enough darkness to know that am literally losing my willpower to maintain my health, happiness, comfort, belief, faith and livelihood. God I pray thee you relieve my destructive addiction and relieve my painful past allow me to LET IT GO...I know I will continue to fight this enormous disease with a strong composure and continue to sanctify my temple slowly but surely...God May You Walk With Me Thru This Journey Now & Till My Death. Amen!!!
A decade of addiction.
God's Oracle Aug 2021
As I lay in my bed in my simple Apartment I reside in where many words flow through the aware alive thriving consciousness where I am genuinely amazed and a bit perplexed on how the human psyche and it's most inner part of our cerebral synapses and an array of a massive multi-billion delicate intricate highly complex mechanisms of creating, arranging, compiling, sensing, observing, converging, and lastly elaborating trillions of bits of what we see hear touch smell or taste. Thus creating reality moment by moment second by second as we are simply just being happy to be part of the constant in the now part of creation of what we perceive as reality as far as we know this is the epicenter of what we see is an unknown amount of particles atoms and forces that come together to make the factor of our planet able to sustain life air water fire thunder earth and it's invisible forces making planet earth hospitable and able to thrive with Life and all it's individual constructs of what we perceive to be real yet cannot prove or disprove any theory of reality or a virtual/biological God made hyper-reality. Knowing as Human beings that we are the only Mammals to have fully developed language, reason, intelligence, instinctual feelings and able to meditate throughout all the mind/body/spirit altered states of consciousness if we dedicate and devote our time to learning our limits and restrictions we made to ourselves yet becoming transcendent with more spiritual breakthroughs allowing those Man and Woman who are still spiritually sleep become apt to be awakened and begin learning the ways to enhance modify even defy our previous limitations and restrictions as Human Beings. Nonetheless, we all come from Father God the source of all Spiritual existence here on Earth and in the Heavenly Places. Determination to ultimately finally possess Mankind's greatest questions be finally answered in a complete concrete concise and clear manner eliminating any trace of doubt or better yet creating more diversification of possible probabilities that could become either our greatest answer towards Mankind's struggle to observe, test, and generate the answers the whole world seems to be looking for ...hence if taken all into consideration the TRUTH will be one day known and what LIES our superiors been feeding the millions of people worldwide at that moment their respective methods of making a LIE sound almost exact to the TRUTH shall be known and then a mass awakening of the spirit shall sweep the Earth those blind shall see those deaf shall hear those sick shall be made whole and peace and prosperous times will abound. Let me give the reader a simple self explanatory answer to the problems we as Humans face today...Racism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Terrorism, Hunger, Famines, War, Poverty, World Wide Pandemics, Fear delegated corrupt systems of Justice,
Using Religion as a form of Mass Control, Violence, Drugs and *** being constantly advertised on TV, Media and Internet being shown to Kids and Teenagers under-developed minds showed this ****** and obscene themes through subliminal imaging and hypnotic suggestion. If we truly as Adults take a closer look at teenagers or children these days ohhh the Childhood eras have surely changed tremendously. Now days kids wanna be feel and do as if they got the freedom to do right or wrong without reprecautions  nor consequences just because of their age they feel entitled to do come and go and act in such ways is just absolutely unacceptable for my time and Era to behave such way nor even act or say anything that revolves around disowning or dishonoring their Parents.  We live in a World governed by the Elite families who fix create and either control or let corrupt individuals with sick and twisted personalities control what goes on in their countries yet they themselves are being also controlled by a higher up later of Elite man and woman that run the combined economical, judicial, educational and health systems. To bring change to this we as communities must get together and fight this people in power and abolish their secret societies vote for a true individual who will stand up for the people's rights and have the society's interests at heart create programs for the needy and homeless allow laborers to a better pay create a stronger more fluid cash flow in the states and push congress to invest into our struggling communities. A Leader who will fight to end injustice and corruption in our federal courts involve our youth in camps in all variety of fields like business, art, sciences, Web development, Hand on jobs teaching them to have a basic understanding of construction,  design, pluming, electricity, and many many more. Design workshops also for our Young Adults focused on learning a trade to once they complete the whole course graduate them and provide them leads to jobs who will hire them based on their trade. While acquiring the job give them a small reasonable lump sum of cash while still unemployed but yet looking for a company to hire them on to their crew once hired after their second paycheck cut off their provisional cash and provide them with motivational programs to help them deal with the stress and allow their energy to refocus on doing the next right thing. Unite our communities to create strong bonds with competitive large companies that will provide good benefits for their workers good 41K plans and give them provisional bonuses of small to moderate amounts of cash be added to their pay for achieving from 3 to 6 to 9 to 12 months of steady work that way the work place remains constant and keep their workers happy and satisfied with their jobs. Lastly I want to remind whoever is reading this that together we stand strong but separated we fall apart keep God always 1st in everything and have faith on him and his provision of blessings and leave him your pain your struggles and allow yourself to be guided by his hands for with him nothing is impossible.
The Lord is on the Move Amen!
