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han Sep 2018
10pm seduces me
like a siren luring
promising me peace and quiet
but she lies
my thoughts are amplified in the silence
and there's no distraction from the numbed pain
I lay here rubbing my eyes
and throbbing temples
contemplating why I don't just sleep
but she whispers and summons
all the monsters
under my bed
han Jul 2017
When 12am knocks, I answer
There is no sleep
Only constant reminders
There are no doors to hide behind
The nighttime brings silence
Silence lets a loud mind roar
To the darkest corners
Only there's no where to hide
No distractions
It hits me like a wall
When 12am calls, I answer
July 8th~ han
han Jul 2017
A quiet coffee shop
Across from someone
Let them lead the conversation
and listen
Sooner or later
you'll learn what they love
Let them talk
about what they're passionate about
It's beautiful
to see their eyes light up
with ideas and recollection
July 26th ~han
han Jan 2018
There will be nights for driving home
accompanied by sad music and tears
There will be mornings when the sunrise
is so bright that it fills you with hope
There will be Mondays that are dreadful
Tuesdays that are just as bad and worse
Followed by adventure filled weekends
There are always going to be days
and no matter what those days bring
we have to immerse ourselves into them
When we are sad we must grieve
When we are happy we must glow
Don’t live each day as another
to simply check off the list
live them as their own
This my friend will give us a masterpiece
for life: a collection of beautiful days
January 7th~han
han Feb 2018
the most exquisite thing
about you
is quite frankly
not even you
or your physical being
but the being that lives
inside of you:
your intellect,
and passions
I could listen to you
ramble on and on
and be content
January 31st~han
han Feb 2018
I attempted
to adequately describe you
yet ended up
pathetically tongue tied
for how does a human
tell another human
through words
how much they adore:
the way their eyes squint,
smile goofily when enthused,
toss their head back and laugh
or sing to their favorite songs
there is no word
to sum up a beautiful
collection of moments
February 5th~han
han Dec 2018
The world isn’t my enemy
I am
any step I take forward
I pull myself back
with words
conjured up from insecurities
and painted with doubt
the fear of not
constantly looms over me
I’m not afraid to disappoint you
I’m afraid to disappoint
the little girl
I once was
and still am
the one who thought
she could do something
to shape her life and the world
My heart is heavy as I write this poem. I’m not sure if this will resonate with anyone else, but it’s a very real representation of what I’m feeling at the moment. December 16th~han
han Dec 2017
You, are a **** legend
The moon glows for you
and longs to be with you
that’s why it comes at night
to keep your wild, dark heart
you, my beloved friend
are a legend
December 8th~han
han Sep 2018
I find it scary
how close to death
people have to get
to feel alive
han Feb 2018
oh how little time we have
our days are numbered,
our hours restricted
three inches from my face
I saw my life
and thanked the universe for it
perspective is everything
that moment scared me
enough to realize
my heart beats for a reason
I am alive in this moment
February 5th~han
han Jul 2017
I will learn beauty
I will be okay with myself
I will take care of myself
I will smile
July 21st ~han
han Apr 2018
I haven’t wrote in a while
not because I haven’t felt
but because I didn’t know
how to formulate
my mess into words
usually I’m one to make beautiful
out of brokenness
but lately I couldn’t
so here’s my ode
to all of the pain I’ve felt
all of the emptiness I’ve dealt
and a thanks
to the beauty I’m beginning to see
Han~April 8th
han Feb 2018
you don’t put a human through
adult ****
and expect them to come out
as a child
February 4th~han
han Sep 2018
A paradox:
I veer from my straight and narrow
because I refuse to blindly follow a lie
so in search of a truth
I question everything
in turn, rejecting all forms of truth
therefore I have no truth
and is the absence of a truth
a lie?
is the philosophy all truth is relative
a complete anarchy?
does anyone know the truth?
will searching for a truth leave me lost
the entirety of my life?
if I settle with one version of the truth
am I accepting a lie
as a sort of safety blanket
to ease my fear of the unknown?
is it better to die with hope
or fear?
please comment your thoughts:) be patient with my wondering
han Nov 2017
I’m fine
I’ll say no
but you look
like a piece of cake
so easy to just want a taste
but it’s never just a bite
it’s always a little
bit more
November 11th~han
han Jul 2017
