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Jeremy Betts Feb 2021
You know exactly who I'm referring to when I say...

They have this habitual political ritual of babbling on
Rambling wrong, your standard God complex politician
Standing in front of a congregation spewin' lies, oozin' corruption through thin skin
Politickin' about a mission we should sht on and skip the Charmin
This is my f
ck you dissertation, a doctrine based on real time observation
A deep dive into what has essentially become an unhealthy obsession with sin
Holding a position I'm told I have no right to speak on much less be a voice in
But if one life don't matter none, no life matters son
Including your own, don't confuse facts with opinion
Watching your tone would be wise in this situation
Hooked on the slogan defund every police station
Convinced it means let loose the entire prison population
You know, just for fun
Stoke the confusion, skip any and all explanation, no need for a reason
Willfully blind to the sedition, a corporation backed rebellion, it's open season for treason
To quote the law men, "we'll even hold the door for y'all till you're all in"
Then when they're leavin' make sure to welcome them back again
A simple bewildered complexion brings 'em satisfaction
Chaos the reflection of a lagit election
Regardless of the facts within reach, we witnessin' half a population claim fiction
Feel the friction
Destruction is the reaction, falling for a complex distraction
The consumption of our damnation overshadowed by a mutation of this god forsaken nation
How did we wind up in this position? How'd we let this happen?
I reckon we sure weren't just placed in this situation, a fraction of us stumped by long division
It''s by no means an answerless equation but a question we still debate on
Standing upon a soapbox trying to out crazy the competition
What was once neighborly is now seen as the opposition
Someone please just hit the gong so we can move on
Restoration is easier than resurrection so stay strong
Hope has been long gone for so long, maybe to long, a hopeless conclusion drawn
No anti venom for our venomous condition
A symptom raised from conception, taught to the young
We bet on corruption inside a polling station
Ballets a currency printed on different stationery then it's just simple addition
Still waiting on the announcement that we finally won
But that day will never come unless you're higher echelon
Controlled by the elusive free mason, I'm guessin'
Can't know for certain what side they on, influencing our direction from behind a curtain
A mission forgotten, a population forsaken
Praise God as dangerous as hail Satan
That should be a$$ backwards but it ain't wrong, I'm just sayin'
If you were payin' attention you wouldn't need an explanation
Incarceration eludes the criminals behind the walls of that white mansion
Not a single one ever pays for what they've done and that's fuel for frustration
The people scream out objection and beg for a proper ejection of this borderline evil pantheon
But they get to run over and over again every election and instead of serving up a strict ten day eviction
We just turn to digital b*tchin', no real action taken so we're stuck with this dangerous faction
One that holds Rome as its inspiration so you know this nation is collapsin' it's just a matter of when...and if we'll even make it to the end

Bard Jun 2020
Ten thousand years and we're still peasants
Now the ruling class hunt us like pheasants
Presently they act like their oppression is a present
When we act ungracious get gassed till we pleasant

They never cared when opioids hit the street
Why would they when their the pusher
Catch you with drugs they sold and they're the punisher
Arrest an addict and then in the cell they **** her
Evil ******* in the force enforcing like predators
Live life proper and you'll still end up behind bars
If blue stars decide your life offend theirs

Armed like the military and they declare war
On the peasants fighting brutality and alls fair
Might mace a kid cause his skin aint fair
So much pain and I'm no believer but I send a prayer
For every Trayvon Martin and every Tupac Shakur

If we're being real police have never helped me
All they do is spread fear and imprison the free
They'd shoot a man for taking a knee
But let a murderer walk free
Police cause chaos in the street
So defund the police and lets see
If we can have peace, finally
Don’t Defund the police and don’t say all capitalism has got to go
Lets be honest, your research is little and there’s lots you don’t know

Capitalism, ain’t here, its Neo-Liberalism’s the name of your fear

Okay so the voting system is kind of whack
But where’s your money gone to and who do you back?

Whenever there’s a bandwagon you might jump on board
When you hear “Anti-Racist”, you applaud
But on Black Friday you open doors,
You leap right into the Capital Maws

Here’s the truth, here’s the fact
You little post, it won’t do jack
When every other step you take is on the beaten track
Being, its more than a Scene, and that’s there’s crack


Jheeze, one Act an Actor makes not
If you’re a quintessential ‘Alternative’, you’re still a robot
You’ve an arrogance of rightness, that’s what you’ve got
The saddest thing is, so does your Despot

So maybe there’s a chance your desktop’s got more than social functions
Maybe humility with clarity would yield a better unction
Than screaming for the death of those with a truncheon

Yes they do bad, but they also do good,
Many aren’t here, when for their children, they should
They’re at work and in stress, or the in grace of Grim’s hood
When the **** hits the fan they run towards it, I ask if you would?

