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17h · 28
The Agenda of 'I'
It was vilified. The
breakdown initiates and the flames
want to die, but the ash burns the skin.

What was your escape
from the rivals to smash the cage?
You sell the heaven for peace.

Ah, the wars never die.
The language, culture and religions
play the game and the god dies.
A slice of embrace
chops off the little moons. Lips
on lips. I will never be the same.

Baby thoughts are opening
in your chest. Do we accept
the destiny of tired legs?

I sit alone at the
banks of the holy river to wash
my ***** hands for a miracle.
Can you tell me, where
the tunnel ends. The curve has
flattened. There was no light.

In pillars of wasteland,
why did we reach there?
Death-kissing starts now.

The power of questions
will not mitigate your arrival.
Where will we drown?
May 30 · 55
My Map Burns
Satsih Verma May 30
Brooding. It was a dark
secret. You wanted to catch perfection,
Trying to temper my wrongs.

Whole and complete, you
will never find out the morals and faults
Only you fear a prophet. I sort animals

Your life was always a
slaughterhouse. Nobody was saved.
I bleed daily to give the answer.
May 28 · 51
I Will Die Again
Satsih Verma May 28
I think, not to think.
Scares in silent night. The candle
fails to burn. Do you ignite the muse?

Why the inquiry of pain
grows dim to discover the cause of threat.
The will to write needs a new language.

In the water a thought
dies. I remember T S Eliot. The waste
land devours the beauty of roses and butterflies.
May 27 · 55
The Power
Satsih Verma May 27
Death enters through
a hunter. A black fish jumps
to make water *****.

The reason is that
the color of human hair is gold
and blood becomes a glacier.

Where will the moon
take bath in summer? Don't
declare that clouds are dried up.
May 26 · 63
Are You Real?
Satsih Verma May 26
You were poised to leave
your love, and deliberately ****
your dreams. Autopsy done. Time elapsed.

I am given a hemlock.
I will not give up a word to become a god.
The mystery of man will never be solved.

What is the pain of
living to become a robot? You
were the master not the servant of lies.
Satsih Verma May 25
Take heart I say
to myself, leaning against
the wall to end sorrow.

Solar year, O red
and green pain, don't invite the
wounds. Don't cry moon, don't.

Standing in the pulpit
I invoked peace to stop the hands
of clock. Time was moving very fast.
May 24 · 64
Leaving the Kingdom
Satsih Verma May 24
When life stops, will
you learn what death is? A living
death solves idolatry one day.

Why do you run for
more? Am I wrong? When I want
to stop you, you were searching pearls

The exile gives a real
meaning to meet the god at the end
of land. A rebel faces the truth.
Satsih Verma May 23
Can you heal my
insomnia? Raise the bar
and eat your words.

You have stopped
singing. Take me moon I
am getting very hot.

Why people are dying
without blood? Someone
was sending the message?
May 22 · 69
Looking Straight
Satsih Verma May 22
The light walks with
me, and shadow guides. The moon
comes and goes in the screams of inferno.

Let us talk about humankind.
It rubs wolves and snakes. Where is the
genuine evolution of man going?

Can I create safe
world by my poetry. The republic love
can take us to Buddha's tree.
May 21 · 129
Cut my Wings
Satsih Verma May 21
Why do we fight without
words? Delimitation was to drag
the truth. Religion breaks into pieces.

It was not
meet the eternal existent, or can
be seen. I am. You are not.

My philosophy is to
underline the pain of life. The
power of the unknown has no meaning.
May 20 · 107
Life Long Friend
Satsih Verma May 20
Life has become blue
O moon, why did I let you in
under my skin.

How come you want
to change the world ? First I
ask you to stay in my heart.

Now would you be
adorable? God! you have
been arrested by a man.
May 19 · 53
World was Turning Hot
Satsih Verma May 19
You came closest to me.
Brilliant stars came in between us.
Now one by one each star is burning.

A poet was a mystic
to find the difference between birth and dying.
And he left the body untold.

I am not getting
the peace by waterfall from the eyes
of an extraordinary winter of poems.
May 18 · 74
Thinking In Curves
Satsih Verma May 18
I want to forget
my gains of deliverance in―
reopening the economy of pain.

My logo was simple
to carry your own cross to prove―
that I can rise from dead.

The numbers hurt.
I cannot touch the awards for
throwing my dreams one by one.
May 17 · 68
Truth was Cruel
Satsih Verma May 17
I am forgetting. Sad
and broken. Life betrays. Rocks
the heart. In core the pain spikes.

The questions what,
where and why. Sorrow and emptiness.
All the things happened to hurt.

I seek mercy. God
has failed. I want to read the stones.
What was engraved in small letters?
Satsih Verma May 16
I lost my soul.
You shouldn't have left like
a thread from a needle.

What could not be done,
was to take liberty with the alphabets of
life. Why pain comes without words?

Something turns my
past after anointing my young
poems of abdication.
May 15 · 54
Dragging My Load
Satsih Verma May 15
Killing myself
creating a new man, breadth
by breadth without birth.

Ash smeared on your
forehead, you move towards setting
sun. Flames write your message.

