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  May 11 pnam
Krista Delle Femine
One day my song will
Hit you in the
Right kinda way
That you will revisit
All throughout the rest of your life
I will bring you the feels
And the keeping it reals
Given freely
This life-long gift
That will outlive both of us
Sent with love
To you
From me
  Feb 13 pnam
Rob Rutledge
There are few absolutes.
Even less that speak as true,
To the golden hues of bygone ages
Or savage whirlpools of our youth.
We were born and we shall die
Shackled to these certainties
Eternal pirouettes of life.
Yet in the doubt we are alive,
A parable of the possible,
The probable or the just might.
Existence in the absence
Between two points of light.
In the uncertain we survive,
A ripple in the darkness,
A dream within the night.
  Jan 24 pnam
I’m trying to write
About happy things
Because I no longer
Want to be sad.

The problem is,
The well runs dry
Whenever I run
Out of bad.

My pen doesn’t work,
It won’t write at all
Because the ink
Was made out of tears.

I have nothing to say
So maybe I’ll try
Again in a couple of years.
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