The point is to remember the good, and from this then grow
Not to dismember what’s built, and from bliss go below
To be clear, there are clearly systematic problems with policing systems that need to be worked on. Better community integration, use of social-contact theory, aggression displacement, expiating arbitrary stress as well as facilitating proper mental & physical health, robust education that teaches critical thinking and empathy, energy and resource infrastructure that's fairly distributed as well as enabling people to engage in labour they find meaningful.
Once all this is sorted, police will become largely redundant.
Until this is all sorted, millions of human animals are living in close quarters that are all getting riled up because of normal problems and covid problems. Maybe taking away a check on their primordial impulses isn't a great idea because under all that humanity you're still an animal.
the current occupier of the white house
is unable to lead the battle against the pandemic
sends unmarked secret police
    to push peaceful protesters into unmarked vans
lets police use tear gas and rubber bullets
    to clear a place for a photo-op before a church
    into which he has never set foot
    holding up a bible which he most likely never read
spreads birther lies about possible opponents

tries to defund the US postal service
    because he is afraid of mail-in votes
attempts to destroy anti-pollution laws
    that improve people’s health
wants to abolish Medicaid
tries to celebrate a wishy-washy peace agreement
    between UAE and Israel as his success
    throwing the Palestinians under the bus

    & cetera   & cetera   & cetera

all he has managed to do in three-and-a-half years
is destroy many achievements of his predecessors
destabilize world diplomatic alliances
insult longtime allies and cuddle up to authoritarian leaders
killing 170,000 {updated 300.000] Americans due to his lack of leadership
sending tens of millions into unemployment and joblessness
and blame everybody else in the world for his blatant incompetence

today the USA have lost all credit
among the global community
and left a vacuum
    China and Russia are racing to fill

make America great again?
the best cynical joke of the past 120 years
Looking from abroad at the unraveling of US civil society, one DOES worry!!
Death toll updated from CDC data on Oct. 11, 2020.
Jordan Hudson Dec 2020
The truth the facts the myths of the past
Fooled to choose the medias crap
Feeding our minds with trash no facts
I'm bleeding over lies I can't think fast
Argue the truth your facts go to trash
Walls were breached and the walls they were hacked
Decades passed now we can't go back
We the people gone those laws artifacts
Top dog politicians rule us all bad
Holding us back with our heads in a bag
Take it out shout out to be loud be mad
Taking back our land let's put it at that
Grab your guns get out the door for combat
Get out the office let us have a chat
Bow to us we won't lose what we have
The fact they are all old is so sad
Let them all free but give them higher tax
Either that or put them back in middle class
Shouldn't have to hate you for the price of my gas
And my main thing is the mass of us wearing masks
People losing jobs from your propaganda fads
One percent dies and you shut down the map
Stuck at your house so miserable and trapped
If you die they can't come looking where you at

Put down your masks clean air is what they take
Dump them in a lake the purpose is so fake
I don't despise a lot but control I do hate
There may be a virus but it ain't the black plague
Calm it down folks let us have a dang break
Economy falls open up all the way
Church is closed open up your gates
Founded under God the United States
Taking that away is that America's fate
Crazy corrupt boomers with so much hate
Make a good republic straight to dictate
Isn't that what we all were fighting away
Riot our towns as if that's the way
Defund the police that keep us safe
The logic of this is more than a waste
It's a joke only the ignorant could make
Stories on the news are never straight
Screen to books they teach us the fake
What is real anymore what are these days
The right side is afraid the left dominates
News casts lie 'til they're blue in the face
Silenced to speak the truth they can't take
Lie livin' suckers when will you all wake
God save this nation that I'm starting to hate
Minuscule Ego Jul 2020
At 3 am my phone went blinking
Hello, I then awoke answering
Oh hello again, the voice went speaking
I know that tis been quite awhile
And I know that the world lies messy and wild
That its people are more shrewd at handling their affairs
That they all could be standing at their last
Some have even tried succumbing to their fears
For the rumours has deplete their times and their dimes

