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an identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious compoundan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullyan identity crisis and stabbing anxiety mix wonderfullymix wonderfullymix wonderfully
mix wonderfully
mix wonderfully
mix wonderfully
mix wonderfully
mix wonderfully
a crime is a true government official
a crime is a true government identity
a crime is a identity of a crime
a crime is a identity of a true government official
a true identity is a true crime
a true identity is a true official
crime pays its do

crime pays its do of identity
crime is a do crime of identity
crime is a do crime of an official
crime is a do crime of a government official
a do government is a do government official
official is a do government official
official is a do government identity

a true government is a true identity
the government is a true government
identity is identity of a true identity
identity is identity of a true government
crime is an identity of the government
crime is an identity of an identity
a true identity is a true government
my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about the official of the u.s. government true identity. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.
Look at me,
it's not my true identity
I have a covert identity,
i wonder if you'd ever see,
my thoughts, my deeds
are all that makes me
but something I may do
may not describe me.

My true identity
has fled me,
fled me to another
to my friends and family
my true identity
is all that makes me.

So lost deep inside
if its not for my soul
i would'd be lost again
my true identity
is hard to see.

Accept who you are
recognize your own beauty
identity isn't a need,
your identity should be your own
a better person you will be known
this is me, this is my identity
my true identity is all full of beauty.
Kelly O'hara  Apr 2014
Kelly O'hara Apr 2014
Identity is a complex thing.
Identity can be a mask.
Identity can be fake or real.
Identity look at me what do you see?
For identity i can make any sacrifice.
A darkened shade of invisible expression is the anonymous hand of identity, cursed with to much freedom.
Searching for identity it doesn't seem enough.
The need for identity why doesn't it seem to have any meaning?.
I search for an identity a dynamic being called me.
E  Jul 2019
E Jul 2019
Identity plays a big role in my everyday life.
My identity allows me to be prideful.
My identity teaches me about relationships and the sincerity of people.
My identity is like a tutor. If I wasn’t the way I am, I would be very ignorant, and I still learn new things everyday.
My identity makes me feel uncomfortable with my body.
My identity urges me to do things that would be weird, and let’s me be unique from everyone else around me.
My identity sometimes feels like a chore. My identity is a series of trials and tribulations.
My identity has taught me more about myself than anyone could even attempt. My identity has put me at risk.
My identity has led me to be a victim of ****** assault.
My identity is something that is sensitive and dear to me.
My identity doesn’t owe anyone an explanation.
something I wrote.. being a gender nonconforming transman.
The word “identity” has two different meanings:
1. The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
2. A close similarity or affinity.
I would like to focus on the first meaning.
My identity is based on who I am as a person.
It’s based on the things I do and don’t like.
My identity is based on the clothes I wear.
My identity is based on the way I choose to talk.
My identity is based on my thoughts and opinions.
My identity isn’t based on my Autism or Anxiety.
Some people say they’re identity is their Autism.
And if they’re happy with that, that’s great.
But I was just recently diagnosed with Autism.
And while I have had it my entire life.
I didn’t know anything about it.
I did, however, know that I had anxiety issues.
I’ve had anxiety for a long time, and it’s bad.
I can recognize when an attack is gonna happen.
This isn’t always the case, but a lot of the time, it is.
I know what helps me when I have an anxiety attack.
I have an understanding of what I can and can't handle.
My Autism, on the other hand, is still a mystery to me.
I know that it affects the way I think and learn.
I know it’s the reason for why I am sensitive to temperature.
I know it’s why so had such a hard time in school.
But I refuse to say that my Autism and anxiety identify me as a person.
I have known my personality way long never than both my Autism and anxiety combined.
This isn’t true for everyone, but it is for me.
This is the way I choose to approach my Autism and anxiety.
I’m Autistic, and I’m not ashamed of it.
I have anxiety, and I’m working ******* it.
But I’m not Autism, and I’m not Anxiety.
I’m me.
And I will always stand by this train of thought.
I know that there are times when my interests become my coping skills.
But when I’m not anxious, then they are just my interests.
When I’m having an anxiety attack, then they are the skills I need in order to function.
Right now, this isn’t a coping skill.
My writing this, isn’t a form of therapy.
This is an interest of mine.
I love to write, and was thinking about this, so I decided to speak my mind.
I’m happy to say I’m happy right now.
I don’t feel a bit of stress, and if I do, then one of my interests will be used to help me through it.
Until then, I’m just doing what makes me happy.
And I’m happy that I know myself well to recognize this.
You don’t have to agree with me on anything I just said.
I just ask that you respect that these are my opinions.
I’m an individual who just happens to have Autism and anxiety.
Alright, that’s all I got, I’ve just been in a writing mood over the last few days.
Manauwer Raza  May 2014
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Identity is not what I promise others
Identity is what I do when I am alone...
Identity is what I think of others
Knowing all the savor they've shown...
Identity is what every wound reminds me
Identity is what I learn and what I pass by...
Identity is what I see in the mirror
It is what make me feel try...

