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John MacAyeal May 12
Honeysuckle scent

Announcing that the school year

Will soon be over
John MacAyeal Feb 16
Opening Grandma's
book I get a paper cut.
Is that her laughing?
John MacAyeal Jan 13
We got the library meeting room
between 930 - 10
when it closed.
I usually recite
the worst poetry,
but that night
I was the hero
b/c I noticed
that the librarian
forgot to lock
the front door.
We go back in.
At 10:45 I do my new sonnet.
I was told it wasn't half-bad.
John MacAyeal Jan 13
It was the green-light party.

There was a car in front of me,

a car behind me,

a car to the left of me,

and one to the right.

Strangers in metallic isolating bubbles were bonding --

we honked at each other --

rolled down our windows,

shouted at each other --

"There's another!"

Some cars were more expensive than mine,

some cheaper --

And then there was a red light.

And the green-light party ended.
John MacAyeal Dec 2023
Big white shoes swing wide
While small dog struggles to keep
Up with mincing steps
John MacAyeal Jan 2022
Read grandmother's books
Found passages underlined
She lived once again
John MacAyeal Oct 2020
Why did Liz jilt the Frobe?

And why was I seated between them?

Was it because we all came from the same island?

What would Liz reveal?

And how would the Frobe disagree?

And if she gets too loud?

And he got too mad?

Like his sixth glass always promised?


I was wearing the comfortable shoes

Of any good savateuse
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