"Covid-19 is here - as the rumour goes
Keep your heads up and stay safe
Always wear a mask n' wash your hands as often as you can"
But who are those with the placards and the movements
The "Defund The Police" for the "Black Lives Matter"
They go about rambling in the slogans
Standing against racism and police brutality
Shouting and pointing their hurting fingers
Like they have something in the shadows to influence the decisions

Tear down the histories and give us back our heritage
Yet they are savages whenever it comes to rage
They demolish their in-depth cultures to fabricate their own
They even join hands to rip apart their mother's gown
Stealing her treasures, while hunting their brothers down
The illicit mining and their fraud disbursement
Bogus companies that betray our coalition of transparency
Yet they go about singing that life is full of uncertainties
Our black kinsmen have lost all securities
Such performance that mimic honesty, but a lie without bleach
Blacks against blacks, the truth in all certainties
When did darkness came in terms with the light?
That corrupt ones now go about singing for unity
That anything is possible; including our missing billions
Selfishness has allow men to do as they please
Lovers of themselves more than lover of God

Our mouth will speak of what the heart is full of
Lack of direction, not lack of time, that is our problem
Love and free-will has led many of us astray
Selfish men go about living for themselves
And the selfless ones are too few to kindle the fires
So who's torching the lamps - who is really kindling our lives?
Is it the "after I am done, then you do me too"?
The likes of top's and bottom or them verses
Striving young men are giving the choice to be burst open
Or be returned home empty and hungry
Hopeful maidens are entrusted to look after their own
Thus driving em to decisions that do not suit their dreams

If, as they say, that metal bars are for reforms
Then maybe, we all should do one for ourselves
To guard our souls from being indoctrinated as against our fellow human beings
Refuse complacency and refuse to be labeled
For there are no division for a whale
What her eyes sees, is exactly what she eats
We shouldn't be like sheep, following the herd ahead of us
Going where others go, not where we ought to go
I know we cannot befriend everyone, but we can choose to be kind

This is a wake up call for us all
For even if we say the truth don't matters
It will still stand out in its own merited squatters
Our daughters and sisters are been ***** without justice
Our sons and brothers are sodomised without mercy
Lawlessness has become the light of day
Mama is tired of hustling from her own purse
For papa is no more coming home with his black plastic bag
And the young men are no more blissful about their futures
So tell the mamas n' our papa's - the brothers and our sisters too
That a fish doesn't rot unless it starts from the head
So let them come together and rid us the real disease
The money driven beast that we pronounced king
Let us wake up Liberia, and let's shine together again
It is never late to take a turn

"When the king is concerned with justice, the nation will be strong, but when he is only concerned with money, he will ruin his country".
Happy Independence Day
Big Virge Sep 2021
Okay So Today...
Its Clearly Fair To Say...
That Questions Still Remain...
When It Comes To Race...

What Makes Some Think...
That It’s Okay To Link...
Themselves To Thinking...
That Is Ignorant And Clearly Racist... !?!

When You THINK About It... ?!?

It’s A Question of WHY...
It Seems That Some Whites...
STILL Can’t Clear Their Minds...
of... Racist Lines... ?!?

And The Type of Vibes...
That DON’T Recognise...
What’s Wrong From Right... ?!?

But Of Course Nowadays...
... DIVERSITY Claims...
Are Those That Sway...
With New Gender Veins...

While Poor Black Folks...
Are STILL Treated Like Jokes... !?!

To Be Laughed At...
And Be Treated Like Crap...
To Be Thrown On The Heap...
When It Comes To Disease...
And Making Money... !?!

Unless You’re Down...
With Corporate Mouths...
And Hollywood Crowds...
Who... DON’T Upset...
The Cancel Culture Set... !!!

And Now Technology...
Has Become The New Friend...
of Some Racist Heads...

The BIG Question Now...
Is Will New Tech DROWN...
These Enforcement Hounds... ?!?

And Do MORE Than Defund...
... IGNORANT Policeman... !?!

Cos’ Like A Lot of Humans...
Now Corona Has Come...

May Now Become...
A Word That STUNS...
Like Their TASER Guns... !!!

And What of Questions...
For... Mister Biden... ?!?

The New President of America... !!!

Is He Suddenly Now...
A Man Whose Views...
Can Be Seen As Sound... ?!?

When It’s Clearly True...
That His History Proves...
That He’s Said Some Things...
That Were Seen As Racist... !?!