I've never written poetry to be liked
or even understood
I just want to reach someone,
touch someone
in a way my hands never could
I just want to be truthful and authentic
to my soul and to you
I want you to see the complexities
so I know those who stick
are the ones willing to see
my words, my meaning and my brokenness
July 2nd ~han
han Nov 2017
I apologized for the way I was
he accepted my apology
I guess I should be glad,
but apart of me hoped
he’d tell me I did nothing wrong
I think I’m really selfish
without meaning to be
He can’t understand my pain
I feel it so deeply
I wish I were lighter like he is,
but I cannot be
I’ve tried and I apologize
then again I don’t know why
I apologize for what I am
November 16th~han
han Jul 2017
The mark on my chin
Where the skin is pink  
due to lack of pigment
An ugly contrast I thought
Until he lifted my chin
and smiled
"It's cute," he said
"A trail straight to your lips,"
and kissed my worries away
July 26th ~han
han Jun 2017
I fall in love with people
and their ability to be vulnerable
because it takes courage
to be real, human
in a world full of photo copies
To come across something
genuine or authentic
is a rarity
and I find myself loving
and admiring that
June 27th ~han
han Jul 2017
I picked up a pencil and began to sketch
My fingers begged to create something
Something beautiful, something aesthetic
Yet it did not come
Then it dawned on me
art cannot and is not forced
You do not find art
It finds you
July 20th ~han
han Jan 2018
I boxed up a year and a half today
Every photograph,
first date kisses
awkward hugs
A year and a half
In a box
I thought we’d outlast it all
yet I packed your stuff
and memories away in a box
I always thought
our love was too big,
too much,
too great
to simply be boxed
and stored away
January 4th~han
han Sep 2017
I think we're all just broken people,
searching for souls that make us forget
how much we're really hurting
September 6th   ~han
han Apr 2020
chamber of reflection
a space between four walls
no way out
no distractions
from the mirror of my mind
alone again
han 4/4/20
han Jul 2017
How can I make a change in this world
if I have not yet seen it?
How can I see the change that needs to be made in this world if I have not yet traveled it?
July 2nd ~han
han Nov 2018
it's easy being unconventional
and outlandish
when there's someone around
to make you feel
less strange
and more yourself
awaiting that someone
han Jun 2017
I'm a wise old soul
with a young heart
and a dose of teen angst
this equation is contradictory
and a scary contemplation of life
June 23rd ~han
han Sep 2018
I am courageous
because I am afraid
of what may become
if I'm not
han Jun 2018
I wouldn’t mind to be
the dandelion
in a field
you stopped to pick
on your roadtrip
June 10th~han
“what’s to be said for the dandelions?”
han May 2018
Dear friend,
I want you to experience
the most beautiful love story
however this one doesn’t involve
your dream guy
only a mirror
and some self reflection
to see you are undoubtedly
the most beautiful human
you could ever ask for
May 23rd~han
Self love is the most important kind:)
han Jul 2017
You and I need our own strength
I need you to be your own light
I need to be my own
so we aren't just enough
to supply some lightbulbs
but an entire city
July 21st ~han
han Mar 2018
You don’t deserve my words
or the beautiful landscape
I craft with my eloquence,
yet you take each one
as if you’re entitled
March 14th~han
han Feb 2018
I am no better or less
than the person next to me
and I will never strive to be
better than them
only better than I was
last week
or last year
I will push myself
with all my might
and reach the greatest heights
but never because I was
simply privileged
or “better”
only because I’ve worked
every moment
of everyday for it
February 12th~han
The completion of one of the hardest things I’ve done has me feeling inspired
han Jul 2017
You have touched every piece of my life
I smell you on my sheets, my clothes
Your face plastered on my walls
You've stolen my sleep and dreams
There's no escaping you
Everything reminds me
You, you, you
I wish I could breathe for a second
I wish I could forget for a moment
The pain is suffocating
I feel like an addict in rehab
but I feel no rehabilitation
Only pain resurfacing
Over and over and over
I wish I could scrub myself clean of you
You're deep in my bones
You've grasped my heart beat
You're snuggled up into my soul
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I don't know what's heavier
Your place in my memory
Or your absence
July 18th ~han
han Apr 2020
a beautiful and harrowing crisis
is that of an existentialist
facing the imminent reality
or lack thereof
that our chaotic universe has to offer

