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7h · 27
up and down
life is up and down it happens to us all
oneday it is bad into depression fall
we just never know what it has in store
everyday is different than the one before

somedays we are happy then it fades away
leaves us upside down in a world of grey
we just never know what tomorrow brings
it all part of life and its many different things  

we just carry on just go with the flo
what is round the corner we really just dont know
just keep marching on the only thing to do
you just have to cope with.  what life brings to you
there are many colors in the human race
in each and every country each and every place
the world was made everyone  not just for the few
each and everyone  every me and you

we have the right to live no matter who we are
the world belongs to everyone whether near or far
no matter what the color we all have a name
we all have love to give love is all the same

the world was made for all not just for the few
for the human race every me and you
inside were all the same no matter what race
and the world we live in we all have a place
1d · 34
everyone has feelings they are  there within
when ever theres emotion feelings they begin
they come from the heart from the soul in you
there to show your feelings thats what feelings do

there so many reason for feelings to be there
happiness or sorrow they show that you care
its a part of life that we all go through
always in your heart there inside of you
2d · 31
dave day
lets all have a good time when dave day comes around
turn the music on let the music pound
let the bikers come from many miles  away
have a biker party on this special day

for there friend dave myers.  sadly passed away
always been a biker from his younger day
with his best friend si they went everwhere
everywhere they went si was always there

known as hairy bikers with there tv show
all around the world the bikers they would go
and the bikers name every one would know
with there cooking humour that gave your heart aglow

so lets join in the party its all for charity
for ever in our hearts dave will always be
3d · 24
Robs legacy
yesterday we lost a star Rob burrows was his name
everbody loved him rugby was his game
a man who loved his sport with trophies by the score
that many people worhipped. and Rob they would adore

Rob had mnd he kept marching on
raising millons of pounds till last breath it had gone
that was his legacy to help with mnd
now others can get help through his bravery

sports star and a legend he will always be
and what he did for others with his legacy

R.I.P Rob ** Godbless
this video for rob check it out share
3d · 31
rose power
a rose it is a flower with so much to say
a token of love.  or someone passed away
used when you get married to say that i love you
it has many colors yellow white  or blue

a flower that is used by each and every one
the power of the rose will go on and on
just a little flower that can say so much
a flower with emotion and your heart will touch
4d · 28
only good
if life had only good things never ever bad
life would be a happy place never ever sad
there would be no crime no one getting killed
life it would be safe no blood getting spilled

just a world of peace each and every place
no racism or no violence would we have to face
everyone united in a world of good
living all together just the way we should
4d · 24
troubled mind
when your minds in trouble taking over you
you must turn it round the only thing to do
dont live in the past that has been and gone
look past all the upset fight and just move on

your the one that matters it is up to you
change your life around start again a new
time is  there to heal help your mind to mend
you can turn it round get there in the end

it is up to you only you will know
what you want do which way you will go
change negative to positive take life day by day
dont live in the past make life go your way
4d · 32
angel love
i look out my window to a moonlit sky
hoping i might see you as you go flying by
with your big white wings flying through the night
high up in the sky beneath the moon so bright

to tell that i love you and miss you everyday
that it will never die or ever go away
thinking of the day when im an angel to
we can fly together in sky so blue

flying side by side in heaven up above
united once again to share again our love
in a moonlit sky on a moonlit night
flying side by side with our wings so white
5d · 38
angel birthday
todays an angels birthday her name is bethany
i miss her everyday wishing she was here with me
today she celebrates with the angels up above
with an angel party filled with angel love

happy birthday beth this day belongs to you.
in heaven up above in the sky so blue
have a lovely time as you celebrate
on this special day that is your birthday date

love you  miss you so much

Grandad ***
when the sun is shining it wakes the soul in you
you take a look at life from a different view
gives a happy feeling as the sun begins to soar
makes you smile again happines once more

as it shines above in the sky so blue
shining overhead shining down on you
fills your heart with joy as it shines away
brings you happiness if only for a day
7d · 36
when we get depression you find it hard to cope
giving up on life giving up on hope
everything around is just an empty space
feel the worlds against just a lonely place