But Now He’s Seem...
As... Mister Clean...

WITHOUT Any Doom...
Or... MF Tunes... ?!?

Rest In Peace To That Man...
Cos’ His Loss Is Sad... !!!

But Sleepy Joe...
Seems Good To Go... !!!

But Is He Really Though... ?!?

Why... Because of Kamala... ???

People Need To Look Harder...
... At Her And Obama... !?!

Because The Question Remains...
About Political Names... ?!?

Aren’t All Politicians...
Trained To Be The SAME...
When It Comes To Race... ?!?

About What They’ll Do...
To... BALANCE The Scales...
And Make Things EQUATE...

When It Comes To How...
Things Will Go Down...
In Future Scenes...
When It Comes To Police...
And Blacks Being Free...
To Walk The Streets...
And Make Money...
Just Like White Peeps’...

But In Times Like THESE...

Surely It’s VACCINES...
That Will Be What Supersedes...
How Racism Feeds... ?!?

I Guess We’ll See... ???
But The Question Would Seem...

To Now... REALLY Be...
What’ll Make Us HEALTHY...
And Able To Fight Corona’s RISE... !!!

... It’s A Crazy Time... !?!

Where Gender Rights...
Have Already Been Signed...
As Being What’s Required...
In Working Environments...
And Further Afield....................

So I Guess That’s The Type of Equality...
That To Him Is In Fact A PRIORITY... ?!?

So Of Course If Your Black...
And Are Part of The Pack...
of... Alphabet Letters...
That Apply To Gender...

You’ll Be A Defender...
of... Good Old Joe... !!!

But The Question Remains...
About... OLD Joes’ CLAIMS...

As It Does About Race...
In This Modern Age... !!!!

Which Is A DISGRACE...
When You Think About It... !!!

Shouldn’t Being Racist...
Have Been Extinguished...
Quite A While Ago... ?!?

And That’s A Quote...
That Is... NO JOKE... !!!

Because Black Folks...
Have Suffered WOES...
And A Lot of NO GO’s...
That Election Votes...
HAVEN’T Seemed To Stop...
Like... Inequality Wrongs... !!!

Now I’m NOT Gonna Lie...
As An Older Black Guy...

Things Still DON'T Seem...
To REALLY Be Focussed...
...... On EQUALITIES..... !!!

There’s Much That’s BOGUS...
That Runs In Speech...
From Political Teams... !!!

And Too Many Blacks Seem...
To Be... Easily Pleased...
By Pretty Scenes At Ceremonies...
As Well As Poetry That Apparently Means...

That There Is NO Question...
That Things Will Get Better...
Now That Trumps Been Ejected...
From The Whitehouse Seat...

For The Second Time... !?!

Well I’m The Type...
Who Chooses To QUESTION...

Instead of Think That Smiles...
And... FANCY Processions...

Prove That Black Lives...
Are Those That Really Matter...
Just Because of Chatter...
From Political Tribes...
Who Are Known To LIE... !!!

When It’s Clear That Chains...
Are STILL In Place...
Because Like Trump Said...
The Status Quo Has Been RESET...
With Biden Becoming US President... !!!

Now I’m NO Trump Fan... !!!

But Is Joe The Man...
Who’ll Take A Strong Stance...
When It Comes To Blacks...
When You Look At His Past... ?!?

Oh Let Me Guess...
Like His Friend B.O....

He’s Gonna Bring CHANGE...
Well That I’m Afraid...
Are Beliefs of Washed Brains... !!!

Because President Joe...
And The Type of STRESS...
That’s STILL In Place...
Just Like RACE HATE...
That’s STILL Here Today... !!!

I Believe That The Phrase...
That Comes To Mind...
As I End These Rhymes...

Is That...

“Things Do Change...
But They Remain The SAME.”

So When It Comes To Race...
And The Same Old Claims...
That Return Like PLAGUES...

The Last Thing That I’ll Say...

Is That... In My Brain...

... “ Questions Still Remain “...
So many questions, but what are the answers, especially when it comes to stopping racism, the corona virus, and what the future holds for us all, under Joe Biden's leadership..... ???
ConnectHook Jul 2020
y'all am racist
cuz y'all is not non-racist
racism was intersect autonomy
defund my peoples NOW!
we is demand are immediate
you is no privilege
to tell we who am people of colors
y'all shut UP!

