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Katie Burton Apr 2018
Swishing and swirling in a mass of frenzied bubbles
The shark swims after its prey
Sinking diamond cut daggers into the velvet flesh of the next feast to dine on and take into the depths of the sea.
I wrote this years ago whilst listening to a very powerful piano concerto and an image of a shark feeding came into my head.
Icarus Falling Jul 2016
Perhaps comparisons to you, m’ love,
will be of such fluttering birds with their
silken pearl plumage; soft and fragile dove.
I would challenge those who with this compare.

To do so would create such metaphors with
something mild and predictable, delicate.
You are not breakable or dainty, keen scythe.
You are a graceful storm to not abate.

Mayhap I could liken you to a blade,
a dagger wrapped within smooth satin.
To a deathly flower; lethal nightshade.
For to a white swan you are akin.

Know that a dove is equal your beauty,
yet you are deadly elegance, truly.
Rockie Jun 2015
I have a heart made of daggers
That could slice your deadbeat life in two
But why should I waste my pity
Spending it all on you?
Nena Twedell Feb 2015
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your words hit my chest like daggers
Letting them hit me with such force I have to remind myself to breathe
But I don't make you stop
I only let you continue
Never letting words of anger make there way out of my throat
Filtering my words as if they were from a contaiminated stream
Your presence daunts my inner most being
yet I have fallen under your spell of cynicism
I sit quietly holding my tongue
Letting your pessimism pass through me as if I were only air
But I don't put up my walls
Because you have already seen inside of them
I smile and pretend that it doesn't bother me
That your words are not of importance as if they are water under the bridge
Yet they hit me like daggers leaving dents in my armor
but I don't stop you
I just sit quietly and hold my tongue
ryn Oct 2014
solitude in the dark
is so comforting
i am fearing...

what may lurk in the light
blantantly hiding

plain sight.

Inspired by OKGo's "Lately it's So Quiet"
People around me who's got sheathed daggers held behind their backs.
Madhurima Oct 2014
Too many people
Too many faces
Too much attention
In all the wrong places

Too much talking
Not enough quiet
Nothing to stop this
Deafening riot

Daggers in my back
Chains at my feet
Strange friendships
Love *bittersweet
venting out stuff heh
Mari Prie Sep 2014
I fell for you the way my head fell into your shoulder that night
Ever so suddenly.
We became one, as if two pieces of a metal heart became welded together
Except my half was blood red, running with passion and love, while yours ran ice cold.
Your words shot bullets, your eyes shot daggers,
Both of which I felt way too hard,
But the lie "I love you" always felt the worst.
And every day for 649 days your lie hurt more and more
As we both reached the finish line to our relationship.
You ran the race far better than I ever could,
Because you always kept yourself in shape,
While I was too fascinated by those lines made into your abdomen and chest,
Ever so perfectly etched,
But not for me.
You were so in shape, they were so defined so you could reach the finish line for her.
I knew you loved your sports
but this was a game I didn't know I would be playing,
while you knew every detail, and play by play.
And I was just another sucker to fall for it, & for your big brown eyes
Those same eyes that swore they would never leave,
Those same eyes that cried when they realized their lies took over my body and sliced their daggers through my wrists leaving never fading scars.
Esther Apr 2014
I found a crack in the sidewalk
That I didn't have the urge to step on
And I passed this crack every day
On my 4.40pm walk
For what seemed like a lifetime
And I glared daggers
At the thing that made my skin crawl
And my neck ache
And my fingers twitch by my side
Because cracks in sidewalks
Were meant to be tread upon
Every single one of them
Even partially
Not to break a mother's back
But to cover the imperfections
And to fill the void
That made me uneasy
And to fill it
Even for a millisecond
Before I moved on
As if the sole of my shoe
Could somehow heal the
Sadness that the ground must be feeling
But there was a crack in the side walk
That I didn't have the urge to step on
No matter how many times
I passed within stepping distance
And no matter how many times
It caused me pain
And maybe that was the period of my life
When the obsessive compulsive part of me
Decided to take a break
Because maybe
Maybe some part of me
Saw that the grass that grew
In the messy line that pointed east
Was something more beautiful
And more honest
Than any hidden disfigurement
Could ever be
Something I randomly puked out. I don't know. I might regret it later.

— The End —