dont know what to do your mind is in a mess
feel that lifes against you.  all you feel is stress
just a lonely place empty and so bare
feeling that the world really doesent care
7d · 29
friendship it cost nothing. something that you give
helps the world go round helps the world to live
given from the heart there inside of you
to  give your friendship free is some thing that we do

anytime at all friendship is to share
for each and everyone each and everywhere
someone who will care  give there love to you
be a friend forever for you whole life through
May 29 · 40
true friendship
a friendship  last for ever if the friendships true
someone you can trust for your whole life through
through the thick and thin alway there for you
anytime at all thats what real friends do

that very special someone who is always there
there to comfort you give you love and care
with a friendship that is real and forever true
someone you can trust always there for you
May 28 · 36
forever friend
if you have a dog you have a friend to care
someone there for you who is always there
they will never leave or never ever stray
they will give there love to you every single day

keep you comany give there love for free
always there for you they will will always be
right there by your side till the very end
faithful as can be your forever friend
May 28 · 126
real love
when a love is real your heart will tell you so
you will find its power as it begins to flow
round and round it goes spreading all around
it will let you  real love has been found

growing even stronger each and every day
for your whole life through true love it will stay
there inside your heart love will always be
inside for evermore for eternity
May 27 · 36
wouldnt it be nice
wouldnt it be nice if the world was trouble free
if violence disappeared now just history
waking up each day to world of peace
no worries or no troubles they would come cease

we could live as one no matter what the race
just a world of love in each and every place
this may never happen but if only could
we could live as one just the way we should
May 26 · 46
i wrote this song
i wrote this song for you from my heart with love
though  your so far away in heaven  up above
now your life is free  no more pain to bare
i know you are safe and oneday i will be there

to sing  the song i wrote especially for you
from the bottom of my heart every word is true
i know your watching me from heaven in the sky
knowing that one day to heaven i will fly

to sing the song i wrote from my heart with love
that i will sing to you in heaven up above
together we will be. as we were before
in heaven up above sharing love once more
May 26 · 39
dogs understand
when you talk to dogs they can understand
they will lift there paw place it in your hand
place there head upon on your knee
right there by your side.  they will always be

they will comfort you when you begin to cry
stay right there with you till your teardrops dry
always there for you as faithful as can be
anytime at all to keep you company
May 26 · 36
like the weather
life is like the weather it changes everyday
you just never know what will come your way
sometimes like the weather it is good or bad
it can make you happy it can make you sad

we just carry on take what comes along
take it your stride stand up and strong
like the weather changes inside so do we
we just never know what the change will be
May 25 · 50
Home is where the heart is so the people say
Home is where the love is. its there everyday.
Its your little castle that belongs to you
There to last a lifetime for your whole life through.
A place to call your own with lots of love to share
Where ever theres a home your heart is always there.
Happy and content you always be
True love everyday you will always see
May 25 · 35
home sweet home
theres no place like home for security
home is where the heart is where you long to be
a place that gives you happiness lots of memory
where you feel so safe where you feel so free

a place to call your own for your whole life through
everything you wanted and it belongs to you
happy ever after you will always be
with the one you love and your family
May 24 · 47
life can be hard
life it can be hard in its little war
you just never know whats behind its door
every day it changes sometimes good to bad
takes away your happiness turns it in to sad

we are all lifes soldiers we march everyday
what ever comes along cope in our own way
take it day by day the only thing to do
use you faith and hope this will guide you through
May 23 · 41
dull weather
when the weathers dull it takes your smile away
all the sun has gone clouds have turned to grey
rain clouds overhead threating to pour
misreable day ahead rain again once more

maybe tomorrow the rain will go away
return your smile once more be a sunny day
we will have to wait for the day ahead
to take the rain away bring the sun instead
May 22 · 43
happy place
find your happy place when your feeling low
where you feel secure the happy place you know
put your mind at ease put your mind at rest
take it to the place that you know the best

