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M Vogel Nov 2022

All of those people around you, hoping just for a glimpse  of
something from the mental health care world
   that could give them even just one reason to stay

  .. And all around you  they are dying
     while you cater to your own, vain emptiness.

Credentialed now,  everyone loves you.
     And still  all around you,
     the ones you were meant to be here for, die.

**** your fake humility, oh empty one.
**** your fake friends, and self-serving peers.
**** your self centered, empty-souled vanity.

All around you, they are dying.
And will continue to die.  
     You were the one.

One behalf of all the fallen..
and those who sadly  will one day all alone, fall.
On behalf of them all:

     *******   Y O U.

all around you, they are dying
r A bentinck Oct 2022
I see the way
She cradles you
With arms filled with tender love.

I see the way
She looks at you
With a wealth of
Love and affection flowing naturally.

Autumn, she loves you
Beyond measure.

When she speaks about you,
I can hear the pride in her words
And the excitement that comes
From knowing she is your mother.
Maria Mitea Aug 2022
dreaming breeze,
tell me,
who put you in my heart,
who breaks our cries,
who keeps us on our knees,

please, look into my eyes,
promise me the darkest blue, promise me your arms,
in them let the echo hit the forest,  knock at the door of each leave and ask:
   when are you coming?

this loneliness is superfluous,
these roads are superfluous, thoughts are meaningless,
even the rain is a stranger, an intruder,

to leave,
to  leave, to leave us alone,  and burn the desire of madness,
and burn  the roots of the grass, O, Lord,
give us the day when we are water in the riverbed,
light in the creed of the moment,

whisper in the wind you are all i have,
you are all i have in my heart,

when do you come?
Karijinbba Aug 2020
His handsome countenace
is my everything as he
holds my face in his hands
smiling whispering

"My beauty it's you I want."
we are a couple cherished
among our beloveth offspring
we will be hurried side by side
watching freedom fireworks
counting the billion stars
camping making love
watching our wedding day joy
we will breathe our last

His vessel lays in the meadow green
our forest land our paradise
On the continuity of time
and space we reigned as one
we married we had eight darling precious children we changed Earth
now rich can marry poor

Now we slowly advance through
the last departure gates
even Lord Christ went through
this mirage deaths gates

clams my ancient vessel form
as it breathes its last breath
" I love you beautiful love"
to thanks for the unkind mask
Our Earthing fate known

to meet my maker in fate prayed
re-gluing weaving us back
to one-nes togetherness
Into my true loves ether
Forever melting renewing two
Out holy new soul and mold
And G*'s grace blesses both
breathing eternal life
Into us twin souls
our twin flame's
goes on.
By Karijinbba
Twin flames are forever in the spiritual world where perfection not competition where justice not jealousies nor envy malice nor greed reign..we relive
our happily ever lives.
I'm really scared,
I fear bugs and flying insects,
But they are not my biggest fears,
I fear worms and spiders,
But they are not my major fear,
Even if I sum up all my fears,
Everything I'm most scared of it still can't compete with one,
The fear of You,
I fear that one day you will become we,
I fear that one day we will become three,
I fear that one day three will have a dog,
Such beautiful fears I have of you,
I'm really scared,
That one day you will walk away,
And leave me fearless.
Tarasite Nov 2019
I think about you all the time,
I dream about you all the time,
I miss you all the time,
I remember all the time,
You torture me all the time,
I regret you all the time,
I'm sorry all the time,
But don't forgive me- I'll change my mind.
Eddyn May 2018
I am the girl who dreams of disappearing
I am the one who loves without being loved in return
I’m the girl with eyes as dark as coffee
I’m the one who’s lips are sweet and heart so torn
Let me hold you and tell you that everything will be ok,
for if love truely exists,
tell me you’ll never leave my side,
tell me I mean something to you
tell me I’m going to have forever with you
If not
Let me disappear,
Forget any trace of me from your mind
Forget the feel of my skin against yours,
the taste that our kisses so softly gave
My voice... my existence
for if I’m am not yours,
I am no ones
when I disappear
Promise you’ll forget me.
Maya Grela Jul 2015
But can you love me in the deep? In the dark? In the thick of it?
Can you love me when I drink from the wrong bottle and slip through the crack in the floorboard?
Can you love me when I’m bigger than you, when my presence blazes like the sun does, when it hurts to look directly at me?
Can you love me then too?
Can you love me under the starry sky, shaved and smooth, my skin like liquid moonlight?
Can you love me when I am howling and furry, standing on my haunches, my lower lip stained with the blood of my last ****?
When I call down the lightning, when the sidewalks are singed by the soles of my feet, can you still love me then?
What happens when I freeze the land, and cause the dirt to harden over all the pomegranate seeds we’ve planted?
Will you trust that Spring will return?
Will you still believe me when I tell you I will become a raging river, and spill myself upon your dreams and call them to the surface of your life?
Can you trust me, even though you cannot tame me?
Can you love me, even though I am all that you fear and admire?
Will you fear my shifting shape?
Does it frighten you, when my eyes flash like your camera does?
Do you fear they will capture your soul?
Are you afraid to step into me?
The meat-eating plants and flowers armed with poisonous darts are not in my jungle to stop you from coming. Not you.
So do not worry. They belong to me, and I have invited you here.
Stay to the path revealed in the moonlight and arrive safely to the hut of Baba Yaga: the wild old wise one… she will not lead you astray if you are pure of heart.
You cannot be with the wild one if you fear the rumbling of the ground, the roar of a cascading river, the startling clap of thunder in the sky.
If you want to be safe, go back to your tiny room — the night sky is not for you.
If you want to be torn apart, come in. Be broken open and devoured. Be set ablaze in my fire.
I will not leave you as you have come: well dressed, in finely-threaded sweaters that keep out the cold.
I will leave you naked and biting. Leave you clawing at the sheets. Leave you surrounded by owls and hawks and flowers that only bloom when no one is watching.
So, come to me, and be healed in the unbearable lightness and darkness of all that you are.
There is nothing in you that can scare me. Nothing in you I will not use to make you great.
A wild woman is not a girlfriend. She is a relationship with nature. She is the source of all your primal desires, and she is the wild whipping wind that uproots the poisonous corn stalks on your neatly tilled farm.
She will plant pear trees in the wake of your disaster.
She will see to it that you shall rise again.
She is the lover who restores you to your own wild nature.

— The End —