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Sarina  Apr 2013
Sarina Apr 2013

     a market of sores


        a fourteen year old body

wears a cotton slip
          over head

and form

             sleep in the hospital wall
   cotton and death

all over the place

                 get a lighter sheet


    is a girl

        she is the reaper

she will latch herself

             and not let the poison out.
Scars will be scars,
the ones left untouched,
the ones left unharmed.

The wound has healed,
the time has sealed,
yet the remnants remain still.

The broken past:
fraction, fragment, fabricated;
solemn, dark, barren.
captured, cultivated, castrated.
emotionally torn,
physically torn,
psychologically sworn.

(When will the bird fly,
up to the sky,
freedom beneath the size
of the azure limitless dye).

We find comfort in sorrow,
fulfillment in hollow,
but emptiness continues and follow.

When will the shadows ever stop linger,
slipping and interweaving between my finger.
(One day maybe good news will come from a harbinger).

Light is what I need,
smile is what I seek.
Happiness is what I have to lead,
even with this little heart which is meek.

(One day) I will fly,
the cages will stop stifling me by,
although it is hard to try,
(One day) I will survive.
To read more, visit
Khoisan Jan 2020
It glowed in the dark
he gave it a shot
the lights went on now she's gone
The lonely old vs the digger of gold
Exhale Your Mind Feb 2014
That night,

I felt the kiss of the lips that weren't yours.
I welcomed them with mine but they didn't feel like home.
His hands gently introduced themselves to the side of my face
but every stroke felt like an emotional choke.
He admired me like art, unknowing that i was already sold.

Sensational smile. Enchanted eyes.
I'm in love with every being that you are.
My spirit screams "beautiful" every time my eyes
have the honor to admire you.
Your voice caresses me deep down in my soul.
Your presence tastes like heavens rain.
My pride bows in your absence and becomes humility.
Honestly, i've flirted with the imagination of us.
I've danced with the fantasy of our lips embraced.
Every night the scent of your hair tickles my senses
like i'm falling asleep in a bed full of roses.

You timetravel me back when earth was still a paradise.
Back when men didn't know sin.
Back when God Himself dwelled among His people.
Probably i wouldn't love you then cause the way i love
you now is already a sin to me. And then i remember: this is not paradise
and i'm already a sinner who was drugged at our first encounter.

That night,

After meeting the lips of an undesirable visitor
i realised that i can kiss as many as i want.
My soul would only be satisfied when i come home. To you.
RyanMJenkins Jan 2017
Watch the video for this word splurge here:

Once upon a new day's coming of age,
We see beyond the mirages of these planes.  Knowing that as a component, Eye am the brave mage with energy off the page - Setting stages with graceful patience Paying attention to the placement of the arrangements."
Even though we want to rage against the machine
One must remember we can be lucid in this dream
Ah yes, the God of your Being, casting & crafting the current reality you're seeing.
Recently We've seemed to have lost touch with our delicate sense of feeling
So why not, Jump into our true emotions to induce our own potions of healing
25 percent, at 552 pm.
Our temples came from distant galaxies
So Ain't No use in getting worn down following drowning crowns spoutting fallacies
I mean..
The Stardust carbon rush in this body may be temporary
But what if I told you you've existed since the dawn of eternity?
Would you feel like you could give up some of that tight-gripped uncertainty?
Realise the lessons, blessings, and signs from what didn't go "perfectly"?
We tend to get hung up on our heads
And take it all personally,
And in doing so forget our powers other-worldly

A little bitta insight keeps us mindful
Backwards down the line
My bright flame was quite low. Right now though my soul glows, so to wherever there is lifeflow, peace.

For this moment's first time
Let the connection begin again
Show your color's intention and let some self love sink in, take it to the brink of your existence - Switching perspectives via timetravel on synaptic memory highways positioned, to tune into an opportunity to listen.  You will always be in the right place, so long as you can learn to believe.  
At the depths of my own mortality I was reminded I can still smile and breathe
Once we clear the cloudiness
All is illuminated to see
The star's light's mighty bright tonight yet
Pollutants still roam free
Some might call that a travesty, duality, or something in between
I know of both light and dark
I feel former in the latter as we speak.  My heart strings our tied in writing spells called poetry.. Which has saved me inside times of need.
Add 1 more little release,
To help me better be
In this moment
I am able, I am grateful, and at ease

A little bitta insight keeps us mindful
Backwards down the line
My bright flame was quite low.
Right now though my soul glows, so to wherever there is lifeflow, peace.

Let's fly and rise higher than our skies.  Really try, for there is purpose where there's life.  Sure the body will but the memories won't die.  Communicate to a source of the design, keeping the prized wide-eyed alive
A toast of tea to everything, and I choose to sea life as divine.  Those seeking control will scratch and hold as you climb.  Stuck in an old mold as the unconscious mind's bind prevents the sight to ask why.  
They still have the the power to heal and make right.  Left with nothing but a reflection behind closed eyes.  One with experience keeping the beat of heart as a platform for the next line's rhyme.  I'm just a thought, brought to you by you, and this scene is just another peak on this ride knowing a drop will come soon.  There's been such a growing number of those I know told "RIP", but maybe they're the ones waking up from the dream.  Maybe the only change is how we perceive.  Our weather patterns can freeze or be a gentle warm breeze.  No matter the conditions we choose to live in, may we all rise in peace.

*A little bitta insight keeps us mindful
Backwards down the line
My bright flame was quite low.
Right now though my soul glows, so to wherever there is lifeflow, peace.
Corina  Mar 2017
Corina Mar 2017
If you were a flower
I'd press you in a book
dry you
save you in this moment

I could go back
and you would still be
as perfect
as you are today

I could still smell you
enjoy your beauty
and be with you
just for now

If you were a flower, I'd save you and this moment forever
I could always pick up the book
start reading again
timetravel to the little time
you bloomed for me

but you're a snowflake
I can't hide you in a book about you
you'd melt within seconds
I will not be able to save you
I will never go back to knowing how it feels
to know you well

I don't even know you well
you're just a snowflake
and you will twirl in the wind

— The End —