(long stream of angry expletives...)
Chop my chaz please.
Thank you, and mind the bulldozers.
Stevie Feb 2021
Maybe I raised or fell from a place,
That was not in what we call "From Grace",
Maybe am just like everyone else, I am a disgrace,
With blood on my hands and face,
I stand with each person in this human race,
I don't care whether your skin tone matches mine,
A life is given, lost and worth forever a dime,
Whether young or old, each smile does shine,
Maybe the blood that run in my veins,
Like unseen tears out in the rain,
Native Americans decomposing out on the planes,
Or screaming out in pain,
Maybe I am too opinionated, maybe I am too free,
To freedom of speech or critical thinking,
Like a herd of Deer, black plaque by the flea,
A world full of hatred, just like Bismarck sinking,
The human values to the bottom of the seven seas,
Nothing is ever woke, Too asleep,
To ever see the joke, another couple lost the baby, sits and weep,
Religion speaks of good and evil,
Maybe Homosexuality is the sin,
Maybe that all love does not win,
Black lives matter, protest also blood splatter,
Suicide rates, God has a plan, that just fate,
Religion screams that God loves All, but they show hate,
Religion shouts we love, fly a white dove,
It okay to preach what you belief,
But hating others, shows that disbelief,
Fly a white dove, fly the love,
Stop the hate, see the fate,
You say everything has a plan,
But what becomes of every woman and man,
The lord say his loves his children,
But loves to see them all in disruption,
While we protect our media,
Votes for our governments,
Allowing the media to create the divisions,
Allowing the government to control our humanity missions,
Cancel culture start with the televisions,
Hide the facts, hide the acts, buy the expensive hats,
**** the dogs, **** the mouse, **** the cats,
Defund the police, serve and protect,
While another government allows your own to go derelict,
This ain't humanity, it's insanity.
Michelle Adams May 2021
Defund the police
They are dangerous
At least we're told
Black Lives Matter
Asian Lives Matter
NOT...All lives matter!
You're a racist if you think that way
But white privilege is real
Multiple genders are real
And guns **** people
Instead of people **** people
We must blame guns
We must make white people and the police
We must sensor any free thought on any social media platform
Well, not any thought
Although, I won't call it free
I'll call it "indoctrination"
As long as you feed the objective
You are acceptable
Just don't think with logic, love, God or your soul

America has become infiltrated
With communists
I never believed this would happen
And so many do not care
They believe and bow to this Madness
We've become a society that cannot think with our own minds
We need guidance...No that's too nice
We are a bunch of morons that listen to people who do not care about us
They do not want us here
But yet no one looks to God or Jesus
Why? Because that's crazy...right?

But yet, Get the vaccine (is it really a vaccine)
No FDA approval, no trial run
We are the trial run
It actually messes with your DNA
Yet, no question
Millions line up to be saved
Saved by whom?
By people that do not want you to ask questions or think with logic
They only want you to think with fear

The book of revelation
We should all read it
Before they completely destroy the Bible
When I read it... it all makes sense
Everyone forgets about God
We worship something we shouldn't
Everyone is running to be saved  
By the same ones creating the chaos
They will continue to create fear and pain
Until, we completely submit to their control
They want to own us and decide for us
They want to be GOD
But their way of life is the absence of God
They are GODLESS
Graff1980 Apr 2021
Fox news and OAN,
Ben Shapiro,
and Tucker Carlson,

fake newsmen
versus fake newsmen
vying for the views
of the uninformed population,
trying to defund
public education,
twisting perspectives
while being
super selective
with the message
they are constructing.

Obstructors of truth
as they misdirect
the electorate
with their misconduct;

Stir up fear and anxiety
about people who are
in the same boat
that we are.

A spendthrift grift,
cursing the gift to uplift
that empathy is
and replacing it with
vile slurs and *******.
All that bile interspersed with
the commercials we’ve seen,
cause it is a money making,
hate cultivating machine.

