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Meera Feb 2018
I am sick of the stares that follow me everywhere
And of the letches I find on the street
I am sick of being catcalled on roads
And  then asked to be silent about it
I am sick of the curfews that my parents impose on me
And their fears about my safety which it reflects
I am sick of the **** cases I hear about everyday
And the threat that i might be its victim too
I am sick of acid attacks
And of one-sided lovers whose love isn’t actually love
I am sick of listening about dowry victims
And of how people burn their brides for money
I am sick about not being treated equally as men
And the discrimination I see everywhere
I am sick of being judged by my clothes
As if they aren’t my clothes but my character
Yes I am a woman
And trust me I am sick of it
Having undergone inexplicable misery being a woman in a place where women were placed on an elevated level in the past, the present commotion
of a world with annihilated human sensibility seems to have made life of women  a terrible experience in diurnal move in every day life forcing live in misery and pain.
Nida Mahmoed Nov 2016
He forgot that smile can not be beautiful’
Until beauty not grow inside of heart,
He can give me pain and can ravaged my face,
But he can’t stop me to walk with Beauty,
Woman in me is still beautiful,
Whether a demon turned my face into acid!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
Note: "I dedicated this poem to all brave women, who have been become victim of acid attacks on International day to end violence against women. “Woman in me is still beautiful” just believe one thing that no one can steal your beauty. You were beautiful and you are still Beautiful so suffered from pain but this pain makes you more divine."

— The End —