both uncomfortable and dully excruciating
to subscribe to the belief
that there is no belief
an order to see the disorder
and continue on nonetheless

rousing the heart and mind
to the harsh reality
to bear each decision and action
as their own
not inevitability
shaped by an omnipotent figure
but of their hands

accepting the absurd
and employing a fallible mind
to make subjectively rational decisions
in an objectively irrational existence
post existential crisis
han 4/4/20
han Jun 2017
I wish you could lift me up out of this place
We would fly to paradise
and dip our toes into crystal blue waters
We'd swim with colorful schools of fish
We'd watch a sunset in every city
Then we'd star gaze in the country
I wish we could waltz out of here
Unseen, unheard
I need to escape this black and white
I need to see color again
My eyes crave the sights unseen
My ears crave the music unheard
My body craves the adventure
My heart craves it with you
So lift me up, up and away
From this place
To a home far away
Where the city lights gleam
And the colors are vivid
All will be made new
June 26th ~han
han Jul 2017
I knew it was time to say goodbye
So I did
We kissed one last bittersweet kiss
The sun set
I love you, so I'm letting go
Yet it hurts
To see you moving on, being okay
I'm still hurting
I know it's incredibly selfish to feel
But I do
In all my humanness and vulnerability
To let go
I'm ripping the other half of me off
It's hell
I pray it gets better and that someday
It's okay
July 18th ~han
han Jun 2018
I said I wanted to be Great
then I realized not only
did I sound terribly pretentious
but that word is centered around
the evaluation of one’s self
based upon the opinions of others

you can leave a legacy of many sorts
whether or not it’s one worth leaving
is the real question

we choose our actions
but more importantly
the spirit behind them

true greatness does not intend
upon becoming Great
It just is
June 7th~han
han Feb 2018
Last night my world caved in
so I went to you with baggage in hand
you didn’t turn me away, instead you
held it for a moment while you
listened and comforted me
you said ‘**** the world
for what it’s put you through’
you said I’m not too much
just a lot and someday I’ll find
someone who can carry it all
but for now you will
I have told you every detail
to the deranged story of me
and you stay
that’s enough for me
all I needed was to know I’m not alone
and you’ve given me more than that
by loving me consistently
thank you for being the best friend
even half a country away
I always needed
February 25th~han
I hope you find this, the same way our friendship has found me when I needed it:))
han Jul 2017
I hope my tears water the sadness planted in my heart, so someday flowers grow again
July 16th ~han
han Dec 2017
Every now and then
I stop my mind
for a moment
and let myself feel
exactly what I’m feeling
I let my heart
be in charge
What I find
is almost scary
I realize
this isn’t
the reality
I want
December 27th~han
han Apr 2020
with the burden
of many emotions
unfelt until now
han 4/4/20
han Sep 2018
the walls are white
it's cold
I thought the sheer amount of people
would keep this warm,
but no one is really here
is it an asylum?
does being insensitive
not drive you insane
is it a prison?
the rows are straight
all surfaces are hard
the clocks tick
the bells are deafening
the fluorescents are blinding
immersing into the masses
another brick in the wall
education, the most powerful tool
traded for memorization and regurgitation
cookie cutter people
tossed into the world
told to be innovative
think outside of the box
we put you in
the rows we sat you in
the white walls we trapped you in
merely an old critique on the educational system, but I will harp nonetheless because this place is stifling; currently writing poetry rather than my classwork

han Jan 2018
You are a stream of water
that dances down my cheek
every night
I should stop you
but it’s all I have left of you
January 7th~han
han Jun 2017
and just like that another flower plucked from the garden
sad to see you go
but you were chained
to lose you is to free you
now you fly high
the heavens opened their arms wide
you're home
June 23rd ~han
han Nov 2017
There is no home here
Only four walls
and an echo of yelling
There is no comfort here
only selfishness
There is no stability
only cracked foundation
There was no childhood here
mostly just rough times
There is no dad
just a man who sits in his place
There is no money
only enough to scrape by this month
There is no peace
only violence and unhappiness
There is no contentment from me
just longing to leave
and I envy all those who had these things
If home is where the heart is
I have none
November 11th~han
han Jun 2017
If you're looking for the kind of art that's beautiful, leave
If you're looking for someone who will always have themselves together, leave
If you're looking for superficial things, leave
If you're looking for a shallow pond to quench your thirst, leave
Here you will find messy, art
The kind of something that makes you feel
The kind that's strung apart and spontaneous
If you're looking for depths of passion and ambition
The kind of person who will love you until the fire rolls out of their eyes
Stay, please stay
June 23rd ~han
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