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Feb 2023 · 274
zee Feb 2023
Tumbling down,
as scarlet dreams adorn my mind.
In the eerie darkness of the night,
Alone am I with my thoughts,
with no one around,
crimson drops,
diamond tears,
losing myself slowly,
I gaze down at my pillow
and see it...
I don't even know what was going through my mind when I wrote this XD
Jan 2023 · 1.9k
zee Jan 2023
she holds my hand in her palm
cradling it gently
as she cleans
the wounds she reopened
on my calloused paper skin.
The giver birth
the harbinger of my death,
embraces me in crocodile tears.
"Who is she?" I am asked
and in a cracked voice bandaged with promises,
I answer;
"she is my mother."
Been doing some reflection and here's something on motherly wounds.
Feb 2021 · 586
All Because of You!
zee Feb 2021
Love was a feral creature,
Something to be avoided,
Something to be feared...

For I believed it only brought;
Pain, Destruction and Loss...

Long had I stayed away,
Caging myself in,
void of emotions...

But then,
came into my life...
you tamed the beast
and showed me,
it wasn't all that bad...

You came in,
made me believe in,

You enveloped me in your caring arms,
I embraced your heart without a thought...

And now,
when I think of love,
I think of....

This poem was inspired by a Webtoon comic (Freaking Romance by Snailords) I read! Hope y'all will like it ♥
Feb 2021 · 383
More than You!
zee Feb 2021
I used to
lay on the lonely bed,

Longing for your warm embraces.
Thinking of how when your arms wrap around me,
My whole body goes into a state of inexplicable euphoria...

About those lustful kisses
Dripping with passion,
Your lips crashing against mine,
As a faint moan escapes my lips...

Played had I continuously in my mind
these memories

And I wish I could say that,
Our time was the best...

But baby,
I have realised...

I love myself more than you!
Rants of sorts I guess XD

— The End —