take your blues away relax and let them slide
go into your happy place lock your self inside
the place you feel at home and feel trouble free
in your happy place where your mind should be
May 22 · 33
happy world
if there was only happiness how great the world would be
no more tears to cry no more tragedy
just a world of joy every single day
sadness would be gone grief so far away

lots of smiling faces every where you go
each and everyday happiness would grow
it would  be so nice if only it could be
and a world of sadness we would never see
May 22 · 37
moody weather
weathers being nasty brought back all the rain
being proper moody in fact a proper pain
took away the sunshine decided it would pour
made it dark and gloomy miserable once more

maybe feels left out when the sun begins to shine
it gets rather jealous when the weathers fine
we will have to wait  till the sun returns once more
and the nasty weather stops being such a bore
May 21 · 37
proper friend
a proper friend is faitful and his loyal to
anytime at all always there  for you
they will comfort you when ever your in need
when you need them most there your friend in deed

they will give there love and there time for free
best friend in the world they will always be
do the best they can help to pull you through
a friend for evermore always there for you
May 21 · 41
i love it  in the country there so much to see
the wonder that is nature you can view for  free
all the many flowers growing everywhere
some we know so well some of them quite rare

birds they sing there song in the morning breeze
singing high above in the big tall trees
rabbits and the badger roaming all around
all these things of nature in the country can be found

warms your heart and soul makes life feel so free
the wonder that is nature is there for you to see
makes you feel so happy makes you want to smile
the wonder that is nature. makes life all worth while
May 20 · 50
summer fun
the sun it has arrived smiling faces here once more
temperatures are rising as the sun begins soar
time for garden parties and a barbcue
with friends and family a glass of wine or two

put the music on let the music play
have some summer fun as you dance away
time for happiness time to wear a smile
time to have some fun if only for awhile
May 19 · 35
think about the homeless who have no place to go
no bed for them to sleep in or a fire with a glow
sleeping in the rough in some cardboard box
taking life the hard way taking all its knocks

living life so lonley as they begin to roam
hoping maybe someday they will find a home
some where they can stay with there own front door
then the lonely people wont be homeless anymore.
May 19 · 27
loves way
love can make you happy love can make you blue
it can all go wrong walk away from you
leave you feeling lonely fill you with despair
when the love you knew now no longer there

you begin to cry tears roll down your face
where there was once love  now an empty space
time will heal the hurt help you to move on
foget about the past that has been and gone

as the time goes by your feelings they will change
and your life ahead you can rearrange
love it will return back into your heart
you can love once more with a brand new start
May 17 · 28
sorrow it is hard breaks your heart in two
when the one you love is there no more with you
everything around you feels empty and so bare
gone now as the love that was always there

you still have the memories you can hold on to
of the love you shared that you always knew
you will meet again when the angels come for you
take you back again to the love you always knew
May 15 · 49
we never know
we just never know when were going to die
we just carry on let each day go bye
make the best we can  as life is moving on
take life as it comes till our life has gone

till the angels come from the sky so blue
take us up to  heaven to start our life a new
to our resting place where now at last were free
surrounded by the angels watching over me
May 14 · 94
sorry is an easy word it meaning it is strong
such an easy word just five letters long
it can say a lot when the word is sent
coming from the heart then you know its meant

just a little word its letters they are few
that can mean a lot when it comes from you
proves you are sincere that the word is meant
and that from your heart this little word was sent
May 14 · 31
when we make mistakes there nothing we can do
we must try again start again a new
this time get it right mistakes have been and gone
nothing you can do life must carry on

we all make mistakes its something that we do
happens to us all every me and you
put them in the past let them just move on
nothing you can do they have been and gone
May 14 · 43
lifes a burden
life can be a burden it can get you down
take away your smile leave you with a frown
break your heart in two take your love away
life is always changing different every day

you just never know what your life will do
one day it is bad next day good to you
it is up and down like a yoyo on a string
you just never know what your life will bring
May 13 · 40
next door friend
my neighbour has a dog it comes to visit me
comes in to my house climbs up on my knee
its a little yorkie as soft as soft can be
he just loves attention a loving dog is he

