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Nyx Mar 2018

A girl that I know is brighter then the rest
She has golden highlights dyed into her hair
She's got pale blue eyes that reflect the world
And she's got a gorgeous smile that makes her glow

The girl that I know is quite small
She's around 5'3 which is like nothing at all
She likes to state that This way im closer to hell
But I laugh it off and it's all quite swell

The girl that I know is fairly easy going
She's quiet and sweet and somehow outgoing
She sarcastic, witty and a bit of a flirt
But in all honesty she is secretly hurt

She's got a few boys that she strings along for fun
But that's all platonic to all except one
It was her little secret, at least for awhile
Until her best friend told everyone within a mile

In a split instant the whole country knew
People knew her business and her reputation grew
People began to think that she was surely a ****
But you dont know her at all so keep your mouth shut

Her best friends a hypocrite and we all knew that well
Without realizing it, she had made her life hell
Telling her boyfriend everything is good and all
But there comes a certain point where there is a line to draw

This girl that I knew had no more secrets, none at all
As she told me this, her tears fell like a waterfall
how ******* dare she!
she's your best friend I exclaim
How could she do this, Has she no shame

The girl that I know isint like the stories
She's overreacts about little things and gets quite worried
she's bright, brave and fairly clever
She's a black belt, a sensei, she's so much better
She complains about her three buttons while everyone else has four  
And she talks about her life and about the simple things she adores
So how is it that people still call her a *****?

We go to the gym and then eat pizza instead
We watch barbie movies and fall asleep in her bed
We talk about life on an old rooftop
While eating buckets of ice cream till we have to stop

I know the girl better then she knows herself
I know the stories better then anyone else
I know the scars hidden deep within her eyes
And I know and have seen the tears that she has cried

So how can the world be so cruel?
When all that's she's done is just gone to school
She talked and became friends with some guys
So how can people create such lies?

All people think its their right to judge
But what right does it give you to hold such a grudge?
You say its just a joke everyone spread rumors
Let's me hear you say it again, when its your turn as the loser
So tell me then, is that to your humor?     .
Poetic T Feb 2018
Rumours fly like dead carcasses,
             infecting those who they land upon.

But no one realizes that they were bitten, corrupted
             burrowing beneath conscious thought.

Seeding the larvae of what would seed within
            the canals of corrupted reflections.

Never realising that every thought was laid
            well before they knew and hatched diseased.
aurora kastanias Nov 2017
They run down corridors, penetrate
Eardrums, tympanic membranes vibrating
Sounds of whispered ignorantia, injected
In minds, spewed out of unclosing mouths.

Actively engaged in spreading the word,
As meticulous news reporters committed
To divulge, unfounded information, undercover
Agents passing off as martyrs compelled,

To fulfil their duties pretending
To reluctantly execute a social service, yet,
No one knows whether the lady down
The street truly cheated, nor if her daughter

Also slept with the alleged lover, while
The audience is convinced and has convicted
The adultery of the first sentencing the second,
To shame and long-lasting denigrating fame.

The punishment assigned to the free walking
Defendants, found guilty by a jury of their peers,
A public court rising to judge an offence
Sickly existing merely in those insinuating

Voices, inundating the tribunal corridors
Of the neighbourhood, the city, the world,
Tv and the web. Leaving the only words
That count engraved in marble, epitaph

On the tombstone of a suicidal man,

‘In loving memory of Mallory Dupe.
Beloved husband of Helen and loving
Father to Giselle. Shamelessly killed
By rumours. No redemption granted.’
On gossip and rumours
Zee Sep 2017
Oh how frightening it is
the way  you cold heartedly lie
to my face.
to their face.
Oh how it boggles my mind
how you try to save face
and spit lies about me oh so freely.
Honey, you can lie to them
but how will you lie to yourself
honey, I'm called easy,
but what about your complicated mind.
Thats the word that comes to mind
when i think of you.
Is how you describe me to feel okay with you
Lies. Lies. Lies
Oh how frightening it is,
the way  you cold heartedly
lie to yourself.
sticky kisses for the missus just
to prove that i'm no wuss
and if it tastes good enough for you
it's good enough for me too.
don't you miss the blissful ignorance
chinese whispers and rumours
written on the tarmac in chalk
for the wind to pick up
and carry on to other schoolyards
eat lots of pineapple, it'll make you taste good.
did she eat ten a penny aniseed sweets for me?
she seeps liquid liquorice
that binds my teeth in a bittersweet grimace
stretching from ear to ear. she hates the taste
and i hate to share my just desserts.
innocence is a burden that burns
like empty lungs, and no breathing in
again until i get what i want,
bad enough to make the children
want to **** themselves. when they want
sticky kisses before bedtime.
Benji James Jun 2017
They think I'm autistic
From the way I walk
Does that mean I have a stutter?
Because of the way I talk
Am I disillusioned, maybe insane?
Is this an overwhelming feeling
Overtaking my brain?
Am I just another stain
That is in your way?
Can you find a reason
To stop the teasing