So frustrating
cause it is easy to see
the ouroboros,
that snake that devours itself
after it has destroyed everything else.
Big Virge Jul 2021
“Just How Far Ahead,
Is All of This New Tech ?”...  
Because It’s Now Become...  
Something That STUNS...  
Like... TASER Guns... !!!  
That Tech Heads Suggest...  
Is A Way To Progress...  
... Humanity’s Ends...  
Well... I’m NOT So Sure...  
That New Tech Is PURE... !?!  
Or Is What Offers A CURE...  
For Humanity’s Flaws...    
When Tech Is Conditioned...  
On How Humans Be Living... !!!  
It’s Now Used For Supervision...  
And MILITARY Missions...  
And Now Is Being Used...  
To Give Teachers Clues...  
As To What They’re THINKING... !?!  
A Future Trend...  
That DOESN’T Make Sense... ?!?  
When Tech Gadgets...  
Are Placed On Children's HEADS... ?!?  
As If They Are There...  
For Some EXPERIMENT... ?!?  
For Us To Get AHEAD...  
of... EXACTLY WHAT... ???  
Are Children Now A THREAT...  
To... Government Plots... ?!?  
To Track And Trace...  
The Thoughts of Brains...  
of Both Young And Old...  
Who REFUSE To Do...  
As They’re Now Told... !!!  
The Future May Hold...  
Some TRULY HEAVY Tolls... !!!  
A Form of MIND CONTROL... !!!  
It’s ALREADY Being Used...  
To CONTROL How We Move...  
Which Is Why So Many Crews...  
Are Now STUCK In Bedrooms...  !!!  
And The Use of ALGORITHMS...  
Is Now REMOVING Simpletons...  
From... Basic Job Positions...  
So What Lies Ahead... ?  
If... FUTURE Tech...  
Is Left To Progress...  
As Its Doing NOW... ???  
Will Jobs Be Left... ?  
Will Crime Go Down... ?  
Will Elections Become...  
A... Tech Kingdom... !?!  
Where The Power To Vote...  
Because of New Tech...  
And Where It’s Stationed... !?!  
And What of A.I.... ?  
Because It’s On The RISE...  
And REPLACING Minds... !?!  
Due To Intelligence... ARTIFICIAL...  
That May Now Become OFFICIALS...  
In Positions That Are CRITICAL...  
... Judicial And PREJUDICIAL...  
That WON’T Be Beneficial...  
To The Average Individual... !!!  
Who’ll Be Left For DEAD...  
By New Tech That’s...  
... ABOVE Their Heads... !!!  
Because of Tech Concepts...  
That Are SO FAR AHEAD...  
That Humans CAN’T KEEP UP...  
When Drones Run A Muck... !!!  
And Because of Robot Dogs...  
That Are Now... ROBO-COPS... !?!  
Because of NEW TECH Trends... !!!  
That May REPLACE The Feds’...  
Will Folks DEFUND Them...  
When They Are A BIGGER Threat...  
Than Today’s Policeman... !?!  
You See I THINK Ahead... !!!  
Because I Think New Tech...  
May Well Now Be Humanity’s END... !?!  
EXCEPT For These Tech Heads...  
Who’ll Prefer Their VIRTUAL Friends... ?!?  
So WON’T Want Human Scents...  
To Be Part of The Air...  
That Future Tech Ensnares...  
Like Track And Tracing Tech...  
That This.......  
Corona Virus Has Lead...  
To Be Used By Governments... !!!  
Now Folks This Poem...  
ISN’T Meant To SCARE... !!!  
But I Think Heads Should BEWARE...  
And Should Now Yes Be... PREPARED... !!!  
For What New Tech Brings NEXT... !!!  
And QUESTION Rather Than ACCEPT... !!!  
Everything That’s Being SAID...  
About New Tech's PROGRESS...  
Because We DON’T Know Yet... ?!?  
What New Tech Will AFFECT...  
So This Question Should Be STRESSED... !!!  
Because It’s NOT ONE To REJECT... !!!  
“Just How Far Ahead, Is All of This New Tech ?”
It's the dawn of a new tech age, that seems to be running away from being, humane !?!
Mark Koplin Jun 2020
The Wild West

******* your six shooters or reach for the sky.
The police in Minneapolis are going bye bye.
The powers that be want the police department gone.
Be careful of what you wish for and the line that you’ve drawn.

Maybe we should stop paying taxes and see where that leads.
Defund our government and start wearing beads.
The summer of love in two thousand twenty.
A redo of the wild west in the land of good and plenty.

At least we are still armed and able to buy lead.
Our safety and security are quickly being put to bed.
Remember to lock your windows and both of your doors.
The criminals now rule in this political war.

Will we die from a virus or get shot in the street?
More lawless communities, now wouldn’t that be neat.
I’m disappointed and sick when I think of what’s next.
Our leaders are causing our fall and need a reality check.
God help us all!

— The End —