On the chest of dead.
There will be no past, no future
in the dust of fallen warriors.
May 14 · 47
Make my Path
Satsih Verma May 14
Hiding the thoughts
in mind space. Will not come
near the heart. I am often lonely.

Were you a volcano?
Will you cry now? Antiquity
plays a role. I won't see the lava.

This was hypocrisy
in the soundless night. We are listening
variant songs. Who was coming without foot falls.
May 13 · 74
Going Incognito
Satsih Verma May 13
Don't drink in the eye
of the storm. Go and sit on
the seat of judgment.

Stars are beginning
to walk in sunlight. Tulips want
to be born again without moons.

So sad that I cannot
recall your face and I give
up my name for you.
May 12 · 47
Mirror of Big Lies
Satsih Verma May 12
I start with one
word, to become an autistic. No
gifts to spoil you. You have come down.

Ignorance was the teacher.
No path comes from history..
No need to agree with the god.

Want to live in water.
Want to kiss one's own death.
Nightingale rejects the small tree.
May 11 · 129
Let's Write Off The Moon
Satsih Verma May 11
Once you were a
walking tree. Drifting. No one
stops planting the seeds.

The pangs. Moons clap.
A renegade makes a temple to die.
Therewas no other space left.

I will not call you.
Your book has been soiled.
I cannot read my own writing.
May 10 · 60
Waiting to be True
Satsih Verma May 10
Your heart breaks.
My Mind was hurt. Tracing the pain
to know the poem's survival.

Nature and rhymes.
I translate the sorrow to flowers,
making a conduit god.

But who was responsible
for infidelity, as you like it to turn the
identity into dharma of consciousness.
May 8 · 55
Satsih Verma May 8
When life burns out,
you create a colossus that will
ultimately destroy you.

Pinnacle of success
brings loneliness. You would
search yourself for company.

Who will not sit for
your wake, when somebody
pulls you out from the pyre?
May 6 · 53
Let us See
Satsih Verma May 6
Don't give me anything.
Let my blood flow through the river of
eyes. A tree dies standing.

Who is ready to go?
The demons want you to put to
torture. Nemesis was different from revenge.

The philosophy of existence
is, how do you define love? You want to
alter the will of god?
May 5 · 68
Street to Street
Satsih Verma May 5
Nature-she was
playing with us. Any saviour becomes
a man-eater in savannah.

On descent the body
explodes to become a silhouette
to attract the creator.

You were endangering
the earth O destroyer. Was it
devotion or crucifixion?
May 4 · 53
Thoughts that Return
Satsih Verma May 4
Embalmed, you were
very difficult. Life has ignored you.
So what was the big pain?

Theoretically, the dead
man walks. You will not become
Newton. The apples are still falling.

The Greeks want to
be born again. Life is a challenge. You
have to climb the Himalaya like Sysyphus.
May 3 · 56
Testing Time
Satsih Verma May 3
Somewhere a pin
drops in pitch dark. The deity
appears incognito, rising from dust.

I was dying for
your truths after separation from
myself in a disturbing moment.

Grave danger was for
eternal lovers, like swans, would
fight sincerely to die.
Apr 30 · 165
Beware of Pain
Satsih Verma Apr 30
Sitting in a wake
you don't feel peace. The vigil
has a buzzing sound.

No benefit comes.
Your fingers speak for the broken
faith. Where gods sleep?

The candles in the wind
were blowing up at the bank
of the river, which had dried up.
Apr 29 · 75
My Earth Cries
Satsih Verma Apr 29
Like snowflakes, you
fall on me to understand love.
I sit on a toadstool to write a poem.

When I think of stars
you want to know me to sit on the
grass, to filter the truth of pain.

A torch misbehaves,
when the sun dips and the moon
refuses to rise. Milk was not milk.
Apr 28 · 69
My Pledge
Satsih Verma Apr 28
Put on hold your pain,
outside our love Your tears fall on
my hands to become flowers.

I go to the milk tree to
pay back my debt. You rub my arm
gently. I shed my negatives.

Paradigm? Man says
ghosts live. A snake never leaves
her eggs. My poems remain intact.
Apr 27 · 72
When Light Sings
Satsih Verma Apr 27
To divide the absolute
I have broken my arms. No enlightened
thought grieves. I shut my eyes.

It was a majestic fall.
I am reading myself in dark to discover
my fire in the sands of time.

I will start a new life,
cutting one by one, all the masks to
see the stigmas of the moon, who smiles.
Satsih Verma Apr 26
You suffer, nothing
comes to your mind. Like you are fondling
your wounds lying in a tomb.

I will not steal your
face after the disaster of losing faith
in the religion of power.

I will not stop kissing
the red flames of bargain. The tears
will decide, no mausoleum will be made.
Apr 25 · 137
Rainbow in Eyes
Satsih Verma Apr 25
Go to dharma. Between
sorrow and romance, tender poems
come in crowd. The pain uplifts the temple.

I forgave my past.
My seers lived on the stars to predict
the tremulous life to come. I stand firm.

Ups and downs, I
pray to myself to draw a lip line
to drop the luxurious gift of rich gods.
Apr 24 · 62
Becoming Myself
Satsih Verma Apr 24
A ghost truth
levels down,
the traffic. You enter
into catatonic stage.