Spread the word
I don't care
People say it's good to share
What's the news today?
Send some more gossip my way
Spread the word
Spread the word
Even if it sounds absurd
Spread the word

Girl spread the word
Nah spread your legs
Oops think I just crossed the line
It's not my fault
I'm sexually deprived
Maybe a little hated,
but mostly despised
Because of all my selfish crimes
You’re running out of time

Spread the word
I don't care
People say it's good to share
What's the news today?
Send some more gossip my way
Spread the word
Spread the word
Even if it sounds absurd
spread the word

They're looking for all the cuts
From the razor blades
That's in the lyrics
I had out on display
Did I mention
everyone thinks I'm gay?
Am I the highlight in your day?
Why don't you make up something else?
Oh, what you need some help?
Think up something by yourself

Spread the word
I don't care
People say it's good to share
What's the news today?
Send some more gossip my way
Spread the word
Spread the word
Even if it sounds absurd
Spread the word

I'm not speaking to a friend
Who I can't trust again
Now they can speculate
Who, why and how?
I was the blame
For why he went away
She thought that I might stay
But I had to take a break
Because all the rumours
Messed with my head
I felt like I was better off dead

Spread the word
I don't care
People say it's good to share
What's the news today?
Send some more gossip my way
Spread the word
Spread the word
Even if it sounds absurd
Spread the word

©2017 Written By Benji James
SøułSurvivør Jan 2017
I have wings, I'm everywhere
I'll vanquish all who stand
Nobody can conquer me
I am a firebrand
Twin tornadoes lift me up
Spit nails in their hands
You'll find that I am common
I am in all lands
But I'm very subtle
Not many understand

I'll share a little secret
Just for you and me
It's just a peccadillo
A sin of small degree
Let's share something to titillate
Just for us to see
It may become a scandal!
But, hey, this country's free...

You know that movie star you hate?
Let's just play a game
We can see it as her fate
So no one is to blame
We'll destroy her career
Hey, they're all the same
They all drink and have affairs
She's so very lame
You're behind the smokescreen
There really is no shame
And where there's smoke there's fire...


(C) 1/16/2017
The tongue (or pen) can be for  
prayers & praise
Or ignite a MIGHTY blaze
So check yourself. Check your mouth...
Or you may just be headed SOUTH.
Knights Jan 2016
Spoken words
Have wings
Once they're set free
They're hard to catch
Reason being
We humans
Don't have
wings of our own
Edward Coles Oct 2015
They said Keith couldn't *** without a finger up his ***,
they said Ruth was a **** for not sleeping with her man.
They said George was a woman because he couldn't grow a beard,
they said Molly was autistic, because she was a little bit weird.

They said Mr. Winchester was a ******* because he wore an overcoat,
they said Ms. Wheeler as a witch, and once sacrificed a goat.
They said Mr. Winter was so fat, he was more or less bulletproof,
they said Ms. Walker was not attractive, but if it came to it:
she'd have to do.

They said Lucinda was thin because she chose not to eat,
sitting by the bathroom doors in the lunchtime canteen.
They said Leonard was a ****** with his long, blonde hair,
they said Luke was a downy because of his vacant stare.

They said Mr. Fresco was a drinker who beat his wife at home,
they said Ms. Finkel was a *******, seen standing out in the cold.
They said an awful lot of things that decayed away over time,
but it takes a strength to train the mind

to not trod the tracks of a lifetime past,
to keep yourself to who you are,
not those ancient words,
nor those faded scars.
This is a poem written mainly around the sort of experiences I had during high school - all those tall tales that permeate... I'm sure there are certain people we all remember from school more for a rumour that was cast about them, than anything about them as a person. The trouble is, words said, even decades ago, can still wound if allowed to, or if they were particularly traumatic.

p.s. I use words in this piece that I would obviously not use in day-to-day conversation. Context, art, and all that - in case anyone gets (or wants to feel) offended.
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