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pragya santani Jun 2022
I left my whole life behind
To be your companion
Your words are often hurtful & unkind
I’m slowly slipping into a bottomless canyon

My life is not my own
Since you make all the decisions
This marriage makes me feel so alone
I’m drowning under the weight of these impositions

Walk a mile in my shoes
Maybe then you’ll understand the gravity of my situation
7 billion people but it’s you I choose
And yet there’s not the slightest bit of reciprocation

I long for you to embrace & liberate my thoughts, my wants
Or to a certain degree engage in discussion
But the ambiguity of your response
Holds me back from communication
Emmanuella Apr 2019
"Oh! 'Tis great grief,
Wrought by fate's mischief;
To pledge my love by some vow,
Even when Cupid hasn't strung his arrow into his bow."
An Elizabethan tragedy in four soliloquical lines.
And a sprinkle of an eye rhyme.
Vikshipta Jun 2017
What its like to be a segment of salacious commodity ?

OH YOU! beautiful fragment of fabricated chimera :
enclosed ! trapped !
inside these avaricious periphery of pseudo rim..
The frangible bedizen of synthetic praxises..
What is the sentiment of being a trade off  legacy ?
while the legitimate corroboration of the quid pro quo cant be found:
yet to this lethal covenant of undesired commingle you are to be bound..
For have they hold the confinement
so do they decide the Nemesis:
To  succumb your esse to the dread of
your ultimating youthful ****** pulp.
And just like a marionette..
there are thee:
concurring to cede for the felicity of those progenitors..
Immolating your notions and aspirations.
vanquished by the fidelity..
Just to commence the relinquish.
Just to cease the sentient.

Oh YOU!!
Just .another ...abiding flesh .
Just. Another....forlorn bride.
I am from a country where talking to a stranger is considered an immoral act meanwhile if you marry the same stranger but hand-picked by your parents then you are a virtuous woman with a right upbringing. WOW society!
Charlotte Huston May 2016
A SOLEMN thing it was,
      To see a woman white as can be,
And wear, under forbidden bells of melody,
      Her hallowed gown of mystery.

Such a timid thing to drop a life,
       Into the wedding's well;
A well so bottomless, that it shall return -
       Eternity until.
Poem about arranged marriage. Because.
Charlotte Huston Dec 2015
GOING to him? Pen the letter!
Tell him of our glory days,
When life was better -
Before my soul was a haze.

Tell him of my sorrow,
During the Wedding grand -
Just down the road to-morrow,
Where the Doves shall land.

Tell him of the quest,
For mine own hand,
My soul at rest -
At the Wedding grand.

Tell him before that night,
To peace my pitiful plight,
Cure all of my fright -
From the Rich delight.

He shall tell thee of my Seal,
Of my chained hand,
Of the soul he shall steal -
From that wedding grand,
Where fear was on her brow;
And are you happy now?

— The End —