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petals Apr 2015
and now i am dark
without the light i'm nothing;
winter will soon pass
petals Apr 2015
moon twas flickering
so serene and undisturbed,
why must you flee us?
petals May 2014
the dream felt so real;

the want and the passion,
the heat and the lust
while my mouth touched yours,

our breaths pacing
our thoughts filled

and all at once,
time moved backwards.
petals Aug 2013
her heart was ice
and his was fire
and together
their love was
as fierce as ever

but as soon as
they were apart,

she turned numb and cold
and he turned to grey ashes
petals Aug 2013
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
kiss                                     kiss
kiss                                     kiss
kiss               me                 kiss
kiss                                     kiss
    kiss                                     kiss  
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

*kiss me.
petals Aug 2013
a girl with black bags
underneath her eyes

hair that had
split ends on every
piece you looked at,

and she might have
gone a little awry,

but that wasn't what
her love looked at;

he looked at her mind
because it was so extraordinary;

*her mind was a galaxy,
waiting to be explored
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