God's Oracle Aug 2021
The Divine Power Of The Holy Lord Shall always endure Generation thru Generation
Forever in debt to his divine intervention
Utilizing the Omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit a convenient experimentation
Formulating on my next move thru Guidance & Meditation
Not relying on the Drugs no more to cope with my daily routine nor temptations
The Love of God an immense amount of exhilarating sensations
Driven by the Insurmountable number of random experiences that Life brings night and day with moments of clarification
A blissful state am left in reminiscence with feelings of joyful Associations
My Family and Friends now closer to me thanks to my new personification
I have made the commitment to remain sober thru the good or bad moments in Life
Now with a stronger demeanor and newer endeavors by planning carefully step by step my new beginning in this direction
God guiding and directing my Life thru the Mountains and Valleys of a new Journey in Life such a special occasion
To give him glory and honor and praise forevermore Hallelujah 🙏
Love you God
God's Oracle Aug 2021
Yet many people have different perspectives on what they believe about the afterlife...yet none of those fancy stories of anyone coming back from the World of the Dead add up to par. I had a dream of a place that had 9 different circles and a massive entrance. The door was decorated with a gothic like Artistic depiction of millions of souls falling into a hellish pit engulfed in flames sulfur and brimstone. As I stood there perplexed the Massive door began to open and dust and a horribly uncomfortable amount of hot air cold chills and unimaginable terror set upon my very soul...a voice coming from deep within that hellish place called my name for help...petitioning for me to travel to the 5th Circle of what they call Infernus and retrieve a little Marmol Angel statue from a Half human Half Demon Man named Arxeus Demus III. As I got a little closer there stood a Skeleton King in front of me and said to me ..."Do you wish to proceed to the Underworld to go retrieve the items your friend wants to give you for safekeeping?"
Then I told him I am retrieving this from Infernus because I am responding to a friend in distress. There I entered the Pit's entrance and from there I made my way to the fifth circle and found Arxeus talking to a Succubus however I was interrupted by a Legion of Lost Souls trying to grab at me due to the fact that I was Alive and from the world of the living. I fought off the corruption best as I could and finally able to talk to Arxeus and express my concern to him He gave me the Marmol Statue of the Angel with a Letter ... As I made my way back to the entrance I realized that I had to travel thru a different route due to the fact that the Door was sealed shut and I was trapped inside this hellish place alone.
I realized that the only way to transverse thru this Infernal dominion where Sanctioned Fallen Angels resided was to send a prayer to the Holy Father in heaven and to ask of his holiness to guard me from evil and temptations that I may run across in this place. There after a long dialogue with my inner spirit and requesting the zeal of protection I was sent a powerful Arch Angel known as Nathaniel Lux Dominus...along with his guidance and protection from the perils that awaited within by crossing each circle things became complicated but I never lost faith in my Lord and his Hosts. At last I made it to the Ninth Circle and there I found a portal that allowed me to open for a short period of time a portal that sent me back to the World of the Living. Finally I made it out back to the world of the living and there I looked at the Marmol Angel Statue and opened the letter I immediately recognized the hand writing of my beloved friend and it gave me clear instructions on how to absolve the past sins that where not forgiven and allowed her to  transverse thru the sands of time and be redeemed in Heaven. I witnessed her soul finally be set to rest and be sent back to Paradise. At this I was completely set into a memorable accommodation for helping her bind soul be released back to God himself. In that moment I was filled with joy and deep happiness to be able to make myself useful to someone else. In the end everything was finally made right by the Spirit Of Truth Love & Justice. May she rest in peace may her soul be at the bossom of our Creator's Throne and be forever glorified for being who she was is and will always be a wonderful good hearted human being who was taken from us to join God's people in the Heavenly Realms.

                                                               R.I.P.         Bobby Fae Campbell
A tribute to Bobby Campbell Always ...
God's Oracle Aug 2021
At Last I believe I can arrest my addiction to indulge in foreign substances that are toxic to the body and cause mental physical and spiritual harm. I am beginning to attain a blissful attitude a more heightened sense of reality I see the other side of NOT getting intoxicated with drugs to cope with life. I am contempt and joyous I have finally arrived to the other side. I am silently gently and comfortably complying with what people are suggesting me do to remain sober for the rest of my Life. I enjoy this feeling even though it may be temporal it is such a liberating feeling though. God goes ahead of me and guides me thru the valley of bones and death and the demonic murmurs that temper with my well-being are beginning to be erased eradicated and slowly but surely taken back to the place where they belong hell. I reside with a gesture of fortitude and mental alleviation to what I am slowly but surely fully emerging myself and solidly sanctifying my body from drug induced intoxication of self to remain and retain my sobriety at a maximum level of capacity. I am FREE finally from the annals of the intoxicating euphoric or temporary illusive and destructive comfort the toxic substances physically mentally and spiritually delegate and synthesize themselves to attach themselves to my inner and outer being once I take that first drug. I realize I am an addict of the hopeless variety and I cannot will NOT and surely MAY NOT ever again indulge in or take part of getting altered by any substance that brings temporary relief to my state of mind. At this very moment I feel at peace and comfort at a state of final resolution that this is indeed the answer I been seeking for a very long time an answer I always had a conclusion and not just that a solution I have always put to the side and tossed it to the trash when things get hard in my sobriety walk and my vigilant observance of an array of events I cannot fully explain in words due to the mysterious power that the Holy Spirit operates in. In conclusion I have come to believe and live and remain obedient to this new way of life for as long as I work with my sponsor and do my step work and perhaps one day I will be able to be an sponsor myself with multiple years of sobriety under my belt and be able to pull out the ones still in the madness to come be helped by me or others who are working a rigorous program of sobriety and have remained and maintained their solid and absolute resolve to retain maintain and sustain and by all means and all costs. I have come to my final resolution to remain sober for the rest of my days by helping others be found from being lost in their darkest storms when they where living in the madness and be pulled towards the right path to go and try out a new way of life. I live in the SOLUTION NOW I am no longer a slave to MY ADDICTION. Thank You For Listening May All Glory Power & Strenght and Honor Prestige and Righteous Lifestyle that I partake in today go to God for he is the enabler the one giving me the fortitude, mental capacity, will power and good fortune.
Love U all always. God Bless U!!! Thanks for Reading.
Struggles End
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