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A bullet will **** you
And fire will scar you
And happiness
And true love can
Truly hurt you
And we'll all
Learn from our
Bad mistakes
Anger and rage
Will drag you down
So don't frown
And the power of
Your kiss and
can always and
Forever mend
My broken heart.
Life 💕💕🧬🧬
Beneath the surface of everything that exists;-
I find myself one breath away from losing my sanity,
and not making another one, until I die. Continuously unsure if
I'll ever create something new before, my time is up;- living by
the inevitable ticking of time's clock.

I've been living on the outskirts, trapped within
the confines of my own mind, constructing dreams of the past
for those who still hold onto hope, hoping that what I do will
be cherished as something unique and irreplaceable, like a rare gem
amidst a sea of ordinary stones. But now, I find myself drowning in
a sea of thoughts, longing for a shore where I can find solace instead
of conforming to the world's constant demands with a forced "sure."

Sometimes, I feel like I exist beyond the boundaries
of this physical realm. I am dedicated to carrying the weight of
everything, as if it all rests solely on my shoulders. I commit myself
to helping others and loving those who have wronged me, without
any limitations.

Yet, I feel trapped by it all, still entangled within
the web of expectations. In the midst of it all, I must remember
that I have to go through this journey to understand why I am here.
I have tasted love, its sweetness fleeting and its bitterness lingering.
I feel somewhat used by this kind of love, but mostly, I am left feeling
confused;-  drained and perplexed, pondering the worth of
entwining myself in a web of a jealousy, masquerading as  
now being a mere companion. I have been betrayed by those
I loved the most, let down by my own family, as if they were
the last people, I expected to break my heart. Feeling the sharp
betrayal of a backstab is a crippling pain, but the anguish intensifies
when you see the perpetrator, carving that very scar.

I am amazed by the immense depth and breadth
of how a few months of disappointments can feel like a
year's worth of pain. I cannot possibly quantify the extent of
this excruciating experience, but I can count every tear shed along
the way. The first half of this year has presented an array of
challenges worthy of a lifetime.

Nevertheless, I remind myself that it is a journey,
that must be taken one day at a time, handling whatever
comes my way. It is difficult to always be happy, but I strive to
find moments that bring a smile to my face, conserving my energy
to heal from the tougher days instead of pretending that
everything is fine.
I'm less of a mathematician, but still counted
as a human who sometimes makes a bad decision.

As the eyes hunger for everything;- they also
betray me on a constant treason.

Misplacing most of my why's to sound a bit wise,
still that's no disguise;- to displaying true wisdom.
There are so many little tiny things.
Have you ever tried to count every pixel
Have you ever sat and counted the fibers in a rug
Have you ever traced the lines in your skin
A speckled masterpiece
Mashed mathematics and marshal law-
You are a magnet of tiny little magnitudes.
A mountain of meticulously managed meadows and malleable materials-
You are a mess from a mixologist,
But a drink so sweet
Seep deeply through every tone of button of shirt and stuffing
Be free
Be pixel sized if need be
Be kingdom
Be kindness
Be a rampart of rest to every microscopic dust particle
Be a tree
A happy tree
But don’t be not-
Not is such a word
Such a word
Such a word
There’s no such thing as not
We always have
We always have had
And we will always
There are so many thankful ways to live and breathe
So many breaths to take
So many contemplations to breath in with every single day
Whether you’re a happy tree
A scratch on marble
A bit of white fur in the rug
A stain
A bundle of skin muscle and bone-
There will always be more than enough to be thankful for
Even when we think about not
Even when we believe in not
Be fruitful
Be multiples not dividends
Be sappy
Be slimy
Be sloppy
Be a particle floating in a vast chasm
Be the sun itself
Be free
Be you.
(If you leave me now/Chicago)

•°• A Twisted Classic •°•

Yes if you end me now
You take from me the very worst part of me
Ooh-ooh-hoo, yeah
Baby, please let me go

A life like mine is a life hard to define
How can I do this day to day?

I can push no more, must leave it all behind
Why wasn't it taken during a mental crisis day?
Every tomorrow that comes is led by regret
Everything up to today

0kay fiπe,
I'm an @sshole 0ut§ide®,
ÂĄou are...what ÂĄou are,
Life's a j@g0ff
And £veryone §u¢ks
F0r one r£asoπ
0r anothe®
That §hould just @bout c0ver !t

I got to find a piece of mind; -a fine piece of mind.
/// How fun to be so young, so dumb, so young
to bury a piece of time in an unthinking dream.
Lost myself inside a piece of an idea- right now
I don’t even know where to begin.

Trying to step into the next best thing; hope I don’t
overstep, hope I’m not overdressed – dying to suit
in, for everyone I’m trying to impress.

Press me out for my words; hoping I don’t cause
controversy, to be another story in the press.
Sometimes I find myself another kind of path,
—God, I hope that doesn’t mean that I digress.

Praying as a mess; message me a beginner’s guide
to confessing all of sin- feeling misplaced like a pencil
for a million words; drawing out words for a heavy
prayer to begin.

I’m trying to find that piece of mind
-a piece of mine; digging inside of my chest.

Extending what little time I have left; giving it a
good stretch— a stretcher. Living in my own skin as
an inconsiderate guest- looking for comforting words
when I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin,
when I feel so depressed. And would the gates of
heaven still remain open, if I wrote it an open letter?

I’m trying to find a piece of a never-ending mind,
but I’m forgetful so many times- so never mind.
Trouble spilling in paradise
I won't make a peep
Words worthless anyhow
You know talk is cheap
I keep struggles stitched up tight
In patches sewn underneath my skin
Stress wears seams until they snap
Bystanders get a glimpse within
And God forbid living souls witness
Damage or wear and tear
I strive to become a statue
Motionless to every passing stare
I know you wish to be perfect
Such a thing does not exist
I am not the best at navigating
Trails of life that turn and twist
I am rueful for not being grateful
The way you juggle our problems with skill
Probably am an anchor you drag along
Not quitting though hike is uphill
I long to help carry burdens
My arms are simply too thin
Fear I'll drop precious cargo from hands
Soon as movement begins
I would not blame you if resentment
Started erecting high walls
Disappointment forced you away from me
On road paved with regret and missed calls
I don't hear how you are able to see beauty
In my reflection I just see my mistakes
Don't have an explanation
For why heart constantly aches«
But you lift the sun a little bit higher
Clearing dark clouds in skies
With flick of the wrist you beckon their return
Rain pours from both heaven and my tired eyes
I do not think I deserve most poor treatment
All I want is to find your laughter
You've got this bad habit of putting me down
Feeling bad for it after
I should battle FOR you
Not with you
Be my first priority
If you stopped imprisoning my heart
Would realize it's you who holds the key
Putting something you love in a Box will only make it that more likely to fly away once it is finally opened
With every beat of my heart my love grows stronger just for you

And your love is all I need to feel complete and happy in this world

And your the only girl
I wanna hold every night
And whisper I love you so much in life.
She's Beautiful ❤️❤️
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