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Time, time, time
The years pass by
Decades even
Some memories fade
Others remain ever clear
Some hurt
Others bring sorrow
Sometimes smiles
But those days are gone
Consigned to the past
Just plain over
This is life
You just have to accept the reality
Hard to do so
So be it
As time marches on
Lonely in a large city
I’m not the only one
There’s probably a million of us
Trying to have fun
While finding the one
I’m not over and done
Just exasperated
I don’t want to be
So lonely
So solo I do roam
Hoping I will meet eventually
The one who too is searching
Searching for me

It’s a giant puzzle
A maze, this quest
I’m in a forest,
Searching for the path
Working without a compass
Looking for my lass

There are lonely people in every city
They congregate in bars, churches, and parks
But they never meet
Their hearts are open
Their lives incomplete
Internet dating works for some
Or it happens by chance
So random is love
But it’s there
It will happen one day
But you gotta believe
And maybe pray
Tall and languid
Elegant and cool
A dream to view
With each each encounter he knew
She was the one
His future

It took all the ingenuity
Of this clever lad
Such patience required
He nearly went mad
For Denise was elusive
Seems the whole world wanted her
Poor Alex was worried
For he was sure
Sure that he loved her
And oh, her allure

They laugh about it now
She was the one who almost got away
But he followed his dream
He got his way
He followed his heart
She is the one who came to stay
Today is Mothers Day
But she’s up in heaven
Still, she’s with us
As we reminisce about the times of bliss
And our lovely lively family
So many happy days of joy
A mother like no other
Lives on in my heart
In lessons learned
Via treasured memories
Of her wisdom and love
Hold your mother close today
For someday she will go away
Such tenderness
You like to take it slow
Me too
You know the way
You’re in control
Taking me to the nether regions
Body mind and spirit
Oh my gosh and whoa
Each every time we touch
You devour me
I’m such a lucky such and such
I can hardly believe
That I’ve entered nirvana
Oh, it’s the place to be
You’re the prettiest flower on this planet
The sun to me
The widower eats dinner alone
At the restaurant in Alves France
Pamela, a divorcee, sits at the table next to Arnim
She is unsteady as she begins to leave
So he asked her to sit with him
Thus begins their sojourn to love
Serendipity —- for they connect
The aging professor from Germany
Meets another retired professor (film studies} from Brooklyn
Now involved in human rights
They talk, connect
And so it begins
“I never thought this would happen again,” they both said
And now they are married
But I will love again
She left me
I was blind
She didn’t love me
There was another
Too late I discovered
After I was all in
But that wasn’t enough
So I lost
The cost, a broken heart
But I will love again
I have to, I must, I will, I can
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
That dream may be over
Yes, there will be someone new
I will love again
But for now, I just want to cry
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