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There is a  place
On memory lane
The blind can see
Jesus healed the lame

The tree of life
In the center of it all
Grows 12 different fruit
Summer winter, spring, and fall

Purity rules, each and every day
Peace of mind in every way
Evils of earth are all forgotten
Depravity, every thought rotten

Only love prevails
Memory lane exist
In folklore, fables ,fairytales

Here on earth, we learn our worth
Can be found in Jesus Christ first
John 3:16
A fable uses, puns, and metaphors, describing a subject meant to be guessed by the listener to teach a moral
Fables use puns, metaphors, they introduced us to rhyming mnemonics, allegorical use of language.
I’m exploring and different types of poetry
 May 6 SleepEasy
I want to see you with someone one and know how we are not to be.
The crush on you is my forgotten dreams.
I no longer want to fantasize of our to be.
It's not even begun but it's a dream within my dream

Whenever I'm in a building with you I'm longing to feel connected to you. I don't want to.

I want to erase my crush and let it crush me. Every look with every look I look within I see me then in you. Crushed
My dreams see you and me
it's a slow let go
until I see you with her happy
You don't know me
I'm not meant to be called yours

I am only a flicker in your peripheral vision and you're etched within my cerebral.
A crush is only a crush because it crushes the soul
never given
a chance to
be rejected.
May it be
Singleness is a gift
They invented the word faith, when logic failed
 Mar 17 SleepEasy
Steve Page
(Hebrews 12.2 – expanded version)

"…looking to Jesus,
the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him...

For the JOY of following his father's will
For the JOY of offering us salvation

For the JOY of putting an end to death
For the JOY of his promised resurrection

For the JOY of ascending to his Father
For the JOY of sending the Spirit of truth

For the JOY of commissioning disciple makers
For the JOY of preparing many rooms

For the JOY of planning his wedding feast
For the JOY of coming for his bride

For the JOY of gifting the water of life
For the JOY of drinking kingdom wine

For all these JOYS set before him,

…Jesus endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

where nothing will rob him of these JOYS.
A poem for Good Friday
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