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Bill Nellist Aug 2021
Fat across three ribs of a bright green leaf,
A dewdrop rolled onto my tongue beneath,
Served cold and fresh direct from nature's dish,
Filtered through limestone and the gills of fish,

This immortal moisture once ran like oil,
Down an ancestors back doubled in toil,
Laden with memory mossed on their tomb,
It nourished their children warm in the womb,

Through fauna and flora time and again,
Their essence combined recycled as rain,
A powerful force that dribbles and slings,
Dictating life to perishable things,

With a solution of all it has known,
Returned to the sea through everyone's home.
Bill Nellist Jun 2021
Before I could move I laid very still,
Drawing breath seconds settling as snowfall,
Alone except for a cast iron will,
Waiting for the moment that I could crawl,

Somewhere I might drag myself to my feet,
To stand firm sheltered beneath drifted time,
Defying both gravity and defeat,
Just me and this cast iron will of mine,

Before I chose to be still I could move,
I roamed where I wished tasted love sublime,
Gone now is the one who would heal and soothe,
Returned to source like snowflakes, tears of brine,

Before I could move I had to be still,
Remember my strength my cast iron will.
Bill Nellist May 2021
Every so often glows a fine light,
ebbing life with a unique frequency,
us, arranged as beacons set to ignite,
signalling our love and humanity.
Bill Nellist May 2020
Socially distanced he whispered,

"it says covid on the death certificate,

but I'm not a sap,

it was the clap".
  Apr 2020 Bill Nellist
Glenn Currier
May I be infected
with a sureness
of your love

May it spread within me
like an IV flowing confidence
in my okayness

In the face of fear
and desperation may
I be a cove of calm presence

May you be well
whole and robust
in every cell

In this time of solitude
may I encounter
the awesome power of now
Bill Nellist Mar 2020
A nut tree grows,
at Four Lane Ends,
along with crows,
and passing friends,
who briefly dance six feet apart,

While fears prance,
sparrows dart,
beneath the rose,
and wild bird song,
my love grows,
ever strong.
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