loves it when you stroke him his tail goes to and fro
stays with me a while then back home will go
he will be back tomorrow visit me once more
my faithful little friend that only lives next door
May 13 · 40
sun fun
i love it down the beach on a sunny day
watching all the children as they begin to play
building lots of castles underneath the sun
bucket and there spades having lots of fun

have a barbecue to fill your appetite
bathing on the beach beneath the sun so bright
playing with a beach ball with friends and family
strolling on the beach swimming in the sea

having lots of fun on such a lovely day
underneath the sun as it shines way
May 13 · 99
natures way
i wake up in the morning and open up my eyes
i can see the daylight as the sun begins to rise
i can here the birds singing in the trees
singing there sweet song in the gentle breeze

i can here the cockerel crowing very loud
sitting on the fence looking very proud
then i rise from bed to welcome in the day
and say a geat big thankyou to mother natures way
May 11 · 40
express yourself
poems can be expressive.  you can express you
write it down in words what you want life to do
choose the words you use what you want to say
use them to express yourself as you write away

say it all with feeling let your feelings show
and the you inside people they will know
they can see the person that is really you
to express yourself in words is the thing to do
May 10 · 32
broken heart
when a heart is broken its so hard to mend
find someone to to talk to family or friend
they are there to help you listen to your pain
there to comfort you mend your heart again

everyone needs someone to tell there troubles to
they will understand are there to comfort you
tell them how you feel this will ease your pain
do te best they can to mend your heart again
May 8 · 37
free life
if we could live in happiness with a life thats free
we could live together one big family
no matter what the color no matter what the race
just a world of joy one big happy place

just a world of peace  where we could live as one
no more wars to fight war it would be gone
united all together happy as can be
we could live as one and be forever free
May 7 · 26
not just for a day
dogs they are for life not just for a day
not for just while then just give away
something to be loved just the same as you
dogs they need someone and some loving to

they will be your friend forever and a day
with a love thats real and never goes away
all they needs a home and some loving to
somewhere they can stay and rely on you
May 7 · 43
bird song
i love to hear the birds singing in the morn
singing all togther bringing in the dawn
singing all together in perfect harmony
such a lovely song with a lovely melody

every note in tune not one out of key
makes me feel so happy wakes the soul in me
mother natures choir bringing in the day
in perfect harmony as they sing away
May 5 · 39
my friend willie
i have a friend called willie  a little chap is he
everywhere i go willie comes with me
likes it  when i stroke him excited as can be
he only as one he can hardly see

i love my little friend my daddy bought for me
best friend in the world there could ever  be
got him as a puppy take him everwhere
every where i go my ******* always there
May 5 · 175
some people
some people have a good life some people have it all
some people  they have nothing into poverty they fall
there are ups and downs times are some times rough
some people they can cope others not as tough

life it has its different ways for each and everyone
no matter who we are life it still goes on
wether life is good or wether life is sad
we are all the same inside. wether life is good or bad
May 5 · 30
natures wonder
theres so many things that nature as to give
full of many wonders that helps the world to live
lots of different creatures there for you to see
butterflies and ladybirds and the bumble bee

the rabbits and the hare and the hedgehogs to
roaming wild and free there for you to view
lots of different birds with colors by the score
reds and blues and green and a whole light more

there are many wonders these are just a few
there for us to see every me and you
all a part of life that helps the world to live
the beauty that is nature with so much to give
May 5 · 35
summer holiday
soon it will be summer book a holiday
to another country time to fly away
time for lots of fun on a foriegn shore
party on the beach summers here once more

time for happiness with friends and family
places you can visit with lots of sites to see
a lovely summer break youve been waiting for
time for lots of fun on a foriegn shore
May 2 · 115
theres a stairway to heaven one that we all take
to our final resting place in heaven we will make
there are many steps so the people say
high up in the sky beyond the milky way

each step made of gold so the story goes
is it really true no one really knows
when we go to heaven in the sky so blue
we will get know if the stories really true
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