Rage and anguish
will ask,
for the price of blood
flown down the river.

with the eyes. Leaffall,
luteus, music of descent
on grass.

A dust storm
settles on sill. I will
look through the window, at
a setting sun, unadored.
Apr 22 · 56
Focal Points of Life
Satsih Verma Apr 22
Skin to skin,
blood to blood, can there be a
digital love? To whom I address?

The first pain starts
from birth. One can not live in
the crowd. What is life's philosophy?

You will not be paralyzed.
Let it be homecoming. The intensity
takes you to discover the tragedy.
Apr 21 · 63
The Mannequins Sing
Satsih Verma Apr 21
A midnight break.
The burning door. Manslaughting
begins. Dehumanizing. Terra firma cries.

A new fall. Moon is
fading rains tears. An unborn
god dies. Somewhere you are caged.

Night terrors. A lilly shuts
the eyes. The blind iris starts searching
Buddha in the garden of the love.
Apr 20 · 51
Blue Targets
Satsih Verma Apr 20
Let my pain go, then
I will think of you during break.
I was teaching pure truths.

You disturb my sleep
to read the holy books again. Why we
were guilty of not taking arms?

Don't shoot at bull's eye.
It doesn't bleed and you always misfire.
Your fingers will play Beethoven.
Apr 19 · 49
No Day of Judgment
Satsih Verma Apr 19
Don't break the moon
like a femme fatale. The poems.
will not be able to breathe.

As a confessional, such
pain from the burning home? Can you
write on the walls? Laughter and death?

The ****** comes with
tears. The hero has left the
ashes. The beauty will search for an appendix.
Apr 18 · 52
Bloody Words
Satsih Verma Apr 18
Between poverty and
theology. I want to take on you
in moonlight, but is not controversial.

It was very beautiful,
the rain dance of symphony invoking
the godless punishment.

How can you carry a
crowd to complete a journey at the
bank of the river of blood?
Apr 17 · 66
It was Miracle
Satsih Verma Apr 17
In abstract, I see
you. It was knowledge, moving on
sledge. The desire wants to come.

No future can be
conceived. The words are floating
but no meaning can become invader.

Can you show me
ethnic love and wash all the
tricks to change the gods?
Apr 15 · 70
I Will Never Change
Satsih Verma Apr 15
I would take a call
after I seceded from my wounds.
It took me a while to become Buddha.

You outshine, being
a wave breaker. I touch the
stars to squeeze light from dark curves.

Will you remain
vegetable? Your fingers play
like the blind pianist on my face.
Apr 14 · 52
Where was the Justice?
Satsih Verma Apr 14
Your mercy was very
little O god for equal-halves.
Nobody was perfect.

Alive and kicking
yet harmless, the moons were
alone in togetherness.

You always lied. How
deep was your pain, when the sun
was rising without light?
Satsih Verma Apr 13
Are you ok? When
the moon rises on sea, I become
worried about the blue butterflies.

The Morning Glory always
inspires me, in her swaying to
welcome the beautiful dawn.

And when your sleep
goes, you start reciting shlokas
with smoke and sparks.
Apr 12 · 66
The Candle in Storm
Satsih Verma Apr 12
Words were white, but
in the end days replies were black.
The retreat translates to old age.

You ask the death to
stay at bay. When you were born, there
was a loud sound. Dying will be voiceless.

What is the philosophy
of giving away one by one your bones
and flesh. Only soul will slip away unknown.
Apr 11 · 59
The Pain was Embraced
Satsih Verma Apr 11
In void of departure, you get
a rose a day. Your eyes were very red.
Was there any violence in your path?

What should be done,
when the moon becomes very small like
the man, who will rise from ground zero.

Your queen of night
spills a scent of unknown smell.
I become a bohemian of suffering.
Apr 10 · 55
Crimson Red
Satsih Verma Apr 10
No death stop for colored
marbles. I am not dying to bring
the childhood for once.

Pretending comes to the
fore. Midriff of the moon was taboo.
This was a slaughter-a-day.

Are you a Mimosa pudica?
Not to be touched in sunlight.
It starts moving vigorously.
Apr 8 · 108
Satsih Verma Apr 8
Slowly the pain of
heart sinks in dark. You write on the
coal-light. Without rhyme love is lost.

Your noises eject some
questions. There were no answers,
when you stand in water to find mercy.

The lesser success-meets
the love, honey, sequence and incognito.
Don't Come when the owl calls.
Satsih Verma Apr 7
Ah, my soiled words
may hurt you. I placed them on
the altar of faith.

A psalm delivered by
a crimson red rose. I will write
another sacred poem.

The torches are dead
and I cannot read the script of
unwritten dharma of god.
Apr 5 · 75
Emotional Chains
Satsih Verma Apr 5
Two kisses for a golden
lie. Don't manipulate the shelter.
The Moon will take rest in my poems.

Song of sparrow has
died. I am bewildered. From where
I start writing glory of sunrise?

My every nerve trembles
when I gather the dried jasmines,
you dropped saying goodbye.
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