Identity is what I make out of my given chance
Identity is what I accept and what I deny...
No one else has control over me
Life is about me, and what I identify...
a state being is a secret identity
a state being is a human disgrace of identity
human disgrace is human state of being
mankind is a human state of mankind
mankind is a human state of identity
a state being is a human state of a state being
human state is human state of mankind

mankind is disgrace of mankind
mankind is disgrace of a identity
disgrace is disgrace of a secret identity
mankind is a secret identity of mankind
a secret identity is a secret identity of mankind
a state being is a secret state being
a state being is a secret mankind

time is a secret of a disgrace secret
time is a secret of a secret identity
time is a secret identity
time is a secret of time
time is time’s secret
time is a state being of a identity
time is a state being of a secret identity
my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about a secret is a disgrace of a disgrace secret. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.
mannley collins Jan 2016
Lies are lies
they deny you the truth.
Truth is truth
it denies you the lie.
when examined closely both are exactly the same.
They are interchangeable.
People that tell the "truth" to you are denying you lies.
How boring and dangerous and malevolent are people full of truth.
Choose your religious truth---
Christian truth.
Islamic truth.
Judaic truth.
Vedic Hindoo truth.
Buddist truth.
Capitalist truth.
Socialist truth.
Free market truth.
Managed market truth.
Monarchist truth.
Democratic truth.
Militarist truth.
Liberal truth.
Fascist truth.

People that tell lies to you are denying you truthfulness.
How boring and dangerous and malevolent are people full of lies.
Choose your lies.
Christian lies.
Islamic lies.
Judaic lies.
Vedic Hindoo lies.
Buddist lies.
Capitalist lies.
Socialist lies.
Free market lies.
Managed market lies.
Monarchist lies.
Democratic lies.
Militarist lies.
Liberal lies.
Fascist lies.
Truthfulness is neither truth nor lies.
It exists on its own.
Truthfulness is free of the Duality of Truth and Lies..
The individual Isness exists in the state of Separate and Merged with the Isness of the Universe.
Permanent Mindlessness is unconditional love--just ask any Dog or Cat.
The Mind separates us from the Isness of the Universe.
The Mind creates Duality which is governed by Conditional Love.
The individual Isness creates Unconditional Love(Consciousness) which is outside Duality.
Mind cannot create Unconditional Love.
The individual Isness cannot create Conditional Love.
If you have Mind/Conditioned Identity in your head you cannot love Unconditionally.
If you do not have Mind/Conditioned Identity then you can only love Unconditionally.
If you have Mind and Conditioned Identity  you cannot be Merged with the Isness of the Universe.
If you are Mindless and Conditioned Identityless you are merged with the Isness of the Universe.
Conditional Love says I love you on Condition I can hate you.
Unconditional Love says I will never stop loving you but I may dissapprove of your actions but I will never hate you because I cannot hate..
Conditional Love is selective--it only applies to Family and Friends and fellow GroupMind members.
Unconditional Love is not selective--it applies to every living being--human or otherwise.
Unconditional Love does not see people as Friends and Enemies.
Unconditional Love sees people as individual Isness incarnated in bodies.
Humans are deceived by the Mind into believing that the Conditioned Identity is their true Identity and deceived by the Mind into believing that they should leave the running of their brains and therefore their lives to the Mind.
The individual Isness is a small but equal individual independent,
nameless,formless,genderless,autonomous portion of the Isness of the Universe that people controlled by Mind are taught to call a Soul.
The Soul is just another Mind created Conditioned Identity.
The Atman is just another Mind created Conditioned Identity.
The individual  Isness is formed from a small but equal portion of the essence of the Isness of the Universe and incarnated in a Human Body of either Gender-_male or female of any skin colour.

— The End —