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Quixotic Coeus Jun 2017
The oceans waves lift, slowly each droplet rising
Reaching the height of the earth the endless stream of water fighting
Particles refracting and contracting in the sunlight
brilliant rainbows glisten in rivulets so bright

The crystal waters thrusts beyond the sky
The oceans torrents beating to its lullaby
The Moons orbit nears
The water freezing to a blizzard of tears

A river of ice drifts toward the moon engulfed in dark
The stream of shards remaining Stark
The impact is dazzling, but frightening too
I flood and spiral around, am I on cue

I am so glad we can meet and be one presence
Let us swing around and dance through the heavens
maggie W Mar 2017
When will I see you again?
It may be this fall or many years after.

When we reunite,
I want to take the metro with you to D.C. again
Just like we did last winter minus our bulky attire
We would still converse fondly with the volume that
The old man frown upon but can't complain.
We would still intertwine our fingers affectionately , and you would still rest your hand on my lap.
But this time,I'll put my head on your shoulder.

When I see you again,
I'll take you to Ted's Bulletin
They have the best brunch in town
You would still add some extra ketchup on your omelette,
We would still order something to share.
But this time you're not in the rush to head back.

When I see you again,
We should go to Cuba and some tropical isalnds.
To Italy and Spain
I'll introduce you to Michele,
My Italian friend.

When I see you again,
We could go to Baltimore,but no
This time I'm not here for Oriole's game.

When we reunite,
We would do everything,
But this time,
We will fall in love with each other and
No one,no one is leaving again.
jenny Oct 2016
Unbelievable phenomenons tend to exist.
Is this what they meant by serendipity?
Identical glancing eyes reconnected
like thunder and lightning finally
Colliding at the perfect moment,
But the storm was only beginning.
Water droplets from this rain run
down my bare skin in the interior
of my mentality.
An exchange of silent gazes revealed
your sunshine
And brightened my spectrum.
I hadn't heard from you in months.
I thought about you every day.
No joke
I though about if you were think about me as much as I was of you.I wanted to hear your voice,
see your smile,
be with you once more
but then yesterday came along.
I got your message
unknown number
"who is this?"
"who do you think?""
"I dunno"
woah woah woah woah
Its been a year!
I almost cried.
I wanted to leap for joy.
You can't understand,
she my best friend.
She completes me as a person.
My best friend
with me.
Oh my ******* god.
thank you
*its so nice to have you back
To..well of course my best girlie, Juana.
Love ya girl!
Luann Jung May 2016
Today the clouds are beautiful
wispy trails of lace-fine droplets.
Somehow, everything is almost the same
even without you.
Maybe this is a sign that I can move on,
that I am moving on.
That I can step onto that shimmering
watery surface and not sink into
a crystal clear wave of memories.
Let me go, and I will promise
to relive you in every breath,
every glance, every smile.
Somewhere in those clouds, you are
waiting for me. Someday when
my life has become lighter than this,
I will join the clouds
to find you.
Cynthia Danso May 2016
We are but bits and pieces
torn and ripped from the same fabric
incomplete, utter emptiness
Our threads hanging loose
one wrong turn, one wrong move
and we come apart into nothingness
We are but bits and pieces
One day we'll find each other
and be woven back together
Into something more magical
than we ever could be apart
We are but bits and pieces
you and i, me and you
i know it's real
i know it's true
School has taught us much,

Our friends were our teachers of life.

The building was nearly a mold

And our instructors are our vessels of knowledge.

It’s time to move on.

It’s time to say good bye to a trial

And open our eyes to the final exam of time,

Where none pass or fail, just seize the moment at hand.

Years spent in books and homework

Will test the knowledge you’ve learned in school.

Life will test you in performance

And performance will judge on experience.

Be ready for a fight

Because life won’t be easy.

Several challenges it will be

But together we shall triumph.

Let us not be a burden

But a blessing on a seed.

That seed will grow into a tree

And may that tree spread many more seeds.

In the end, we will be together

And reminisce on the years below.

Let us be happy wherever we blow

And blessed we shall be in anything we do.
Nicole Normile Jan 2011
it was a moment in space
a second in time
a look in the face
a giggle, the thought
of letting our hands get caught

oh, what a beautiful person
we lie so close together
oh, it's been so long, feels like forever
since we've truly held each other

I mustn't get too caught
after all the past tears I've fought
but it's so easy to forgive his past lies
maybe it's just those hazel eyes

and I can't resist
his sweet kiss
those little lips of his
up and down my tummy
oh, his love is so yummy

nights spent being held
his warmness makes me melt
so sweet
so sincerely
now I remember why I loved him so clearly

because way back when
he was mine
way back when we were intertwined
but we had forgotten all that
it's just so far past

it was a first love thing we made
that turned into so much more
I never thought it would be regained
after he closed the door

but here we are
all cozy and sweet
here we are
once again, our hearts meet
Ami Shae Jul 2015
finding solace
in reuniting
with my sis
is perhaps
one of the most
amazing gifts
I have ever given
to me.
I hope she and I
will forever
and always
(you know,
til the end of time)...
just BE.
I am so glad my sister and I have found our bond once again. She rocks more than I know how to say! :D
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